
Year Published Cite Title Reference Authors Journal Peer-reviewed
2021 Rogers, et al. 2021 Willingness to pay to avoid the non-market impacts of earthquakes in York, Western Australia.

Rogers, A.A., Rollins, C., Florec, V. 2021. Willingness to pay to avoid the non-market impacts of earthquakes in York, Western Australia. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Report 667, The University of Western Australia, Crawley.

Rogers, A.A., Rollins, C., Florec, V. n/a No
2017 Bach and Burton, 2017 Proximity and animal welfare in the context of tourist interactions with habituated dolphins Bach, L., Burton, M. 2017. Proximity and animal welfare in the context of tourist interactions with habituated dolphins. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25:2, 181-197, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2016.1195835 Bach, L., Burton, M. Journal of Sustainable Tourism Yes
2016 Rajapaksa, et al. 2016 Flood risk information, actual floods and property values: a quasi-experimental analysis Rajapaksa, D., Wilson, C., Managi, S., Hoang, V., Lee, B. 2016. Flood risk information, actual floods and property values: a quasi-experimental analysis. Economic Record. 92: 52-67. Rajapaksa, D., Wilson, C., Managi, S., Hoang, V., Lee, B Economics Record Yes
2016 Kragt, et al. 2016 Public willingness to pay for carbon farming and its co-benefits Kragt, M.E., Gibson, F.L., Maseyk, F., Wilson, K.A. 2016. Public willingness to pay for carbon farming and its co-benefits. Ecological Economics. 126:125-131 Kragt, M.E., Gibson, F.L., Maseyk, F., Wilson, K.A. Ecological Ecconomics Yes
2016 Athukorala, et al. 2016 The impact of wildfires and floods on property values: a before and after analysis Athukorala, W. Martin, Neelawla, P., Rajapaksa, D., Wilson, C. 2016. The impact of wildfires and floods on property values: a before and after analysis. The Singapore Economic Review. 61. Athukorala, W. Martin, Neelawla, P., Rajapaksa, D., Wilson, C. The Singapore Economic Review Yes
2015 Akter, et al. 2015 Application of portfolio theory to asset-based biosecurity decision analysis Akter, S., Kompas, T., and M.B. Ward. 2015. Application of portfolio theory to asset-based biosecurity decision analysis. Ecological Economics. 117 (2015):73-85. Akter, S., Kompas, T., Ward, M.B. Ecological Ecconomics Yes
2014 Hensher, et al. 2014 Willingness to pay for residential electricity supply quality and reliability Hensher, D., Shore, N., Train, K. 2014. Willingness to pay for residential electricity supply quality and reliability. Applied Energy. 115 (2014): 280-292. Hensher, D., Shore, N., Train, K. Applied Energy Yes
2014 O'Donnell, et al. 2014 Are wildfire management resources in the United States efficiently allocated to protect resources at risk? A case study from Montana O'Donnell, D.T., Venn, T.J., Calkin, D.E. 2014. Are wildfire management resources in the United States efficiently allocated to protect resources at risk? A case study from Montana. Economic Analysis and Policy. 44: 318-332. O'Donnell, D.T., Venn, T.J., Calkin, D.E. Economic Analysis and Policy Yes
2013 Richardson, et al. 2013 Valuing Morbidity from Wildfire Smoke Exposure: A Comparison of Revealed and Stated Preference Techniques Richardson, L., Loomis, J.B., and P.A. Champ. 2013. Valuing Morbidity from Wildfire Smoke Exposure: A Comparison of Revealed and Stated Preference Techniques. Land Economics. 89 (1): 76-100 Richardson, L., Loomis, J.B., Champ, P.A. Land Economics Yes
2012 Windle, et al. 2012 Quantifying the non-timber values of South Australia's northern forest reserves Windle, J., Rolfe, J., Tucker, G. 2012. Quantifying the non-timber values of South Australia's northern forest reserves. Environmental Economics Programme Center for Environmental Management. CQUniversity Australia. Windle, J., Rolfe, J., Tucker, G. n/a No
2012 Rolfe and Brouwer, 2012 Design effects in a meta-analysis of river health choice experiments in Australia Rolfe, J., Brouwer, R. 2012. Design effects in a meta-analysis of river health choice experiments in Australia. Journal of Choice Modelling, 5(2), pp 81-97 Rolfe, J., Brouwer., R Journal of Choice Modelling Yes
2012 Kragt and Bennett, 2012 Attribute Framing in Choice Experiments: How Do Attribute Level Descriptions Affect Value Estimates? Kragt, M.E., Bennett, J.W. 2012. Attribute Framing in Choice Experiments: How Do Attribute Level Descriptions Affect Value Estimates? Environ Resource Econ (2012) 51:43–59 DOI 10.1007/s10640-011-9487-5 M. E. Kragt, J. W. Bennett Environment and Resource Economics Yes
