
This is a list of all the Inquiries held in the database (approx 200 rows).


Year State DisasterType InquiryType INQ-ID Title Author
NSW Bushfire Audit INQ327 Planning and managing bushfire equipment Audit Office of New South Wales
NSW Bushfire Audit INQ326 Bushfire recovery grants Audit Office of New South Wales
QLD Flood Agency INQ325 South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding Event February-March 2022 Review Alistair Dawson, Inspector-General for Emergency Management
NSW Flood Independent INQ324 NSW Independent Flood Inquiry Mary O'Kane, Michael Fuller
NSW Flood Parliamentary INQ323 NSW Select Committee Inquiry NSW Parliament's Select Committee
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ318 Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season: Summary Report Phase 1 - Community and sector preparedness for and response to the 2019-20 fire season Tony Pearce, Inspector-General for Emergency Management
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ319 Inquiry into the 2019-20 Victorian Fire Season: Summary Report Phase 2 - Progress and effectiveness of Victoria's immediate relief and recovery arrangements Tony Pearce, Inspector General of Emergency Management
QLD Bushfire Agency INQ322 K'gari (Fraser Island) Bushfire Review Alistair Dawson, Inspector-General for Emergency Management
VIC Bushfire Audit INQ321 Reducing Bushfire Risks Andre Greaves, Auditor-General
NSW Bushfire Governments INQ315 Final Report of the NSW Bushfire Inquiry
ACT Bushfire Governments INQ316 Report to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services on ACT Government coordination and response during the 2019-20 Bushfire Season Deputy Commissioner Ray Johnson APM/ACT Emergency Services Agency
SA Bushfire Independent INQ314 Independent review into the 2019/2020 bushfire season
Federal Bushfire Royal Commission INQ317 Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements Air Chief M.M. Binskin AC, The Hon Dr A. Bennett AC SC Commissioner, Prof Andrew Macintosh Commissioner.
QLD Bushfire Agency INQ320 Queensland Bushfires Review 2019-20 Alastair Dawson, Inspector-General for Emergency Management
TAS Bushfire Independent INQ301 AFAC Independent Operational Review: A review of the management of the Tasmanian fires of December 2018 – March 2019
QLD Storm Agency INQ309 Monsoon Trough Rainfall and Flood Review
QLD All hazard Agency INQ310 Review - Efficacy of recovery governance
QLD Flood Agency INQ311 Paradise Dam Preparedness Review
QLD All hazard Agency INQ312 Review of capability at a district and local level - Townsville disaster district
NSW Bushfire Independent INQ302 Bega Valley Fires Independent Review
QLD Bushfire Agency INQ307 The 2018 Queensland Bushfires Review
SA Storm Independent INQ296 Port Augusta Generator Failure Investigation Report (SA)
VIC Bushfire Parliamentary INQ299 Parliamentary Inquiry into Fire Season Preparedness (VIC)
QLD All hazard Audit INQ294 Review of capability at a district and local level - Mackay disaster district (QLD)
TAS Flood Independent INQ297 Independent Review into the Tasmanian Floods of June and July 2016 (TAS)
SA All hazard Audit INQ313 Disaster recovery planning
NSW Terrorism Coronial INQ292 Inquest into the deaths arising from the Lindt Café siege (NSW)
SA Storm Independent INQ295 Independent Review of the Extreme Weather Event South Australia 28 September - 5 October 2016 (SA)
TAS Flood Governments INQ298 Tasmanian Flood Recovery: from FLOODS into RECOVERY (TAS)
QLD Cyclone-windstorm Agency INQ308 Cyclone Debbie Review
QLD All hazard Audit INQ293 Review of capability at a district and local level (QLD) QLD IGEM
QLD Flood Audit INQ306 Flood resilience of river catchments
NSW All hazard Audit INQ279 SES Management of Volunteers (NSW)
QLD All hazard Audit INQ282 Review of Seqwater and SunWater Warnigns Communications (QLD)
TAS All hazard Audit INQ285 Ambulance emergency services (TAS)
TAS Bushfire Audit INQ288 Inquiry into the State Fire Commission (TAS)
WA Bushfire Independent INQ291 Waroona Fire Special Inquiry (WA)
NSW Bushfire Parliamentary INQ280 Wambelong fire inquiry evidence (NSW)
SA Bushfire Independent INQ283 South Australian Country Fire Service Project Pinery (SA)
TAS All hazard Governments INQ286 Tasmanian State Natural Disaster Risk Assessment 2016 (TAS)
VIC All hazard Audit INQ289 Review of Victoria's emergency management sector preparedness for major emergencies (VIC)
Federal Bushfire Parliamentary INQ278 Responses to, and lessons learnt from, the January and February 2016 bushfires in remote Tasmanian wilderness (Federal)
NSW Storm Agency INQ281 June 2016 East Coast Low (NSW)
SA Storm Independent INQ284 Flinders Medical Centre Standby Power Electrical Systems Post Incident Review (SA)
TAS Bushfire Independent INQ287  AFAC Independent Operational Review of the Management of the Tasmanian fires of January 2016 (TAS)
WA Bushfire Agency INQ290 Major Incident Review of the Esperance District Fires DFES (WA)
NSW Storm Agency INQ267 East Coast Storm and Flood - April 2015 (NSW)
QLD Bushfire Audit INQ270 Bushfire prevention and preparedness (Report 10: 2014-15) (QLD)
SA Bushfire Independent INQ273 AFAC Independent Operational Audit - South Australian Fires of January 2015 (SA)
WA All hazard Audit INQ276 Support and Preparedness of Fire and Emergency Services Volunteers (WA)
