Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ271 | REC271-1521 | F - Research and technology | 26 - Research | Recommendation 1 | The Department of Energy and Water Supply and SunWater, undertake the necessary studies to determine whether or not it is feasible to operate Callide Dam as a flood mitigation dam. Such studies should include matters in relation to, but not limited to: |
INQ271 | REC271-1532 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 12 | The evacuation sub-plan component of the Local Disaster Managment Plan should be reviewed, including any identified triggers for activation. Ideally, the plan should be tested in a live, multi-agency exercise prior to next summer. |
INQ271 | REC271-1531 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 11 | Banana Shire Council completes business continuity planning as a matter of priority, including documentation and testing of the plan. |
INQ271 | REC271-1530 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 10 | Local Disaster Coordination Centre capability and capacity should be reviewed to ensure adequate staffing arrangements are in place to fill key positions, and that operational protocols are known and practiced across all functions to provide redundancy. |
INQ271 | REC271-1529 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 9 | As part of the above, both the Banana Shire Council and SunWater ensure Emergency Alert messages are pre-formatted, consistent, polygons are identified according to risk, and that they are tested and practiced with the State Disaster Coordination Centre. |
INQ271 | REC271-1528 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 8 | Prior to September 2015, SunWater and the Banana Shire Council jointly develop a multi-channel, common warning strategy, including common language and consistent messaging, for residents downstream of |
INQ271 | REC271-1527 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 7 | Prior to September 2015, the Banana Shire Council develops a multi-channel warning strategy and associated public information campaign, including common language and consistent messaging, for the Banana Shire. |
INQ271 | REC271-1526 | F - Research and technology | 13 - Mapping and data quality | Recommendation 6 | In accordance with recommendations of the BMT WBM report, the Banana Shire Council, SunWater, and the Bureau of Meteorology, under the stewardship of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, jointly identify the requirements for a suitable gauge network for the Callide Valley to allow meani |
INQ271 | REC271-1525 | D - Recovery | 6 - Insurance and legal liability | Recommendation 5 | The Department of Energy and Water Supply, in conjunction with SunWater, seek clarification of the dam owners’ legal obligation to comply with Emergency Action Plans and, if required, investigate how a more flexible approach may be adopted. |
INQ271 | REC271-1524 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 4 | SunWater provide downstream residents with easily understood information regarding operation of the dam, and the impacts that various outflows may have for them, in accordance with mapping prepared for the Emergency Action Plan. |
INQ271 | REC271-1523 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 3 | Banana Shire Council coordinates the development of a strategy to significantly enhance public education regarding local disaster management arrangements within the Banana Shire, focusing on key identified risks. |
INQ271 | REC271-1522 | F - Research and technology | 26 - Research | Recommendation 2 | Banana Shire Council investigate means to prioritise the commissioning of a fit-for-purpose flood study for high-risk areas across the Banana Shire to better inform flood risk management, including improved town planning. |
INQ271 | REC271-1533 | C - Response | 14 - Incident Mgt Teams | Recommendation 13 | State Disaster Coordination Centre considers requesting a representative from critical infrastructure owners be present as a liaison officer in the State Disaster Coordination Centre during activations for events that may impact on their assets. |