Year Published | Cite | Title | Reference | Authors | Journal | Peer-reviewed |
2021 | Rogers, et al. 2021 | Willingness to pay to avoid the non-market impacts of earthquakes in York, Western Australia. | Rogers, A.A., Rollins, C., Florec, V. 2021. Willingness to pay to avoid the non-market impacts of earthquakes in York, Western Australia. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Report 667, The University of Western Australia, Crawley. |
Rogers, A.A., Rollins, C., Florec, V. | n/a | No |
2017 | Bach and Burton, 2017 | Proximity and animal welfare in the context of tourist interactions with habituated dolphins | Bach, L., Burton, M. 2017. Proximity and animal welfare in the context of tourist interactions with habituated dolphins. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25:2, 181-197, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2016.1195835 | Bach, L., Burton, M. | Journal of Sustainable Tourism | Yes |
2016 | Rajapaksa, et al. 2016 | Flood risk information, actual floods and property values: a quasi-experimental analysis | Rajapaksa, D., Wilson, C., Managi, S., Hoang, V., Lee, B. 2016. Flood risk information, actual floods and property values: a quasi-experimental analysis. Economic Record. 92: 52-67. | Rajapaksa, D., Wilson, C., Managi, S., Hoang, V., Lee, B | Economics Record | Yes |
2016 | Kragt, et al. 2016 | Public willingness to pay for carbon farming and its co-benefits | Kragt, M.E., Gibson, F.L., Maseyk, F., Wilson, K.A. 2016. Public willingness to pay for carbon farming and its co-benefits. Ecological Economics. 126:125-131 | Kragt, M.E., Gibson, F.L., Maseyk, F., Wilson, K.A. | Ecological Ecconomics | Yes |
2016 | Athukorala, et al. 2016 | The impact of wildfires and floods on property values: a before and after analysis | Athukorala, W. Martin, Neelawla, P., Rajapaksa, D., Wilson, C. 2016. The impact of wildfires and floods on property values: a before and after analysis. The Singapore Economic Review. 61. | Athukorala, W. Martin, Neelawla, P., Rajapaksa, D., Wilson, C. | The Singapore Economic Review | Yes |
2015 | Akter, et al. 2015 | Application of portfolio theory to asset-based biosecurity decision analysis | Akter, S., Kompas, T., and M.B. Ward. 2015. Application of portfolio theory to asset-based biosecurity decision analysis. Ecological Economics. 117 (2015):73-85. | Akter, S., Kompas, T., Ward, M.B. | Ecological Ecconomics | Yes |
2014 | Hensher, et al. 2014 | Willingness to pay for residential electricity supply quality and reliability | Hensher, D., Shore, N., Train, K. 2014. Willingness to pay for residential electricity supply quality and reliability. Applied Energy. 115 (2014): 280-292. | Hensher, D., Shore, N., Train, K. | Applied Energy | Yes |
2014 | O'Donnell, et al. 2014 | Are wildfire management resources in the United States efficiently allocated to protect resources at risk? A case study from Montana | O'Donnell, D.T., Venn, T.J., Calkin, D.E. 2014. Are wildfire management resources in the United States efficiently allocated to protect resources at risk? A case study from Montana. Economic Analysis and Policy. 44: 318-332. | O'Donnell, D.T., Venn, T.J., Calkin, D.E. | Economic Analysis and Policy | Yes |
2013 | Richardson, et al. 2013 | Valuing Morbidity from Wildfire Smoke Exposure: A Comparison of Revealed and Stated Preference Techniques | Richardson, L., Loomis, J.B., and P.A. Champ. 2013. Valuing Morbidity from Wildfire Smoke Exposure: A Comparison of Revealed and Stated Preference Techniques. Land Economics. 89 (1): 76-100 | Richardson, L., Loomis, J.B., Champ, P.A. | Land Economics | Yes |
2012 | Windle, et al. 2012 | Quantifying the non-timber values of South Australia's northern forest reserves | Windle, J., Rolfe, J., Tucker, G. 2012. Quantifying the non-timber values of South Australia's northern forest reserves. Environmental Economics Programme Center for Environmental Management. CQUniversity Australia. | Windle, J., Rolfe, J., Tucker, G. | n/a | No |
2012 | Rolfe and Brouwer, 2012 | Design effects in a meta-analysis of river health choice experiments in Australia | Rolfe, J., Brouwer, R. 2012. Design effects in a meta-analysis of river health choice experiments in Australia. Journal of Choice Modelling, 5(2), pp 81-97 | Rolfe, J., Brouwer., R | Journal of Choice Modelling | Yes |
2012 | Kragt and Bennett, 2012 | Attribute Framing in Choice Experiments: How Do Attribute Level Descriptions Affect Value Estimates? | Kragt, M.E., Bennett, J.W. 2012. Attribute Framing in Choice Experiments: How Do Attribute Level Descriptions Affect Value Estimates? Environ Resource Econ (2012) 51:43–59 DOI 10.1007/s10640-011-9487-5 | M. E. Kragt, J. W. Bennett | Environment and Resource Economics | Yes |