QLD All hazard Audit INQ268 Review of local goernments' emergency warning capability (QLD)
QLD Flood Audit INQ271 Callide Creek Flood Review (QLD)
VIC All hazard Audit INQ274 Emergency Service Response Times (VIC)
WA Bushfire Agency INQ277 Major Incident Review of the Lower Hotham and O'Sullivan fires DFES (WA)
Federal All hazard Audit INQ266 Administration of the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements by Emergency Management Australia (Federal)
QLD All hazard Audit INQ269 Review of state agency integration at a local and district level (QLD)
QLD Storm Audit INQ272 Review of cyclone and storm tide sheltering arrangements (QLD)
VIC Bushfire Audit INQ275 Review of the initial response to the 2015 Wye River – Jamieson Track fire (VIC)
VIC Bushfire Independent INQ264 Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry Repot (VIC)
Federal All hazard Independent INQ256 Productivity Commission Inquiry Into National Disaster Funding Arrangements (Federal)
NSW Bushfire Agency INQ259 2013 Blue Mountains Bushfire (NSW)
VIC All hazard Audit INQ262 Emergency Response ICT Systems (VIC)
WA Bushfire Agency INQ265 Parkerville Stoneville Mt Helena Bushfire Review (WA)
Federal Bushfire Independent INQ257 Commission of Inquiry appointed into the fire at Marrangaroo Training Area (Federal)
NSW Bushfire Coronial INQ260 Coronial Inquest into the Warrumbungle Bushfire (NSW)
VIC All hazard Audit INQ263 Managing Emergency Service Volunteers (VIC)
NT Bushfire Agency INQ304 Review of the Bushfire Act
Federal All hazard Audit INQ255 Emergency Defence Assistance to the Civil Community (Federal)
Federal Technical accident Independent INQ258 Aviation Safety Regulation Review (Federal)
NSW Bushfire Parliamentary INQ261 Wambelong fire (Inquiry)  (NSW)
Federal Biological Parliamentary INQ232 Inquiry into health issues across international borders (Federal)
Federal Flood Audit INQ235 The Australian Government Reconstruction Inspectorate’s Conduct of Value for Money Reviews of Flood Reconstruction Projects in Victoria (Federal)
NSW Flood Agency INQ238 Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Flood Management Review Stage One (NSW)
QLD Bushfire Governments INQ241 The Malone Review into the Rural Fire Service (QLD)
SA All hazard Independent INQ244 Review of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 (SA)
TAS Bushfire Independent INQ247 Tasmanian Bushfires Inquiry (Tas)
VIC Flood Audit INQ250 Flood Relief and Recovery (VIC)
WA Bushfire Coronial INQ253 Coroner’s inquest into the fatal bushfire at Albany (WA) [for recommendations see INQ254]
Federal All hazard Parliamentary INQ230 Spectrum for public safety mobile broadband (Federal)
Federal Fire Agency INQ233 Inquiry to learn lessons from Warrnambool exchange fire (Federal)
Federal Technical accident Parliamentary INQ236 Aviation Accident Investigations (Pel-air) (Federal)
QLD All hazard Independent INQ239 Police and Community Safety Review (QLD)
SA All hazard Parliamentary INQ242 Community Safety and Emergency Services in South Australia (SA)
TAS All hazard Audit INQ245 Government Radio Communications (Tas)
VIC All hazard Audit INQ248 Management of Unplanned Leave in Emergency Services (VIC)
VIC Technical accident Coronial INQ251 Kerang Train Crash Inquest (VIC)
WA Bushfire Agency INQ254 Report into the fatal bushfire at Albany: Major Incident Review for the Black Cat Creek fire 12 October 2012 (inquiry into death of Wendy Bearfoot)
ACT Bushfire Audit INQ228 Bushfire Preparedness (ACT)
Federal All hazard Audit INQ231 The Preparation and Delivery of the Natural Disaster Recovery Work Plans for Queensland and Victoria (Federal)
Federal Flood Audit INQ234 The Australian Government Reconstruction Inspectorate’s Conduct of Value for Money Reviews of Flood Reconstruction Projects in Queensland (Federal)
NSW All hazard Independent INQ237 Independent Hazard Reduction Audit Panel (NSW)
QLD All hazard Audit INQ240 Queensland Ambulance Service performance (QLD)
SA All hazard Parliamentary INQ243 On community Safety and Emergency Services in South Australia (SA)
TAS Bushfire Audit INQ246 AFAC AUDIT-REVIEW The Tasmania Fires of January 2013 (TAS)
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ249 Report into the Harrietville Fire (VIC)
WA All hazard Audit INQ252 Delivering WA’s Ambulance Services (WA)
Federal All hazard Parliamentary INQ229 Recent trends in and preparedness for extreme weather events (Federal)
Federal All hazard Parliamentary INQ206 Inquiry into the operation of the insurance industry during disaster events (Federal)
NT Bushfire Agency INQ209 Review of the Operations of Bushfires NT (NT)
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ212 2011/12 Post Bushfire Season Review Report (VIC)
VIC Fire Agency INQ215 Fire Management at Landfill Sites (VIC)
VIC Flood Agency INQ218 North East Victoria Flood Review (VIC)
WA All hazard Audit INQ221 Second Public Sector Performance Report 2012 (WA)
WA Bushfire Parliamentary INQ224 Inquiry into the State’s preparedness for this year’s fire season (WA)
WA Technical accident Coronial INQ227 Coronial inquest into 2010 Christmas Island boat disaster or SIEV 221 (WA)
Federal All hazard Independent INQ207 Review of the Bureau of Meteorology’s extreme weather and seasonal forecasting capacity (Federal)
QLD Flood Royal Commission INQ210 Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry (QLD) CE Holmes et. al.
