
Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ224 REC224-1629 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility Recommendation 1

The Minister for Emergency Services must ensure that future post-incident analyses are completed and made public within eight weeks of a natural disaster.

INQ224 REC224-1630 F - Research and technology 13 - Mapping and data quality Recommendation 2

The Minister for Emergency Services ensure that a Statewide fuel load database that includes data from Western Power, the Department of Fire and Emergency Services and the Department of Environment and Conservation be established before the 2013-14 bushfire season.

INQ224 REC224-1631 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility Recommendation 3

The State Government prepare a strategy before the 2013-14 bushfire season on how the main firefighting agencies should deal with a drier South West region where fewer prescribed burns can be completed each year.

INQ224 REC224-1632 D - Recovery 6 - Insurance and legal liability Recommendation 4

The State Government prepare a consistent policy on how to assist or compensate the victims of future major natural disasters, such as bushfires, in an equitable fashion.

INQ224 REC224-1633 D - Recovery 6 - Insurance and legal liability Recommendation 5

The Treasurer undertake a review by the next bushfire season of the ability of RiskCover to efficiently undertake loss assessing and compensation activities for victims of major natural disasters, such as a bushfire, in an empathic and timely fashion.

INQ224 REC224-1634 B - Preparedness 10 - Infrastructure Recommendation 6

The Minister for Emergency Services should urgently review the technical issues with the Western Australia Emergency Radio Network  program that is forcing the State’s firefighters to revert to their older radio networks.