Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ257 | REC257-1536 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 1 | The Australian defence Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal course be reviewed by Manager Joint Training - Air Force, to ensure the assessments meet the learning outcomes specificed in the relevant Training Management Package. |
INQ257 | REC257-1547 | C - Response | 15 - Inter-service cooperation | Recommendation 12 | The Marrangaroo Training Area Regional Environmental Officer confer with the local Rural Fire Service at least annually and determine a hazard reduction regime capable of implementation. |
INQ257 | REC257-1548 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 13 | The Regional Director-Defence Support-Northern NSW, make contact with Deputy Commissioner ~~~~~ Director of Operational Services Rural Fire Service, to arrange a headquarters driven bipartite review of the events of 16 October 2013 with a review to mitigation of future fire events generally, and |
INQ257 | REC257-1549 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 14 | Marrangaroo Training Area Range Standing Orders should be reviewed to impose a requirement that the Officer in Charge of any live-firing practice ascertain and consider current weather parameters, temperature, humidity, wind strength and direction, registered at Mt Boyce immediately prior to any |
INQ257 | REC257-1550 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 15 | Defence engage with both the Bureau of Meteorology and the Rural Fire Service to determine a more suitable index system. |
INQ257 | REC257-1551 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 16 | The use of Internal and External ranges at MTA for patrolling activities be prohibited. |
INQ257 | REC257-1552 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 17 | Authority be given to the regional Environmental Officer to close a range or impose live-firing restriction in addition to any set out in Range Standing Orders if circumstances so warrant. |
INQ257 | REC257-1553 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 18 | On matters relating directly to safety or risk, or when live-firing may occur, where there is ambiguity or apparent inconsistency, the most conservative or restrctive order should be followed until formal clarification has been provided. |
INQ257 | REC257-1554 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 19 | All documents be reviewed to remove ambiguity and perceived inconsistencies. |
INQ257 | REC257-1546 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 11 | Defence undertake a review of its ability to respond to a fire within Marrangaroo Training Area, whether bushfire or structural. The underlying assumption should be that the only response available to fight a fire within Marrangaroo Training Area will be provided by Defence. |
INQ257 | REC257-1545 | C - Response | 15 - Inter-service cooperation | Recommendation 10 | Range Control Officer Marrangaroo Training Area liase with the local Rural Fire Service units to develop a map indicating the areas of the range likely to contain unexploded ordnance. |
INQ257 | REC257-1537 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 2 | Commanding Officer Defence Explosive Ordnance Training School review and enforce Standard Operating Procedures to ensure that appropriate explosive ordnance accounting and handling practices, in accordance with Defence doctrine, are adhered to during all training activities. |
INQ257 | REC257-1538 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 3 | Commanding Officer Defence Explosive Ordnance Training School amend relevant instructions, both generally and specifically, so as to ensure that explosive ordnance used in training serials is logged in real time, in accordance with extant doctrine. |
INQ257 | REC257-1539 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 4 | Defence Security Authority conduct an investigation into the whereabouts of items of anaccounted explosive ordnance issued to Defence Explosive Ordnance Training School Exercise Marrangaroo. |
INQ257 | REC257-1540 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 5 | Commanding Officer Defence Explosive Ordnance Training School, assisted by Joint Logistics Command Regional Explosive Ordnance Serices staff, conduct explosive ordnance accounting training for all instructional staff as a matter of priority and that such training be conducted for Defence Explosiv |
INQ257 | REC257-1541 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 6 | A Stryker unit, or an upgraded firefighting unit, be present at the range sentry point, remain manned and ready to deploy during range activites, with its driver in direct radio contact with the Range Safety Officer. |
INQ257 | REC257-1542 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 7 | Firefighitng capability at Marrangaroo Training Area be upgraded so that Australian Defence Force members are not placed in situations of unacceptable risk. |
INQ257 | REC257-1543 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 8 | Range Standing Orders be amended to include a direction that no Defence vehicle is to leave the administration area of Marrangaroo Training Area during a bushfire, except to leave Marrangaroo Training Area itself through the main gate, unless it is a properly equipped bushfire fighitng vehicle ha |
INQ257 | REC257-1544 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 9 | Defence should not procure any firefighting vehicle for Marrangaroo Training Area without first consulting relevant personnel within the Rural Fire Service on an appropriate type of vehicle, and obtaining training for the personnel proposed to use it. |
INQ257 | REC257-1555 | C - Response | 14 - Incident Mgt Teams | Recommendation 20 | The lines of responsibility be made clearer and some individual, perhaps the Regional Environmental Officer, or agency be given overarching responsibility to ensure recommended works related to bushfire mitigation on Defence Estate are carried out in accordance with the Bushfire Management Plan w |