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ213 Westmeadows Grassfire (VIC)
VIC Flood Agency INQ216 Gippsland Flood Event – Review of Flood Warnings and Information Systems (VIC)
VIC Technical accident Agency INQ219 NuPlex Chemical Incident (VIC)
WA All hazard Parliamentary INQ222 The Toll of Trauma on Western Australian Emergency Staff and Volunteers (WA)
WA Bushfire Agency INQ225 Major Incidence Review Black Cat Creek Fire (WA)
Federal All hazard Independent INQ205 Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation (Federal)
NSW Technical accident Parliamentary INQ208 Kooragang Island Orica chemical leak (NSW)
QLD Flood Coronial INQ211 Inquest into the deaths caused by the South-East Queensland floods of January 2011 (QLD) Mr Michael Barnes, State Coroner
VIC Fire Agency INQ214 Fire at Yarra Valley Grammar School (VIC)
VIC Flood Parliamentary INQ217 Inquiry into Flood Mitigation Infrastructure in Victoria (VIC)
VIC Technical accident Agency INQ220 Port of Portland Emergency (VIC)
WA Bushfire Independent INQ223 Appreciating the Risk: Report of the Special Inquiry into the November 2011 Margaret River Bushfire (WA) M.J. Keelty.
WA Bushfire Agency INQ226 Post Incident Analysis Blackwood Fire 8 (WA)
WA Bushfire Independent INQ200 Shared Responsibility: The Report of the Perth Hills Bushfire February 2011 Review. (WA) M.J. Keelty
WA Bushfire Agency INQ203 Post Incident Analysis For Blackwood Fire 11 (WA)
Federal All hazard Parliamentary INQ186 The capacity of communication networks and emergency warning systems to deal with emergencies and natural disasters (Federal)
Federal Technical accident Independent INQ189 National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority Operational Review (Federal)
SA Bushfire Parliamentary INQ192 Natural Resources Committee Bushfire Inquiry (SA)
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ195 Review of the February 2011 Tostaree Fire (VIC) Office of the Emergency Services Commissioner
VIC Fire Agency INQ198 TriTech Lubricants factory fire (VIC)
WA Bushfire Independent INQ201 Major Incident Review: Lake Clifton, Red Hill and Roleystone Fires June 2011. (WA) S. Ellis.
WA Fire Parliamentary INQ204 Inquiry into the 2011 Kimberley Ultramarathon. Parliament of Western Australia (WA)
Federal All hazard Independent INQ184 Natural Disaster Insurance Review (Federal)
Federal Flood Agency INQ187 Inquiry into flood insurance and related matters. Natural Disaster Insurance Review. (Federal)
QLD All hazard Audit INQ190 National Partnership Agreement for Natural Disaster Reconstruction and Recovery (QLD)
TAS Bushfire Audit INQ193 Auditor-General Report on Bushfire Management (Tas)
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ196 Fire Services Commissioner review of Community Bushfire Warnings (Vic)
VIC Flood Independent INQ199 The review of the 2010-11 Flood Warnings and Response (VIC) N Comrie.
