Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ291 | REC291-1233 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 1 | The State Government to explore options for streamlining the functions and the independence of the State Emergency Management Committee Secretariat and the Office of Bushfire Risk Management with a view to including an inspectorate function, and appointing a person who is dedicated to that role. |
INQ291 | REC291-1248 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 16 | The State Emergency Management Committee to establish a State Bushfire Coordinating Committee as a sub-committee of SEMC. |
INQ291 | REC291-1247 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 15 | The State Government to create a Rural Fire Service to enhance the capability for rural fire management and bushfire risk management at a State, regional and local level. |
INQ291 | REC291-1246 | C - Response | 18 - Access to fire ground | Recommendation 14 | The State Emergency Management Committee to review the policy for traffic management at emergency incidents so it reflects national ‘best practice’. This includes the production and issuing of an aide-memoire to guide traffic management, emergency and incident management personnel. |
INQ291 | REC291-1245 | C - Response | 18 - Access to fire ground | Recommendation 13 | The Department of Fire and Emergency Services to issue a photo identification card to DFES members, members of Bush Fire Brigades, volunteer emergency services, Incident Management Teams, forestry industry brigade members and Networked Government Emergency Agency members. |
INQ291 | REC291-1244 | C - Response | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Recommendation 12 | The Department of Fire and Emergency Services to work with the Department of Planning and Local Governments to adopt a policy which enables Local Governments to identify, register and communicate, ‘Places of Bushfire Last Resort’ in settlements and townsites where the life risk from bushfire is v |
INQ291 | REC291-1243 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 11 | The Department of Fire and Emergency Services to investigate and adopt a system that will allow the public to opt in, monitor and receive, through a ‘push mechanism’, bushfire and other emergency warnings, maps and information using a wide variety of devices including personal hand held smart dev |
INQ291 | REC291-1242 | C - Response | 15 - Inter-service cooperation | Recommendation 10 | The Departments of Fire and Emergency Services and Parks and Wildlife to investigate and adopt an emergency services resource management system that will enable the registration, tasking, tracking, management and coordination of emergency management personnel, vehicles, plant and aircraft. |
INQ291 | REC291-1241 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 9 | The State Emergency Management Committee, in consultation with Western Australian Farmers Federation, the Association of Bush Fire Brigades, the Contractors Association of WA, and the Forest Industries Federation of WA, to establish systems for the voluntary registration of: · farmer firefighting |
INQ291 | REC291-1240 | C - Response | 14 - Incident Mgt Teams | Recommendation 8 | The Departments of Parks and Wildlife and Fire and Emergency Services to adopt the policy that all bushfire Level 3 Incident Management Teams in the Perth Hills and the South West will be integrated and pre-formed from the start of the 2016/17 fire season with substantial involvement of both the |
INQ291 | REC291-1239 | C - Response | 14 - Incident Mgt Teams | Recommendation 7 | The State Government to establish an arrangement to develop a ‘network’ of Western Australian State Government agency personnel who can be called upon for bushfire and emergency incident management capability within Western Australia. |
INQ291 | REC291-1238 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 6 | The State Emergency Management Committee to adopt, across all hazards, the doctrine of: · the primacy of life; · the ‘Strategic Control Priorities’ (as documented by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services); and · community warnings that are timely, tailored and relevant. |
INQ291 | REC291-1237 | B - Preparedness | 5 - Hazard reduction burns | Recommendation 5 | The Department of Fire and Emergency Services, utilising the Office of Bushfire Risk Management, to develop a simplified and fast track hazard reduction burn (and other fuel mitigation techniques) planning and approval process to ensure the timely conduct of township and asset protection burns by |
INQ291 | REC291-1236 | B - Preparedness | 4 - Fire season preparation | Recommendation 4 | The Departments of Parks and Wildlife and Fire and Emergency Services to develop options for the expansion of the ‘Bushfire Mitigation Grant Scheme’ 20 January 2016 Waroona Fire Special Inquiry utilising both State and Commonwealth Government funding to enable the implementation of hazard reducti |
INQ291 | REC291-1235 | B - Preparedness | 5 - Hazard reduction burns | Recommendation 3 | The Department of Parks and Wildlife to continue emphasis on landscape hazard reduction burning with the annual objective of treating 140,000 hectares per annum in Land Management Zone C. |
INQ291 | REC291-1234 | B - Preparedness | 5 - Hazard reduction burns | Recommendation 2 | The Department of Parks and Wildlife to plan for the highest priority hazard reduction burning effort around settlements and critical assets in the South West and Perth Hills. |
INQ291 | REC291-1249 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 17 | The Department of the Premier and Cabinet to conduct an independent review of the current arrangement for the management and distribution of the Emergency Services Levy. |