2011 Hatton MacDonald, et al. 2011 Valuing a multistate river: the case of the River Murray Hatton MacDonald, D., Morrison, M.D., Rose, J.M., and Boyle, K.J. 2011. Valuing a multistate river: the case of the River Murray. AJARE. 55: 374-392. MacDonald, D.H., Morrison, M.D., Rose, J.M., and Boyle, K.J. Australian Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics Yes
2010 Hatton MacDonald, et al. 2010 Valuing biodiversity using habitat types Hatton MacDonald, D., Morrison, M.D., 2010. Valuing biodiversity using habitat types. Australiasian Journal of Environemental Management. 17:4, 235-243. MacDonald, D.H., Morrison, M.D. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management Yes
2010 Shiroiwa, et al. 2010 International survey on willingness-to-pay (WTP) for one additional QALY gained: what is the threshold of cost effectiveness? Shiroiwa, T., Sung, Y.K., Fukuda, T., Lang, H.C., Bae, S.C., Tsutani, K. 2010. International survey on willingness-to-pay (WTP) for one additional QALY gained: what is the threshold of cost effectiveness? Health Economics. 19: 422-437. Shiroiwa, T., Sung, Y.K., Fukuda, T., Lang, H.C., Bae, S.C., Tsutani, K. Health Economics
2010 Li, et al. 2010 Willingness to pay for travel time reliability in passenger transport: A review and some new empirical evidence Li, Z., Hensher, D.A., Rose, J.M. 2010. Willingness to pay for travel time reliability in passenger transport: A review and some new empirical evidence. Transportation Research Part E. 46: 384–403. Li, Z., Hensher, D.A, Rose, J.M Transportation Research Part E Yes
2009 Chuck, et al. 2009 The Willingness to Pay for Reducing Pain and Pain-Related Disability Chuck, A., Adamowicz, W., Jacobs, P,. Ohinmaa, A., Dick, B., Rashiq, S. 2009. The Willingness to Pay for Reducing Pain and Pain-Related Disability. Value in Health. 12:4 498-506. Chuck, A., Adamowicz, W., Jacobs, P,. Ohinmaa, A., Dick, B., Rashiq, S. Value in Health Yes
2009 Tapsuwan, et al. 2009 Capitalized amenity value of urban wetlands: a hedonic property price approach to urban wetlands in Perth, Western Australia Tapsun, S., Ingram, G., Burton, M., Brennan, D. 2009. Capitalized amenity value of urban wetlands: a hedonic property price approach to urban wetlands in Perth, Western Australia. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 53: 527-545. Tapsun, S., Ingram, G., Burton, M., Brennan, D. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Yes
2009 Hensher, et al. 2009 Estimating the willingness to pay and value of risk reduction for car occupants in the road environment Hensher, D.A., Rose, J.M., de Dios Ortúzar, J., Rizzi, L.I. 2009. Estimating the willingness to pay and value of risk reduction for car occupants in the road environment. Transportation Research Part A. 43: 692–707. Hensher, D.A., Rose, J.M., de Dios Ortúzar, J., Rizzi, L.I. Transportation Research Part A Yes
2008 Access Economics, 2008 The health of nations: the value of a statistical life Access Economics, 2008. The health of nations: the value of a statistical life. Report prepared for the office of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council, Canberra. Access Economics n/a No
2007 Landry, et al. 2007 Going Home: Evacuation-Migration Decisions of Hurrican Katrina Survivors Landry, C.E., Bin, O., Hindsley, P., Whitehead, J.C., Wilson, K. 2007. Going Home: Evacuation-Migration Decisions of Hurrican Katrina Survivors. Southern Economic Journal. 74(2): 326-343 Landry, C.E., Bin, O., Hindsley, P., Whitehead, J.C., Wilson, K. Southern Economic Journal Yes
2006 McCartney, 2006 The Social Value of Seascapes in the Jurien Bay Marine Park: An assessment of Positive and Negative Preferences for Change. McCartney, A. 2006. The Social Value of Seascapes in the Jurien Bay Marine Park: An assessment of Positive and Negative Preferences for Change. McCartney, A. Journal of Agricultural Economics Yes
2003 Rolfe and Windle, 2003 Valuing the Protection of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sites Rolfe, J. and Windle, J. Valuing the Protection of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sites. 2003. The Economic Record. 79(2003): 85-95 Rolfe, J., Windle, J. The Economic Record Yes
2000 Blamey, et al. 2000 Valuing remnant vegetation in Central Qeensland using choice modeling Blamey, R., Rolfe, J., Bennett, J., Morrison, M. 2000. Valuing remnant vegetation in Central Qeensland using choice modeling. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 44, 3, pp 439-456. Blamey, R., Rolfe, J., Bennett, J., Morrison, M. Australian Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics Yes