WA Bushfire Parliamentary INQ202 Western Australia's Readiness for the 2011-12 Bushfire Season (WA)
Federal All hazard Parliamentary INQ185 The asset insurance arrangements of Australian state governments (Federal)
Federal Technical accident Parliamentary INQ188 Joint Select Committee on the Christmas Island Tragedy of 15 December 2010 (Federal)
QLD Bushfire Parliamentary INQ191 Management of Rural Fire Services in Queensland (QLD)
VIC All hazard Agency INQ194 Towards a More Disaster Resilient Victoria: Green Paper Options and Issues. Government of Victoria. (VIC)
VIC Fire Independent INQ197 Independent Inquiry into the effect of arrangements on Country Fire Authority Volunteers (VIC) Dr. David Jones AM
Federal All hazard Audit INQ174 Emergency Management and Community Recovery Assistance in Centrelink (Federal) Ian McPhee, Auditor-General
Federal Oil Spill Independent INQ177 Montara Commission of Inquiry (Federal) David Borthwick AO PSM, Commissioner
VIC All hazard Audit INQ180 Business Continuity Management in Local Government (VIC) D.D.R. Pearson, Auditor General
WA Bushfire Independent INQ183 A Review of the Ability of the Department of Environment and Conservation Western Australia to Manage Major Fires (WA)
Federal All hazard Agency INQ175 Working Better Together: An NGO perspective on improving Australia’s coordination in disaster response (Federal) Michele Lipner and Louis Henley - A Joint APCMCOE and ACFID Study
NT Technical accident Coronial INQ178 Ashmore Reef Boat Explosion – SEIV 36 (NT) Mr Greg Cavanagh, Coroner
VIC Bushfire Royal Commission INQ181 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission - Final Report (VIC) B. Teague et al.
Federal Bushfire Parliamentary INQ176 The incidence of bushfires across Australia. Senate Select Committee on Agriculture and Related Industries. (Federal) B. Heffernen
VIC All hazard Audit INQ179 The Department of Human Services’ Role in Emergency Recovery (VIC) D.D.R. Pearson, Auditor General
WA Bushfire Independent INQ182 Major Incident Review of Toodyay Fire December 2009 (WA) P. Murphy
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ168 Operational debrief report 2008/09 fire season (VIC) James Fox (CFA) & Ross Runnalls (DSE)
WA Bushfire Coronial INQ171 Record of Investigation into Death (2007 Boorabin fires) (WA) A.N. Hope, State Coroner
Federal All hazard Audit INQ160 Business Continuity Management and Emergency Management in Centrelink (Federal) Ian McPhee - Auditor-General
NSW Bushfire Agency INQ163 Review of Bushfire Arson Laws (NSW) Legislation, Policy and Criminal Law Review Division Attorney General’s Department
TAS Fire Coronial INQ166 Record of Investigation into a Fire at the Myer Store at 98-108 Liverpool Street, Hobart, on 22 September 2007 (Tas) C.P. Webster, Coroner
VIC Terrorism Audit INQ169 Preparedness to Respond to Terrorism Incidents Essential Services and Critical Infrastructure (VIC) D D R PEARSON
WA Bushfire Agency INQ172 Bridgetown Complex Post Incident Analysis (WA) Department of Environment and Conservation
Federal All hazard Independent INQ161 Offshore Petroleum Safety Regulation – this inquiry produced two reports “Marine Issues” and “Better practice and the effectiveness of the National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority“ (Federal) Kym Bills and David Agostini
NSW Flood Independent INQ164 Recovery Coordinator’s Report of the Mid North and Far North Coast Flood Recovery – May 2009 (NSW)
TAS Technical accident Coronial INQ167 Beaconsfield Mine Disaster Coronial Inquest (Tas) Rod Chandler, Coroner
WA All hazard Audit INQ170 Coming Ready or Not: Preparing for Large-scale Emergencies (WA) Colin Murhy, Auditor General
WA Bushfire Agency INQ173 Review of Western Australia’s Bushfire Preparedness (WA) Government of Western Australia
ACT All hazard Audit INQ159 Delivery of Ambulance Services to the ACT Community (ACT) Tu Pham, Auditor General
Federal All hazard Governments INQ162 Recommendations on the Role of AEMO and the Effectiveness of Current Gas and Electricity Emergency Arrangements (Federal) Energy Security Working Group of the Ministerial Council on Energy
QLD All hazard Independent INQ165 Report on a Review of Disaster Management Legislation and Policy in Queensland (QLD) Jim O'Sullivan
Federal All hazard Parliamentary INQ145 Inquiry into climate change and environmental impacts on coastal communities
Federal Biological Royal Commission INQ148 Equine Influenza Inquiry The Hon. Ian Callinan AC
SA All hazard Independent INQ151 Review of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 John Murray, APM
VIC Biological Audit INQ154 Biosecurity Incidents: Planning and Risk Management for Livestock Diseases D D R PEARSON, Auditor-General
VIC Fire Agency INQ157 Westpoint Chemical Fire Community Report
Federal All hazard Parliamentary INQ146 Inquiry into the Administration of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and related matters Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport
Federal Technical accident Independent INQ149 National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority Operational Review Mr Magne Ognedal, Dr Derek Griffiths & Mr Bruce Lake
