Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ128 | REC128-3598 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 1 | That the Department of Primary Industries incorporates reviews of plans and operating procedures as a result of emergency incidents and exercises and ensures that there is adequate commitment from all participants in the review process. |
INQ128 | REC128-3610 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 13 | That the Minister for Primary Industries consider amending the Stock Diseases Act 1923 to ban the supply of waste swill to pig owners by food retailing businesses such as bakeries, restaurants and supermarkets. |
INQ128 | REC128-3611 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 14 | That the Department of Primary Industries should endeavour to improve its knowledge and skills base in the pig industry by recruiting a specialist pig industry liaison officer. |
INQ128 | REC128-3612 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 15 | That the Department of Primary Industries should ensure that it retains the services of a specialist poultry industry liaison officer in the future. |
INQ128 | REC128-3613 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 16 | That the Department of Primary Industries and Rural Lands Protection Boards employ outreach activities to alert these small producers to their responsibilities and improve their awareness of animal and plant pests and diseases. |
INQ128 | REC128-3614 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 17 | The Committee encourages the Department and the Rural Land Protection Boards to discuss the need for funding of poultry surveillance activities in the context of reviewing the Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties. |
INQ128 | REC128-3615 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 18 | That the Department of Primary Industries should continue to raise awareness among producers of OJD risks and the operation of Sheep Health Statements. |
INQ128 | REC128-3616 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 19 | That the Department of Primary Industries continue to pursue improvements to consultation with industry and accountability mechanisms to further build trust between industry and government, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the OJD Program. |
INQ128 | REC128-3617 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 20 | That the Department of Primary Industries should provide specific information on levies to contributing producers through a separate document, rather than rely on standard audit documents and annual reporting requirements. |
INQ128 | REC128-3618 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 21 | That the Department of Primary Industries should complete a review of the Memorandum of Understanding and ensure the roles of the Department and Rural Lands Protection Boards are more clearly identified outlined for effective delivery of animal health programs. |
INQ128 | REC128-3609 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 12 | That the Department of Primary Industries be conscious of its responsibilities in maintaining the continued enthusiasm of Industry Liaison Officers and offer training and refresher training as required. |
INQ128 | REC128-3608 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 11 | That emergency animal health training be included in induction programs for newly recruited District Veterinarians and all District Veterinarians be encouraged to maintain their skills by attending regular refresher training as appropriate. |
INQ128 | REC128-3599 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 2 | In order to improve the response to animal health emergencies, that the Department of Primary Industries prioritise the finalisation of Memoranda of Understanding with the four jurisdictions bordering New South Wales. |
INQ128 | REC128-3600 | C - Response | 34 - Local knowledge | Recommendation 3 | The Department of Primary Industries continue to consult local community about emergency planning and sites for disposal to retain confidence in the event of a genuine emergency. |
INQ128 | REC128-3601 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 4 | That, as a matter of principle, the NSW Government provide public reports on the lessons learned from emergency exercises which it manages or in which it participates. If necessary, such reports should exclude material which might jeopardise security. |
INQ128 | REC128-3602 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 5 | That the Department’s performance against tactical and strategic benchmarks be regularly reported in annual reports or animal and plant health emergency evaluation reports and compared to other jurisdictions where possible. |
INQ128 | REC128-3603 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 6 | That the Department of Primary Industries consider applying discretion to the use of user charging policies for testing in times when farm incomes are affected by external circumstances such as widespread drought. |
INQ128 | REC128-3604 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 7 | That the Department of Primary Industries restore the level of discretionary testing funds provided to District Veterinarians to previous levels and maintain these in the future in real terms. |
INQ128 | REC128-3605 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 8 | That the Department of Primary Industries make every effort to meet its targets for the TSE program and encourage public and private sector veterinarians across the State to submit samples. The Department should include reports on its performance against these targets in annual reports. |
INQ128 | REC128-3606 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 9 | That the Department of Primary Industries address the forthcoming potential shortage of veterinary pathologists and agronomists within its testing facilities by positive recruitment actions over the next five years such as offering scholarships or training existing professional staff to develop s |
INQ128 | REC128-3607 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 10 | That the Department of Primary Industries should continue efforts to develop the skills of private sector veterinarians to increase the level of resources available in emergency responses. |
INQ128 | REC128-3619 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 22 | That the Department of Primary Industries should ensure the roles and capacities of Rural Lands Protection Boards and industry are effectively monitored to enable assessment of the effectiveness of animal health programs. |