
Management of Rural Fire Services in Queensland
Glenn Poole, Auditor General

Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ150 REC150-3112 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 1

Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) implement a forward planning process specific to rural fire management as part of the QFRS strategic planning process, which involves regional and area offices and incorporates:
▪ a process for identifying risks and opportunities.

INQ150 REC150-3126 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour Recommendation 15

QFRS continue to support area training staff in the development and implementation of brigade training programs and calendars.

INQ150 REC150-3125 A - Responsibility 38 - Agency/Department Reporting Recommendation 14

QFRS introduce a system to collate and analyse performance information for use in management reporting and to support effective decision making processes. 

INQ150 REC150-3124 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 13

QFRS establish a suitable process to reliably capture that information.

INQ150 REC150-3123 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 12

QFRS determine the performance information needed to support effective decision making .

INQ150 REC150-3122 E - Agency Organisation 29 - Operational Health and Safety Recommendation 11

QFRS implement a system to monitor the condition and safety of brigade buildings and equipment. 

INQ150 REC150-3121 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 10

QFRS utilise performance information on brigade activity as a factor in determining brigade resource and funding needs. 

INQ150 REC150-3120 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 9

QFRS provide assistance to brigades in determining and budgeting for their resource needs.

INQ150 REC150-3119 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 8

QFRS implement a system to collate and analyse brigade funding information.

INQ150 REC150-3118 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 7

QFRS review the financial accountability and audit requirements of the rural fire brigades to reflect their status as part of QFRS.

INQ150 REC150-3117 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 6

QFRS ensure compliance with the brigade accountability requirements for funding received by rural fire brigades as specified in the Rural Fire Brigade Manual

INQ150 REC150-3116 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 5

QFRS implement a brigade issues management process to capture, manage and report specific brigade issues. 

INQ150 REC150-3115 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 4

QFRS establish a structured risk management process for rural fire management, which involves regional and area offices, to enhance decision making processes and ensure opportunities are maximised and losses are minimised.

INQ150 REC150-3114 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 3

QFRS implement a process to review brigade plans and incorporate specific issues identified into forward planning at the area and regional levels. 

INQ150 REC150-3113 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 2

QFRS provide guidance and support to rural fire brigades in the development of their one year operational plan and three year management plan. 

INQ150 REC150-3127 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour Recommendation 16

QFRS improve the capacity to address the brigade training gap by continuing to encourage and facilitate the accreditation of volunteer trainers within brigades where appropriate.