SA All hazard Agency INQ152 Volunteer Administrative Workload Review Suzy Williss, Associate - VLee HRM Consulting
VIC Bushfire Parliamentary INQ155 Inquiry into the Impact of Public Land Management Practices on Bushfires in Victoria Victorian Parliamentary Environment and Natural Resources Committee
VIC Technical accident Agency INQ158 Marine Emergency Framework Review Final Report Bruce Esplin - Emergency Services Commissioner
ACT All hazard Parliamentary INQ144 ACT Fire and Emergency Services Arrangements Standing Committee on Legal Affairs
Federal All hazard Audit INQ147 Emergency Management Australia Ian McPhee - Auditor General
QLD Bushfire Audit INQ150 Management of Rural Fire Services in Queensland Glenn Poole, Auditor General
SA Bushfire Coronial INQ153 Wangary Fires Inquest Anthony E Schapel, Deputy State Coroner, South Australia
VIC Cyclone-windstorm Agency INQ156 Review of the April 2008 Windstorm Bruce Esplin - Emergency Services Commissioner
QLD Cyclone-windstorm Independent INQ136 The Final Report of the Operation Recovery Task Force: Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry Peter Cosgrove
SA Bushfire Governments INQ139 Ministerial Review of Bushfire Management in South Australia Vincent Monterola AFSM, Ministerial Bushfire Management Review Reference Group SA Fire and Emergency Service Commission Board
VIC Bushfire Independent INQ142 Operational Review of Major Fires in Victoria 2006/07 – Ross Smith Report Ross Smith
Federal Biological Audit INQ134 Australia’s Preparedness for a Human Influenza Pandemic Australian National Audit Office
QLD Technical accident Coronial INQ137 Inquest into the Lockhart River air crash Mr Michael Barnes, State Coroner
TAS All hazard Independent INQ140 Tasmanian Medical Retrieval Services External Review Dr Peter Sharley OAM
WA All hazard Parliamentary INQ143 Inquiry into Western Australia’s Natural Disaster Relief Arrangements Mr A.P. O'Gorman, MLA - Community Development and Justice Standing Committee
Federal Terrorism Agency INQ135 Lessons from London and considerations for Australia: London Terrorist Attacks 7 July 2005 Attorney-General’s Department
SA Bushfire Coronial INQ138 Inquests into the deaths of [9 named people] (2005 Eyre Peninsula, Wangarry fires). Office of the Emergency Services Commissioner
VIC Bushfire Coronial INQ141 Record of Investigation into Death (Ararat Road Block). D. Hore-Lacy, Coroner
NSW Biological Parliamentary INQ128 Inquiry into Managing Animal and Plant Diseases Noreen Hay, MP, et. al.
VIC All hazard Agency INQ131 Emergency Management Discussion Paper. Department of Justice.
ACT Bushfire Coronial INQ126 The Canberra Firestorm: Inquests and Inquiry into Four Deaths and Four Fires between 8 and 18 January 2003 Volume 1 & Volume 2 M. Doogan, ACT Coroner’s Court
NSW Biological Audit INQ129 Major Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Readiness to Respond Peter Achterstraat, Auditor-General of New South Wales
VIC Bushfire Independent INQ132 Fire Season Debrief Outcomes Report 2005/06 Ross Smith
Federal Tsunami Parliamentary INQ127 Inquiry into Australia’s response to the Indian Ocean Tsunami Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
QLD Fire Coronial INQ130 Palace Backpackers Hostel Fire
WA All hazard Parliamentary INQ133 Inquiry into Fire and Emergency Services Legislation Community Development and Justice Standing Committee
Federal All hazard Governments INQ116 Review of Australia’s Ability to Respond to and Recover From Catastrophic Disasters Australian Emergency Management Committee
NSW All hazard Audit INQ119 Coordination of State Rescue Services R.J Sendt, Auditor-General of New South Wales
SA Bushfire Parliamentary INQ122 Eyre Peninsula Bushfire and Native Vegetation The Environment, Resources and Development Committee
VIC Flood Audit INQ125 Managing Stormwater Flooding Risks in Melbourne J.W Cameron, Auditor-General of Victoria
Federal Terrorism Audit INQ117 Review of the Evaluation Methods and Continuous Improvement Processes for Australia’s National Counter-Terrorism Coordination Arrangements
NSW Bushfire Independent INQ120 Statutory Review of the Rural Fires Act 1997
VIC All hazard Agency INQ123 Improving Emergency Response at Melbourne Airport Emergency Services Commissioner
Federal Tsunami Independent INQ118 Tsunamis – Does anyone have to die? Prof Fiona Stanley, AC, et. al.
NSW Technical accident Independent INQ121 Special Commission of Inquiry into the Waterfall Rail Accident,Volume 1 & Volume 2. The Honourable Peter Aloysius McInerney QC
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ124 Examination of Prescribed Burning Practices Emergency Services Commissioner
Federal Bushfire Governments INQ107 National Inquiry on Bushfire Mitigation and Management. S. Ellis et al.
NSW Bushfire Parliamentary INQ110 Fire Services Funding (Inquiry) Matthew Brown MP, et. al.
WA Bushfire Audit INQ113 Responding to Major Bushfires D.D.R. Pearson, Auditor General
NSW All hazard Parliamentary INQ108 Ambulance Service of NSW: Readiness to respond (Inquiry) Matthew Brown MP, et. al.
