This is a list of all Recommendations in the database (approximately 1500 rows).
- Each Recommendation has a unique ID value which connects it to the related Inquiry. This ID also contains a reference to the ID of the Inquiry that produced it. So Rec-UID (REC297-1257) means the Recommendation is from Inquiry 297, and the Recommendation is ID number 1257.
- Note that Codes and Subcodes are displayed on roll-over. Column headers are sortable and values are generally linked.
- [Download all Recommendations] as a csv file. The [Codes and Subcodes] may be separately downloaded.
INQ-ref | REC-UID | Code | SubCode | Source | Recommendation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Planning and managing bushfire equipment
REC327-4350 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 1 | By December 2023, the Rural Fire Service should: develop a fleet enhancement framework and strategy that is informed by an assessment of current fleet capability to respond to fire incidents, and research into the most appropriate technologies and appliances to address emerging and future fire ri |
Planning and managing bushfire equipment
REC327-4346 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 5 | By December 2023, the Rural Fire Service should: establish a fleet maintenance framework to ensure regular update of District Service Agreements with local councils. |
Planning and managing bushfire equipment
REC327-4345 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 6 | By December 2023, the Rural Fire Service should: review and improve processes for timely recording of fleet asset movements, locations, and maintenance status. |
Planning and managing bushfire equipment
REC327-4349 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 2 | By December 2023, the Rural Fire Service should: develop performance measures to assess the performance and capabilities of the fleet in each RFS District by recording and publicly reporting on: fire response times and fire response outcomes; and, completions of fire hazard reduction works. |
Planning and managing bushfire equipment
REC327-4348 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 3 | By December 2023, the Rural Fire Service should: report annually on fleet allocations to RFS Districts, and identify the ways in which fleet resources align with district-level fire risks |
Planning and managing bushfire equipment
REC327-4347 | E - Agency Organisation | 36 - Volunteers | Recommendation 4 | By December 2023, the Rural Fire Service should: develop a strategy to ensure that local brigade volunteers are adequate in numbers and appropriately trained to operate fleet appliances in the RFS Districts where they are required. |
Bushfire recovery grants
REC326-4340 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 5 | To promote integrity and transparency, the Department of Regional NSW should ensure that for all future grant programs it: documents all key decisions and approvals in line with record keeping obligations. |
Bushfire recovery grants
REC326-4344 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 1 | To promote integrity and transparency, the Department of Regional NSW should ensure that for all future grant programs it: establishes and follows guidelines that align with relevant good practice guidance including accountabilities, key assessment steps and clear assessment criteria. |
Bushfire recovery grants
REC326-4343 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 2 | To promote integrity and transparency, the Department of Regional NSW should ensure that for all future grant programs it: ensures a communications plan is in place, including the communication of guidelines to potential applicants. |
Bushfire recovery grants
REC326-4342 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 3 | To promote integrity and transparency, the Department of Regional NSW should ensure that for all future grant programs it: ensures staff declare conflicts of interest prior to the commencement of a grants stream, and that these conflicts of interest are recorded and managed. |
Bushfire recovery grants
REC326-4341 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 4 | To promote integrity and transparency, the Department of Regional NSW should ensure that for all future grant programs it: ensures regular monitoring is in place as part of funding deeds. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4337 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 3 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services lead an urgent multi-agency (including but not limited to the Queensland Police Service and Brisbane City Council) review of the workflow, of the current Emergency Alert system, including requesting, c |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4328 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 12 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services establish a community education program by 1 November 2023 that complements the implementation of the Australian Warning System. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4336 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 4 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, in consultation with the Queensland Police Service, incorporate into the workflow of the current Emergency Alert system a process that ensures the inclusion of an ‘urgent approval and distribution wit |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4332 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 7 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends that all local governments that currently use pre-formatted messages within the Emergency Alert system review and, where necessary, redraft messages using the principles of Clear Explicit Translatable Language (CETL). |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4335 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 5 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services update and deliver training on the workflow reviewed (as per Recommendation 3) of the current Emergency Alert system to all persons responsible at a local, district and state level by 1 November 2022. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4338 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 2 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends the Queensland Reconstruction Authority and the Bureau of Meteorology investigate options for the consolidation of ownership, renewed capital and maintenance in the flood warning network in consultation with flood warning infrastructure ass |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4339 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 1 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends that Queensland Fire and Emergency Services review and update the State Disaster Risk Report, including re-evaluating the risk of flooding by all types. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4323 | C - Response | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Recommendation 17 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services adopt measures to achieve a common operating picture between deployed Queensland Fire and Emergency Services assets in disaster management operations by 1 November 2023. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4332 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 8 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends that all local governments that do not have pre-formatted messages and polygons engage with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and determine whether their local disaster management group capability could be improved through the developm |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4327 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 13 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends all local governments that offer an opt-in system develop strategies to increase the number of subscribers who elect to use this service. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4330 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 10 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services review the Queensland Emergency Alert Manual – M.1.174 in its entirety by 1 November 2023. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4329 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 11 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services implement the Australian Warning System for all nationally agreed hazards by 1 November 2023. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4334 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 6 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services develop and publish an operationally based quick reference guide that complements the training offered (as per Recommendation 5) by 1 November 2022. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4326 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 14 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services lead an inter-agency IT system assessment with Queensland Police Service and local governments to identify disaster management systems currently in use and develop options to enhance connectivity and i |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4330 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 10 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services review the Queensland Emergency Alert Manual – M.1.174 in its entirety by 1 November 2023. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4325 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 15 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services review and implement State Emergency Service (SES) protocol by 1 November 2023 outlining procedures to be undertaken to ensure persons uplifted from places of immediate danger or risk are transferred t |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4324 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 16 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services review the tasking protocols used to manage State Emergency Service (SES) tasks undertaken in the response phase of a disaster to enable more complete recording of details for all ‘jobs of opportunity’ |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4322 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 18 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends the Dam Safety Regulator review the Emergency Action Plan for Referable Dam Guideline with particular regard to the distinction between the process required by a flood event as compared to a dam failure event by 1 November 2023. |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4331 | B - Preparedness | 41 - Emergency Management exercises | Recommendation 9 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services conduct annual exercises with every local disaster management group and district disaster management group to confirm the process for developing, approving and issuing of an Emergency Alert, including |
South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review
REC325-4321 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 19 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends this report be returned to the Office of the Inspector-General of Emergency Management to monitor, evaluate, and report on progress and implementation of the recommendations that are accepted in whole or in part by government. |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4301 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 20 | Floodplains as assets: That, to establish the capacity and maximise the economic, social and environmental potential and consequently unlock the value of NSW floodplains, Government adopt the following guiding principles for floodplain management: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4305 | B - Preparedness | 39 - Disaster Risk Management | Recommendation 16 | Cost benefit framework:That, to enable a more systematic prioritisation of investment options in risk mitigation before, during and immediately following a natural disaster event, Government adopt and utilise a Disaster Cost Benefit Framework. |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4310 | B - Preparedness | 41 - Emergency Management exercises | Recommendation 11 | Task Force Hawk: That, to ensure disaster readiness, Government establish a high-level Government standing committee, Task Force ‘Hawk’, comprising key Cabinet Ministers, Secretaries and Commissioners that meets, trains and exercises to ensure Government is prepared to respond to any emergency. |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4303 | B - Preparedness | 39 - Disaster Risk Management | Recommendation 18 | Risk-based approach to calculating flood planning: That, to take account of greater knowledge of climate change, Government reinforce its adoption of a risk-based approach to calculating the flood planning level for planning purposes and, through the NSWRA, immediately start a process of revising |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4295 | C - Response | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Recommendation 26 | Roads: That, to improve the planning and protection of road infrastructure and to ensure communities, freight movers, combat agencies