
Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ229 REC229-2836 F - Research and technology 26 - Research 2.115

The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government, through the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO, continues to support data collection and research to improve forecasting of extreme weather events, especially early warning capabilities.

INQ229 REC229-2837 F - Research and technology 26 - Research 2.117

The committee recommends that the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO continue to improve projections and forecasts of extreme weather events at a more local level.

INQ229 REC229-2838 F - Research and technology 26 - Research 2.119

The committee notes the linkage between climate change and extreme weather events and recommends that the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO conduct further research to increase understanding in the areas of:

INQ229 REC229-2839 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 3.60

The committee recommends that disincentives to insurance, such as taxes and levies applied by the states and territories, should be removed as part of a national reform process.

INQ229 REC229-2840 B - Preparedness 39 - Disaster Risk Management 3.109

The committee recommends relevant authorities work with community service organisations in both planning responses to and responding to extreme weather events, in particular those organisations that provide vital services to vulnerable groups.

INQ229 REC229-2841 B - Preparedness 1 - Land-use and building regs 4.104

The committee recommends that credible and reliable flood mapping activities and the development of other information that would best inform landowners or prospective landowners of potential risks from extreme weather events are prioritised and used to inform land use planning laws.

INQ229 REC229-2842 B - Preparedness 1 - Land-use and building regs 4.106

The committee recommends that building codes incorporate mitigation measures that take into account foreseeable risks from extreme weather events.

INQ229 REC229-2843 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 4.171

The committee recommends that Commonwealth, state and territory governments ensure that all facilities caring for vulnerable groups, in particular hospitals, schools, childcare and aged care facilities, have emergency management plans, relevant to their geographic settings, in place and regularly

INQ229 REC229-2844 C - Response 15 - Inter-service cooperation 5.61

The committee recommends that Australian governments specifically address issues of compatibility and capacity to facilitate the most effective interoperability of emergency service organisations and their key personnel, especially for fire services.

INQ229 REC229-2845 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 5.136

The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government works with state and territory governments to continue to implement the recommendations of the Productivity Commission report, where possible, to improve coordination in relation to climate change adaptation.