Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ325 | REC325-4339 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 1 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends that Queensland Fire and Emergency Services review and update the State Disaster Risk Report, including re-evaluating the risk of flooding by all types. |
INQ325 | REC325-4329 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 11 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services implement the Australian Warning System for all nationally agreed hazards by 1 November 2023. |
INQ325 | REC325-4328 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 12 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services establish a community education program by 1 November 2023 that complements the implementation of the Australian Warning System. |
INQ325 | REC325-4327 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 13 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends all local governments that offer an opt-in system develop strategies to increase the number of subscribers who elect to use this service. |
INQ325 | REC325-4326 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 14 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services lead an inter-agency IT system assessment with Queensland Police Service and local governments to identify disaster management systems currently in use and develop options to enhance connectivity and i |
INQ325 | REC325-4325 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 15 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services review and implement State Emergency Service (SES) protocol by 1 November 2023 outlining procedures to be undertaken to ensure persons uplifted from places of immediate danger or risk are transferred t |
INQ325 | REC325-4324 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 16 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services review the tasking protocols used to manage State Emergency Service (SES) tasks undertaken in the response phase of a disaster to enable more complete recording of details for all ‘jobs of opportunity’ |
INQ325 | REC325-4323 | C - Response | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Recommendation 17 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services adopt measures to achieve a common operating picture between deployed Queensland Fire and Emergency Services assets in disaster management operations by 1 November 2023. |
INQ325 | REC325-4322 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 18 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends the Dam Safety Regulator review the Emergency Action Plan for Referable Dam Guideline with particular regard to the distinction between the process required by a flood event as compared to a dam failure event by 1 November 2023. |
INQ325 | REC325-4330 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 10 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services review the Queensland Emergency Alert Manual – M.1.174 in its entirety by 1 November 2023. |
INQ325 | REC325-4330 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 10 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services review the Queensland Emergency Alert Manual – M.1.174 in its entirety by 1 November 2023. |
INQ325 | REC325-4338 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 2 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends the Queensland Reconstruction Authority and the Bureau of Meteorology investigate options for the consolidation of ownership, renewed capital and maintenance in the flood warning network in consultation with flood warning infrastructure ass |
INQ325 | REC325-4337 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 3 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services lead an urgent multi-agency (including but not limited to the Queensland Police Service and Brisbane City Council) review of the workflow, of the current Emergency Alert system, including requesting, c |
INQ325 | REC325-4336 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 4 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, in consultation with the Queensland Police Service, incorporate into the workflow of the current Emergency Alert system a process that ensures the inclusion of an ‘urgent approval and distribution wit |
INQ325 | REC325-4335 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 5 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services update and deliver training on the workflow reviewed (as per Recommendation 3) of the current Emergency Alert system to all persons responsible at a local, district and state level by 1 November 2022. |
INQ325 | REC325-4332 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 7 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends that all local governments that currently use pre-formatted messages within the Emergency Alert system review and, where necessary, redraft messages using the principles of Clear Explicit Translatable Language (CETL). |
INQ325 | REC325-4334 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 6 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services develop and publish an operationally based quick reference guide that complements the training offered (as per Recommendation 5) by 1 November 2022. |
INQ325 | REC325-4332 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 8 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends that all local governments that do not have pre-formatted messages and polygons engage with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and determine whether their local disaster management group capability could be improved through the developm |
INQ325 | REC325-4331 | B - Preparedness | 41 - Emergency Management exercises | Recommendation 9 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services conduct annual exercises with every local disaster management group and district disaster management group to confirm the process for developing, approving and issuing of an Emergency Alert, including |
INQ325 | REC325-4321 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 19 | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends this report be returned to the Office of the Inspector-General of Emergency Management to monitor, evaluate, and report on progress and implementation of the recommendations that are accepted in whole or in part by government. |