QLD All hazard Audit INQ111 Audit of the Queensland Disaster Management System L.J Scanland, Auditor General of Queensland.
WA Bushfire Coronial INQ114 Tenterden and Mt Barker Fires Coronial Inquiry Alistair Neil Hope, State Coroner
NSW Biological Agency INQ109 NSW Taskforce on SARS (TSARS) Prof Ronald Penny AO,
VIC Biological Audit INQ112 Beating the Bugs: Protecting Victoria’s Economically Significant Crops from Pests and Diseases  J.W Cameron, Auditor General of Victoria
WA Bushfire Coronial INQ115 Ocean Farm Fires Coronial Inquiry
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ104 Inquiry into the 2002-2003 Victorian Bushfires B. Esplin et al.
ACT Bushfire Independent INQ093 The Report of the Bushfire Recovery Taskforce Hollway, S. et al
Federal All hazard Audit INQ096 Business Continuity Management and Emergency Management in Centrelink Oliver Winder, Acting Auditor General
Federal Technical accident Independent INQ099 National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority: Review of Implementation Activities
SA All hazard Independent INQ102 Review of the Emergency Services Sector (Dawkins Review) Dawkins, J. et al
VIC Bushfire Audit INQ105 Fire Prevention and Preparedness J. W Cameron, Auditor General.
ACT Bushfire Independent INQ094 The Inquiry into the Operational Response to the January 2003 Bushfires R.N. McLeod.
Federal Biological Audit INQ097 Pest and Disease Emergency Management Follow-on Audit
NSW Biological Audit INQ100 Implementing the Ovine Johne’s Disease Program - 2003 Reports R.J. Sendt, Auditor General
TAS All hazard Parliamentary INQ103 Report on Ambulance Services in Tasmania Join Standing Committee on Community Development
WA Technical accident Coronial INQ106 Record of Investigation into Death HMAS Westralia Hope, A. N. WA State Coroner
ACT All hazard Audit INQ092 Emergency Services Benton J.L. ACT Auditor Generals office
Federal All hazard Audit INQ095 Business Continuity Management Follow-on Audit P.J. Barrett, Auditor General
Federal Bushfire Parliamentary INQ098 A Nation Charred: Inquiry into the Recent Australian Bushfires House of Representatives Select Committee on the Recent Australian Bushfires.
NSW Bushfire Coronial INQ101 Inquiry into the Circumstances of the Fire(s) in the Brindabella Range in January 2003 C. Milovanovich, Deputy State Coroner
Federal All hazard Governments INQ087 Natural Disasters in Australia: Reforming mitigation, relief and recovery arrangements Council of Australian Governments
VIC Bushfire Coronial INQ090 Inquest into the Linton Wildfire G. Johnstone, State Coroner’s Office, Victoria.
NSW Biological Audit INQ088 Managing Animal Disease Emergencies The Audit Office of New South Wales
VIC Technical accident Coronial INQ091 Inquest into the deaths of Peter Brubeck Wilson and John Francis Lowery and
the fire at Longford Gas Plant Number 1
NSW Bushfire Parliamentary INQ089 Inquiry into the 2001/2002 Bushfires Joint Select Committee on Bushfires, Parliament of New South Wales, Legislative Assembly
NSW All hazard Audit INQ081 Readiness to Respond - 2001 Reports (Inquiry into the Ambulance Service) The Audit Office of New South Wales
NSW Oil Spill Parliamentary INQ084 Oil Spills in Sydney Harbour (Inquiry) Jones, R. et. Al.
NSW Bushfire Coronial INQ082 Inquiry into the Fire at Mt Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park J. Stevenson, NSW State Coroner’s Office
NSW Technical accident Independent INQ085 Special Commission of Inquiry into the Glenbrook Rail Accident,Final Report McInerney, P. A.
NSW Bushfire Audit INQ083 Follow up of Performance Audits: Police response to calls for assistance, The levying and collection of land tax, Coordination of bushfire fighting activities
WA Fire Parliamentary INQ086 Bellevue Hazardous Waste Fire Inquiry WA Government. Economics and Industry Standing Committee
Federal Technical accident Independent INQ075 Australian Offshore Petroleum Safety Case Review
NSW Technical accident Coronial INQ078 Inquest into the event of the 1998 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race J. Abernethy
Federal All hazard Audit INQ073 Commonwealth Emergency Management Arrangements Australian National Audit Office
NSW Bushfire Parliamentary INQ076 NSW Rural Fire Service NSW Parliament.
QLD Bushfire Independent INQ079 Fire Safety and Budget Accommodation: The Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 Dixon, N.
Federal Flood Agency INQ074 Consumer Understanding of Flood Insurance Australian Securities and Investments Commission
NSW Technical accident Coronial INQ077 Inquest into the deaths arising from the Thredbo landslide Hand, D. Coroner
VIC Biological Parliamentary INQ080 Inquiry into the Control of Ovine Johne’s Disease in Victoria Seitz, G., et. Al.