and emergency services have appropriate access and egress during and following a flood event, Government, through TfNSW and NSWRA and working with combat agencies |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4307 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 14 | Flood education: That, to build disaster resilience in future generations as floods and other natural disasters are a fact of Australian life, the Department of Education should design, implement and deliver an evidence-based, targeted education campaign (like sun exposure) in schools (new disast |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4312 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 9 | Impact to essential services: That, to minimise disruption to essential services, including outages which compromise basic communication coverage, and to ensure access to safe water supply and power during flood events, Government work directly or together with the Australian and other state gove |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4315 | E - Agency Organisation | 36 - Volunteers | Recommendation 6 | The Community First Responders Program: That, to better coordinate community efforts to save life and property during a disaster, Government create a ‘Community First Responders Program’, funding appropriate community equipment and training, particularly in high-risk catchments along the east coa |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4293 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 28 | Essential services and floodplain infrastructure: That, to minimise disruption to essential services (power, communications, water, sewerage) and to ensure flood infrastructure is fully serviceable before flooding, Government ensure: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4314 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 7 | PIFAC function: That, to ensure the community can better understand the threat of flood, storm and tsunami activity, the Department of Customer Service (DCS) be made accountable for PIFAC in all emergencies. |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4313 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 8 | NSW disaster app: That, to improve community confidence in government messaging and warnings, the SEOCON and DCS develop a single ‘NSW disaster app’. This: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4294 | C - Response | 34 - Local knowledge | Recommendation 27 | Environment: That, to maximise protection for the environment in and around floodplains, Government, working with local communities especially Indigenous communities, the NSWRA, other agencies and local councils ensure Indigenous voices are well heard in land use planning and natural resource man |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4320 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 1 | Knowledge resources to support flood management: That, to provide more accurate and complete data for flood threat identification, warning and modelling systems, Government through the proposed new NSW Reconstruction Authority (NSWRA) work with the Australian Government to: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4318 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 3 | Permanent SEOCON: That, to improve NSW’s ability to prepare and respond to floods and other disasters, Government establish a new Deputy Commissioner of NSW Police Force to take on permanently the SEOCON role. This role, in addition to current SEOCON functions, would be responsible for: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4304 | B - Preparedness | 1 - Land-use and building regs | Recommendation 17 | Landholders can access information on previous disasters: That, to ensure there is a single source of ground truth to prepare for and respond to emergencies, and to provide people with a better understanding of their individual property and community risk exposure, an online visualisation tool be |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4306 | D - Recovery | 6 - Insurance and legal liability | Recommendation 15 | NSW Reconstruction Authority: That, to provide rapid and effective recovery from floods (and other disasters) and to provide maximum mitigation of the impacts of future floods (and other disasters), Government establish a permanent state-wide agency, the NSW Reconstruction Authority (NSWRA) dedic |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4316 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 5 | Resilience NSW and recovery: That, in order to enhance NSW disaster preparedness, response and recovery, and meet the needs of the people of NSW prior to, during and after a disaster, and provide clarity on agency roles and responsibilities, Resilience NSW be reshaped to ‘Recovery NSW’. |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4300 | B - Preparedness | 1 - Land-use and building regs | Recommendation 21 | Simplify the planning system disaster provisions: That, to simplify and improve the state planning processes especially when anticipating and recovering from a disaster, Government: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4311 | D - Recovery | 33 - Relief and recovery | Recommendation 10 | Transition initiatives: That, to improve the community’s experience during immediate disaster recovery phase, Government through the SEOCON, NSWRA, DCS/Service NSW and other state agencies as required provide greater support (financial, health [including mental health], temporary accommodation, a |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4309 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 12 | SES and RFS back-office merger: That, to help protect life and property across NSW in storm and flood events, and to improve resourcing and NSW State Emergency Service (SES) frontline capability, Government implement, before the next storm season, a merger of the SES and NSW Rural Fire Services ( |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4298 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 23 | Housing and development funding options: That, to empower vulnerable people and communities to avoid significant impacts from flood as well as drive broader investment in adaptation, Government through NSWRA: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4319 | F - Research and technology | 26 - Research | Recommendation 2 | Climate and weather research: That, to enable effective mitigation and adaptation measures in response to changing climate risks, Government establish NSW as a world centre of disaster research and technology development. This should include: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4299 | B - Preparedness | 1 - Land-use and building regs | Recommendation 22 | Relocating communities most at risk with good homes and amenities: That, to empower vulnerable people and communities to relocate, Government through the NSWRA: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4297 | D - Recovery | 33 - Relief and recovery | Recommendation 24 | Housing , especially social housing: That, to ease housing stress in flood prone areas and ensure new development is resilient and community-centred, Government pursue a multi-pronged, decadal strategy through: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4308 | F - Research and technology | 26 - Research | Recommendation 13 | Compound mental helath studies: That, to inform Government policies and programs for mental health and disasters, Government commission a longitudinal study on the effect of consecutive disasters on community mental health. |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4296 | B - Preparedness | 1 - Land-use and building regs | Recommendation 25 | Caravan parks and manufactured home estates: That, to ensure that permanent residents of caravan parks and mobile housing estates are protected from flood, Government: • prohibit permanent residency in caravan parks and mobile housing estates situated below the risk-based flood planning level. |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4317 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 4 | Flood rescue capability: That, to help improve the protection of life across NSW in flood events: |
NSW Independent Flood Inquiry
REC324-4302 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 19 | Disaster adaptation plans for all towns: That, to establish realistic expectations of safe spaces to live and deliver much needed housing quickly, Government through NSWRA working with local government: |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4271 | D - Recovery | 33 - Relief and recovery | Recommendation 22 | That Service NSW establish teams of assessors that can be on the ground to assess and approve grant applications. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4270 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 23 | That the NSW Government consider entering into a service agreement with an organisation that has the resources and capacity to manage donations and activate quickly during natural disasters. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4286 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 7 | That the NSW Government advocate through the National Cabinet for the Bureau of Meteorology to review its rain data infrastructure and flood modelling tools, to ensure forecasting locations, rain and flood gauges and other infrastructure are appropriately placed, maintained and updated. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4260 | A - Responsibility | 3 - Biodiversity | Recommendation 33 | That the NSW Government invest in the restoration of the Wilsons and Richmond Rivers to include riparian restoration, water quality and river health improvement. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4269 | D - Recovery | 33 - Relief and recovery | Recommendation 24 | That the NSW Government address the mental health needs of local communities following the February-March 2022 floods by: • embedding within state emergency and recovery plans a strategy that provides surge capacity for mental health and social workers by: • prioritising funding for community gro |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4282 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 11 | That the NSW Government invest in the required personnel, training and vessels to ensure that all agencies involved in flood rescue can be mobilised to their fullest potential. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4261 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 32 | That the NSW Government advocate through the National Cabinet to widen eligibility under the Disaster Funding Recovery Arrangements to allow local councils to build back better. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4285 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 8 | That the NSW Government, in consultation with telecommunication providers and satellite communication providers, investigate ways to minimise the complete loss of telecommunication services in natural disasters, including: |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4259 | A - Responsibility | 3 - Biodiversity | Recommendation 34 | That the NSW Government provide immediate support to the Hawkesbury City Council to remediate the riverbank erosion affecting Cornwallis Road, Cornwallis without any further delay. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4267 | B - Preparedness | 1 - Land-use and building regs | Recommendation 26 | That the NSW Government consider investing in supporting relocations, land swaps and providing fair and adequate compensation for landowners who wish to relocate from severely flood-impacted areas. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4262 | D - Recovery | 33 - Relief and recovery | Recommendation 31 | That the NSW Government provide an increased level of targeted support to flood affected communities contending with widespread mould. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4258 | B - Preparedness | 39 - Disaster Risk Management | Recommendation 35 | That the NSW Government significantly increase its investment in flood mitigation and preparation, including its support of local governments to do the same, by: • increasing ongoing, long term funding and access to technical guidance and assistance for local councils • ensuring that land-use pla |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4266 | B - Preparedness | 1 - Land-use and building regs | Recommendation 27 | That the NSW Government review the provision of temporary and long term housing options provided to those affected by the February-March 2022 floods, with a view to: • ensuring a range of options are identified and embedded within emergency and recovery plans, so that solutions can be implemented |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4257 | B - Preparedness | 1 - Land-use and building regs | Recommendation 36 | That the NSW Government work with local government, industry and sustainable planning experts, including the Government Architect, on policy initiatives in the New South Wales planning system that will help deliver more resilient and sustainable homes, buildings and places. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4278 | C - Response | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Recommendation 15 | That the NSW Government ensure that the current review of evacuation centres considers the role, accreditation and support of community evacuation centres, with the outcomes of this review to be made public and incorporated into the update of state emergency plans. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4287 | C - Response | 34 - Local knowledge | Recommendation 6 | That the NSW State Emergency Service, in partnership with the Bureau of Meteorology, investigate ways in which local communities and local media with local knowledge can play a stronger role in flood predictions and warnings. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4274 | C - Response | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Recommendation 19 | That the NSW Government establish a standing workforce from within the public service to staff evacuation and recovery centres, with this workforce to be trained ahead of time and mobilised as soon as a natural disaster occurs. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4268 | C - Response | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Recommendation 25 | That the NSW Government accelerate its caravan program and ensure it is made available as an option to all displaced residents from the February-March 2022 floods. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4292 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 1 | That the NSW Government consider a restructure of the NSW State Emergency Service with consideration to: realigning the focus of the organisation to harness local knowledge and networks; coordinating more closely with other rescue agencies to bolster its capacity to respond; and increasing salari |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4291 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 2 | That the NSW Government consider abolishing Resilience NSW if it is unable to ensure: |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4263 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 30 | That the NSW Government prioritise support for the full restoration of sewage treatment facilities on the Richmond River, for the benefit of communities in the Northern Rivers region. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4256 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 37 | That the NSW Government work with relevant agencies and local landowners to find ways to improve the management of drainage channels including looking for recommendations to reduce red and green tape. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4290 | C - Response | 20 - Role of police | Recommendation 3 | That the NSW Government embed into its emergency plans the appointment of a senior police officer with combat experience to lead recovery efforts following natural disasters. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC319-4199 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 2 | Relief and recovery capability: The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria and the entity referred to in Recommendation 13, or otherwise responsible government department – in collaboration with the relevant relief and recovery organisations: |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4276 | C - Response | 34 - Local knowledge | Recommendation 17 | That the NSW Government ensure that community groups, both existing and emerging, including First Nations groups, are well integrated into disaster recovery, by incorporating them into state recovery plans and engaging with them in between and in the lead up to natural disasters. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4289 | D - Recovery | 33 - Relief and recovery | Recommendation 4 | That the NSW Government ensure that all emergency and recovery plans, including state plans, local emergency management plans and functional area plans, are reviewed and updated regularly and provide clarity on the role of non-government partners. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4281 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 12 | That the NSW Government allocate funding to the improvement of the Pitt Town Evacuation Route and other key possible evacuation routes in Sydney's northwest. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4275 | C - Response | 34 - Local knowledge | Recommendation 18 | That the NSW Government, in partnership with community groups, including First Nations groups, develop initiatives to build community resilience, particularly in regions at high risk of future natural disaster events. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4288 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 5 | That the NSW Government work with the Commonwealth to develop a national cross-agency app to integrate all community services and agencies into a single platform so that everyone can receive accurate and timely information from one source during emergencies. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4265 | C - Response | 34 - Local knowledge | Recommendation 28 | That the NSW Government work with First Nations peoples to support Aboriginal organisations in their capacity to operate and respond in times of natural disasters. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4280 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 13 | That the NSW Government work with local governments to identify alternative routes to vulnerable roads, and that the NSW and Australian Governments fund the construction of these important routes to improve evacuation and access options in times of disaster. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4284 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 9 | That the NSW Government review its public awareness and communication strategies in relation to natural disasters. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4264 | C - Response | 34 - Local knowledge | Recommendation 29 | That the NSW Government work in partnership with key Aboriginal stakeholders, including the Jali Local Aboriginal Land Council, to prioritise the rebuild of Cabbage Tree Island, and ensure a safe and resourced evacuation plan is in place. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4277 | D - Recovery | 33 - Relief and recovery | Recommendation 16 | That the NSW Government develop a more proactive, rapid response to manage animal welfare following natural disasters which includes improved collaboration and communication with local veterinarians and animal welfare organisations. |
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
REC323-4279 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 14 |