Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ165 | REC165-0078 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 1 | The basic tenet of a local community response as the foundation of Queensland's Disaster Management framework, with a clear description of the relationships between the levels and description of the phases of Disaster Management, needs to be more strongly emphasised in the "objects" |
INQ165 | REC165-0090 | C - Response | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Recommendation 13 | The SDMG lead an initiative to integrate and/or inter-connect all of the control centres involved at all levels of the Disaster Management system in Queensland as part of the project to integrate State communications. |
INQ165 | REC165-0091 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 14 | EMQ resources be directed to continually improving, monitoring and regularly evaluating the State's Disaster Management system with a priority focus on providing support to Local Government levels including interlinking exercises involving District and State arrangements. |
INQ165 | REC165-0092 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 15 | Executive Officers to DDCs be serving Police Officers. Regional and Area officers of EMQ be members of Local and District Disaster Management Groups to enable them to fulfil their Statewide support and governance roles. |
INQ165 | REC165-0093 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 16 | The Department of Community Safety (through EMQ) be assigned in the Act with the responsibility to develop, maintain, monitor and continuously improve the State's Disaster Management arrangements and systems. |
INQ165 | REC165-0094 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 17 | The Act be amended to make it clear that Disaster Controllers/Coordinators at all levels are to be authorised public officials with the necessary training and authority to properly discharge the role and provide an effective direct line of support, coordination and control of disaster events. |
INQ165 | REC165-0095 | C - Response | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Recommendation 18 | Planning and consultation be undertaken by EMQ with all levels of the Disaster Management system to ensure that necessary risk-based disaster evacuation plans are prepared at Local, District and State levels, supported by necessary community education and preparedness programs. |
INQ165 | REC165-0096 | C - Response | 15 - Inter-service cooperation | Recommendation 19 | The Department of Community Safety and Councils develop MOUs to reflect the genuine partnership that exists in present arrangements including an emphasis on the use of the agreed State disaster arrangements to task and deploy SES units following State/Local consultation. |
INQ165 | REC165-0097 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 20 | Revised governance arrangements be implemented involving Disaster Management Groups at the three levels supported by EMQ as outlined in this report to achieve continuous improvement in the Disaster Management arrangements in the State. |
INQ165 | REC165-0098 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 21 | The SDMG take into account key improvement initiatives and change processes suggested when deciding on an effective implementation strategy for agreed recommendations. |
INQ165 | REC165-0089 | D - Recovery | 33 - Relief and recovery | Recommendation 12 | The SDMG lead an initiative to deal at all levels with offers of assistance and donations from the general public in the event of disasters. |
INQ165 | REC165-0088 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 11 | The State Disaster Management Act be strengthened by a description of the phases of Disaster Management with emphasis on the key elements within each phase including the recovery phase; Lead Agencies and nominated leaders in each area of Queensland for each of the four key elements of recovery |
INQ165 | REC165-0079 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 2 | The Act be amended (Sections 45, 46, 47) to enable verbal directions in times of disaster responses from a State Controller to DDC to Local Controller, which must be committed to writing promptly to formalise the record. |
INQ165 | REC165-0080 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 3 | The State Disaster Management Plan incorporate linkages with all Lead Agencies and officers in control of National Plan or Agreement response. |
INQ165 | REC165-0081 | C - Response | 2 - Emergency powers | Recommendation 4 | District and State levels utilise the current Act to make pre-emptive declarations of a disaster event (likely disasters) so as to be proactive in leading and controlling disaster events. |
INQ165 | REC165-0082 | D - Recovery | 33 - Relief and recovery | Recommendation 5 | Current procedures to activate disaster recovery funding arrangements be retained and processes be reinforced. |
INQ165 | REC165-0083 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 6 | The Chairperson of SDMG (where leadership is not already defined in relevant National Plans) nominate a senior officer to assume overall responsibility for control and coordination of each disaster event to ensure a decisive and effective response. |
INQ165 | REC165-0084 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 7 | The State Disaster Management Group focus on Disaster Management strategy and policy with sub-committees or appropriate levels in the Disaster Management system assigned detailed disaster planning or risk management assessment roles. |
INQ165 | REC165-0085 | C - Response | 20 - Role of police | Recommendation 8 | The Commissioner of Police, through a dedicated Assistant Commissioner (supported by a cohort of Assistant Commissioners to ensure adequate coverage), be assigned responsibility for overall control of each natural Disaster Management event in Queensland as the preferred arrangement. |
INQ165 | REC165-0086 | C - Response | 2 - Emergency powers | Recommendation 9 | Suggested escalation trigger points be discussed with District Disaster Coordinators and Local Disaster Coordinators, and if considered practical and useful, be incorporated in Local, District and State Disaster Management Plans. |
INQ165 | REC165-0087 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 10 | The SDMG commission the Department of Community Safety and seek the necessary funding to develop and enhance the Statewide Disaster Management information and communications system building on alternatives already in place and in consultation with all levels of Government. |
INQ165 | REC165-0099 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 22 | The suggested summary of legislative changes guide the legislative response to the report incorporating consultation with key stakeholders at State, District and Local levels. |