VIC Technical accident Royal Commission INQ072 The Esso Longford Gas Plant Accident: Report of the Longford Royal Commission Dawson, D. and Brooks, B. J.
Federal Technical accident Parliamentary INQ070 Report 87: Loss of HMAS Sydney House of Representatives Committees
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ071 Reducing the Risk of Entrapment in Wildfires: A Case Study of the Linton Fire Country Fire Authority
Federal Biological Parliamentary INQ067 The Incidence and Management of the Ovine Johnes Disease in the Australian Sheep Flock
Federal Technical accident Independent INQ068 Board of Inquiry Into the Fire in HMAS Westralia Lamacraft, R., et. Al.
NSW Bushfire Audit INQ069 The Coordination of Bushfire Fighting Activities New South Wales. Audit Office.
VIC Fire Coronial INQ066 Inquest findings, comments and recommendations into fire and nine deaths at Kew Residential Services on 8 April 1996
NSW Fire Audit INQ065 New South Wales Fire Brigades : fire prevention
NSW Bushfire Coronial INQ064 Inquiry into the cause and origin of the bushfires occurring in New South Wales between 31 Dec, 1993 and 14 Jan, 1994 and Inquests into the manner and cause of death of Norman John Anthes, Robert Eglinton Page, William John Roach and Pauline Mary O’Neil Hiatt, John.Hiatt, John.
Brunskill, Cheryl.
New South Wales. State Coroner
ACT Bushfire Independent INQ063 Glenn Bushfire Taskforce Dr Glenn Worthington.
Federal All hazard Parliamentary INQ057 Disaster Management
TAS Bushfire Independent INQ060 Review of Vegetation-Based Fire in Tasmania – major conflagrations report
NSW Bushfire Parliamentary INQ058 the report of the Select Committee on Bushfires – COAG Bushfire Inquiry
VIC Fire Parliamentary INQ061 Report of the Public Bodies Review Committee into the Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board Cooper, R., et. al.
ACT Bushfire Independent INQ056 McBeth review of bushfire hazard–reduction practices
QLD Bushfire Independent INQ059 Audit of bushfire strategies:Queensland Emergency Services
WA Bushfire Independent INQ062 Report of the Fire Review Panel Conducting a Review of the Department of Conservation and Land Management’s (CALM) prescribed burning policy and practices and ‘Wildfire Threat Analysis – major conflagrations report
QLD All hazard Independent INQ054 Review of the Bureau of Emergency Services
TAS Bushfire Independent INQ055 Bushfire management in Tasmania’s forests : an audit of the fire management activities of the Forestry Commission
ACT All hazard Independent INQ053 MacDonald review of emergency services
ACT All hazard Independent INQ051 Purdon Report
NSW All hazard Parliamentary INQ052 Coastal planning and management in NSW: The process for the future, Volume 2
ACT All hazard Independent INQ049 Hannan Group review of the effectiveness of fire and emergency service organisations
NSW All hazard Parliamentary INQ050 Coastal planning and management in NSW: A framework for the future, Volume 1
QLD Fire Independent INQ048 Commission of Review of Fire Services in Queensland
Federal Technical accident Parliamentary INQ046 Visits to Australia by Nuclear Powered or Armed Vessels: Contingency Planning for the Accidental Release of Ionising Radiation The Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
NSW All hazard Parliamentary INQ047 Coastal development in NSW: Public concerns and government processes
ACT All hazard Independent INQ045 Purdue Report on management training
Federal Technical accident Independent INQ044 Report of the committee of inquiry into a fire which occurred on 18 March 1987 in a radioisotope processing cell, Building 54 at the Lucas Heights Research Laboratories.
ACT Fire Parliamentary INQ042 Committee of Enquiry into the A.C.T. Fire Brigade
Federal Technical accident Parliamentary INQ043 Passenger coach safety Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Transport Safety.
SA Bushfire Independent INQ040 Review of electricity distribution policies in bushfire prone and environmentally sensitive areas
WA All hazard Independent INQ041 Review of emergency services
VIC Bushfire Independent INQ039 Report of the Bushfire Review Committee on bushfire preparedness in Victoria, Australia, following the Ash Wednesday fires 16 February 1983 – Inquiries following 2002–2003 bushfires Miller S.I., et. al.
Federal Bushfire Parliamentary INQ037 The 1982/83 Bushfires: Implications for national cooperation and coordination based on direct State and Territory forest service experience – major conflagrations report Australian Forestry Council. Standing Committee on Forestry
Federal Bushfire Parliamentary INQ038 Bushfires and the Australian Environment House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Conservation.