2011 | Hatton MacDonald, et al. 2011 | Valuing a multistate river: the case of the River Murray | Hatton MacDonald, D., Morrison, M.D., Rose, J.M., and Boyle, K.J. 2011. Valuing a multistate river: the case of the River Murray. AJARE. 55: 374-392. | MacDonald, D.H., Morrison, M.D., Rose, J.M., and Boyle, K.J. | Australian Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics | Yes |
2010 | Hatton MacDonald, et al. 2010 | Valuing biodiversity using habitat types | Hatton MacDonald, D., Morrison, M.D., 2010. Valuing biodiversity using habitat types. Australiasian Journal of Environemental Management. 17:4, 235-243. | MacDonald, D.H., Morrison, M.D. | Australasian Journal of Environmental Management | Yes |
2010 | Shiroiwa, et al. 2010 | International survey on willingness-to-pay (WTP) for one additional QALY gained: what is the threshold of cost effectiveness? | Shiroiwa, T., Sung, Y.K., Fukuda, T., Lang, H.C., Bae, S.C., Tsutani, K. 2010. International survey on willingness-to-pay (WTP) for one additional QALY gained: what is the threshold of cost effectiveness? Health Economics. 19: 422-437. | Shiroiwa, T., Sung, Y.K., Fukuda, T., Lang, H.C., Bae, S.C., Tsutani, K. | Health Economics | |
2010 | Li, et al. 2010 | Willingness to pay for travel time reliability in passenger transport: A review and some new empirical evidence | Li, Z., Hensher, D.A., Rose, J.M. 2010. Willingness to pay for travel time reliability in passenger transport: A review and some new empirical evidence. Transportation Research Part E. 46: 384–403. | Li, Z., Hensher, D.A, Rose, J.M | Transportation Research Part E | Yes |
2009 | Chuck, et al. 2009 | The Willingness to Pay for Reducing Pain and Pain-Related Disability | Chuck, A., Adamowicz, W., Jacobs, P,. Ohinmaa, A., Dick, B., Rashiq, S. 2009. The Willingness to Pay for Reducing Pain and Pain-Related Disability. Value in Health. 12:4 498-506. | Chuck, A., Adamowicz, W., Jacobs, P,. Ohinmaa, A., Dick, B., Rashiq, S. | Value in Health | Yes |
2009 | Tapsuwan, et al. 2009 | Capitalized amenity value of urban wetlands: a hedonic property price approach to urban wetlands in Perth, Western Australia | Tapsun, S., Ingram, G., Burton, M., Brennan, D. 2009. Capitalized amenity value of urban wetlands: a hedonic property price approach to urban wetlands in Perth, Western Australia. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 53: 527-545. | Tapsun, S., Ingram, G., Burton, M., Brennan, D. | The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics | Yes |
2009 | Hensher, et al. 2009 | Estimating the willingness to pay and value of risk reduction for car occupants in the road environment | Hensher, D.A., Rose, J.M., de Dios Ortúzar, J., Rizzi, L.I. 2009. Estimating the willingness to pay and value of risk reduction for car occupants in the road environment. Transportation Research Part A. 43: 692–707. | Hensher, D.A., Rose, J.M., de Dios Ortúzar, J., Rizzi, L.I. | Transportation Research Part A | Yes |
2008 | Access Economics, 2008 | The health of nations: the value of a statistical life | Access Economics, 2008. The health of nations: the value of a statistical life. Report prepared for the office of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council, Canberra. | Access Economics | n/a | No |
2007 | Landry, et al. 2007 | Going Home: Evacuation-Migration Decisions of Hurrican Katrina Survivors | Landry, C.E., Bin, O., Hindsley, P., Whitehead, J.C., Wilson, K. 2007. Going Home: Evacuation-Migration Decisions of Hurrican Katrina Survivors. Southern Economic Journal. 74(2): 326-343 | Landry, C.E., Bin, O., Hindsley, P., Whitehead, J.C., Wilson, K. | Southern Economic Journal | Yes |
2006 | McCartney, 2006 | The Social Value of Seascapes in the Jurien Bay Marine Park: An assessment of Positive and Negative Preferences for Change. | McCartney, A. 2006. The Social Value of Seascapes in the Jurien Bay Marine Park: An assessment of Positive and Negative Preferences for Change. | McCartney, A. | Journal of Agricultural Economics | Yes |
2003 | Rolfe and Windle, 2003 | Valuing the Protection of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sites | Rolfe, J. and Windle, J. Valuing the Protection of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sites. 2003. The Economic Record. 79(2003): 85-95 | Rolfe, J., Windle, J. | The Economic Record | Yes |
2000 | Blamey, et al. 2000 | Valuing remnant vegetation in Central Qeensland using choice modeling | Blamey, R., Rolfe, J., Bennett, J., Morrison, M. 2000. Valuing remnant vegetation in Central Qeensland using choice modeling. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 44, 3, pp 439-456. | Blamey, R., Rolfe, J., Bennett, J., Morrison, M. | Australian Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics | Yes |