SA Bushfire Independent INQ034 Report of the Review Team on the South Australian bushfires
NSW Bushfire Coronial INQ032 Inquiry into a fire at Royal National Park, Grays Point B.J Wilson, Coroner
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ035 Fire protection and fuel-reduction burning in Victoria Johnston, J. B. Forests Commission Victoria
SA All hazard Agency INQ033 Final report and recommendations of the State Disaster Plan (Welfare) Review Committee
VIC Bushfire Agency INQ036 A Study of Civilian Deaths in the 1983 Ash Wednesday Bushfires Victoria, Australia. N Krusel and S N Petris
SA Fire Parliamentary INQ031 Committee of Inquiry into South Australian Fire Services
Federal Biological Parliamentary INQ030 The Adequacy of Quarantine
NSW Fire Independent INQ029 Committee of Inquiry into the NSW Fire Brigades (Parkinson Committee)
VIC Bushfire Parliamentary INQ028 Report of the Board of Inquiry into the occurrence of bush and grass fires in Victoria – Inquiries following 2002–2003 bushfires Barber, Edward Hamilton Esler
Federal Fire Independent INQ027 Board of Inquiry into the Fire at the Naval Air Station, Nowra, New South Wales Killen, James
NT Bushfire Independent INQ026 A report arising from an enquiry into the Northern Territory fire service Meeve, J. E.
VIC Flood Parliamentary INQ025 Northern River flooding inquiry, 1973 : evidence presented to Victorian Parliamentary Public Works Committee
NSW Flood Agency INQ023 Inter-Departmental Committee of Inquiry into Nepean-Hawkesbury Flood Problems. Interim and Final report NSW State Coroner
VIC Technical accident Royal Commission INQ024 Royal commission into the failure of West Gate Bridge Barber, Edward Hamilton Esler
VIC Fire Parliamentary INQ022 Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board. Committee of Enquiry
TAS Bushfire Governments INQ021 Fire Prevention and Suppression—Report of Committee appointed by His Excellency the Administrator-in-Council to make recommendations with respect to future measures in consequences of the Bush Fire Disaster of 7th February, 1967
Federal Technical accident Royal Commission INQ020 Royal Commission on Loss of H.M.A.S. Voyager
WA Bushfire Royal Commission INQ019 Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and report upon the bush fires of December, 1960 and January, February and March, 1961 in Western Australia. The measures necessary or desirable to prevent and control such fires and to protect life and property Rodger G.J.
NSW Flood Independent INQ018 Report on the River Murray flood problem : (with particular reference to the 1956 flood) Harrison, G. L. and River Murray Commission (Australia)
QLD Technical accident Royal Commission INQ017 Royal Commission Appointed to Enquire Into Certain Matters Relating to the State Coal Mine, Collinsville
VIC Bushfire Royal Commission INQ016 Royal commission to inquire into the place of origin and the causes of the fires which commenced at Yallourn on the 14th day of February 1944; the adequacy of the measures which had been taken to prevent damage; and the measures to be taken to protect the
VIC Bushfire Royal Commission INQ015 Royal commission to inquire into the causes of and measures taken to prevent the bush fires of January 1939 and to protect life and property and the measures to be taken to prevent bush fires in Victoria and to protect life and property in the event of fu L.E.B. Stretton.
VIC Technical accident Royal Commission INQ014 Royal commission on certain matters relating to the state coal mine Wonthaggi. Interim and Second Report Kelly, K. T., Richardson, Joseph Arthur,
NSW Bushfire Royal Commission INQ013 Royal Commission of Inquiry on Bush Fires in the State of New South Wales Cramsie, John Boyd
NSW Technical accident Royal Commission INQ012 Report of Royal Commission on Coal and Shale Mines
QLD Technical accident Royal Commission INQ011 Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Traveston railway accident Webb, W. F.
Federal Technical accident Royal Commission INQ010 Royal Commission on the circumstances attending the supposed loss at sea of the steamship “Sumatra” Cohen, J. J. et. al.
QLD Technical accident Royal Commission INQ009 Royal Commission on Mount Mulligan Colliery Disaster Cumming, A. J.
TAS Technical accident Royal Commission INQ008 Royal Commission on the North Mount Lyell Mining Disaster Turner, E. W.
VIC Technical accident Coronial INQ007 Coroner’s enquiry into the Sunshine railway disaster Bagley, William Orlando
NSW Technical accident Royal Commission INQ005 Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the cause of the fatal accident at the mine of the sulphide corporation company (limited), commonly known as the “Central Mine” Broken Hill, on the 8th October, 1902 Gullick
NSW Technical accident Royal Commission INQ006 Royal Commission of Inquiry Respecting the Mount Kembla Colliery Disaster Murray, C. E. R.
VIC Technical accident Royal Commission INQ004 Royal commission to investigate the subject of locomotive spark arresters as a means of preventing the occurrence of destructive fires in the working of the Victorian railways McKenzie, Malcolm Kenneth et. al.
NSW Technical accident Royal Commission INQ003 Royal Commission to Inquire Into the Fatal Accident which Took Place at the Broken Hill South Mine, Broken Hill on the 24th May, 1901 Charles Gregory
NSW Technical accident Royal Commission INQ002 Royal Commission on the Bulli Colliery Accident New South Wales. Parliament. Legislative Assembly
NSW Technical accident Royal Commission INQ001 Royal Commission on Collieries New South Wales. Parliament. Legislative Assembly