Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ155 | REC155-3464 | B - Preparedness | 5 - Hazard reduction burns | Recommendation 1 | That the Department of Sustainability and Environment implement remote sensing imagery as a routine part of its pre-burn and post-burn assessment process for prescribed burning. |
INQ155 | REC155-3475 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 12 | That in relation to Fire Operations Plans, the Department Sustainability and Environment extends the number of community meetings during the public consultation period to a minimum of one meeting for each Fire District, with the possibility of repeat visits to particular areas. |
INQ155 | REC155-3476 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 13 | That finalised Fire Operations Plans be made publicly available in their entirety (with the exception of any private information) on the Department of Sustainability and Environment’s website and in hard-copy, and that this requirement be clearly stated in future Codes of Practice. |
INQ155 | REC155-3477 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 14 | That the details of any variation or amendment of a Fire Operations Plan, including: the carrying forward or postponement of burns within the three-year period covered by a Fire Operations Plan; the carry over, removal or rescheduling of burns between past, present and future Fire Operations Plan |
INQ155 | REC155-3478 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 15 | That all information pertaining to current and planned prescribed burns be published more prominently on the Department of Sustainability and Environment’s website, with a single prominent link to this material on the website homepage. |
INQ155 | REC155-3479 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 16 | That a process of year round community engagement in the preparation of Fire Operations Plans be established. In addition a record of year round community engagement, as contained in the Gippsland Fire Operations Plan, should be a requirement of all Fire Operations Plans. |
INQ155 | REC155-3480 | B - Preparedness | 1 - Land-use and building regs | Recommendation 17 | That the Integrated Fire Management Planning framework establish zones in the interface between public and private land in which bushfire risk management is the shared responsibility of the Victorian Government and private landholders. |
INQ155 | REC155-3481 | D - Recovery | 6 - Insurance and legal liability | Recommendation 18 | That the Victorian Government establish a clear and consistent Bushfire Fencing Policy for damage caused by all future bushfires and prescribed burns. The Bushfire Fencing Policy should include the following provisions: |
INQ155 | REC155-3482 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 19 | That the Victorian Government, and responsible agencies, expedite the implementation of the Integrated Fire Management Planning framework. |
INQ155 | REC155-3474 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 11 | That the Victorian Government consider all available means, consistent with conservation values, for substantially increasing the access of apiarists to the public land estate. |
INQ155 | REC155-3473 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 10 | That the Victorian Government expedite the implementation of its 2006 election commitment to provide four wheel drive clubs with access to management vehicle only tracks. |
INQ155 | REC155-3465 | B - Preparedness | 5 - Hazard reduction burns | Recommendation 2 | That in order to enhance the protection of community and ecological assets, the Department of Sustainability and Environment increase its annual prescribed burning target from 130,000 hectares to 385,000 hectares. |
INQ155 | REC155-3466 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 3 | A comprehensive review of the effectiveness of the increased prescribed burning target in meeting ecological and bushfire suppression needs should be conducted every three years. |
INQ155 | REC155-3467 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 4 | The Department of Sustainability and Environment should report its performance against the increased prescribed burning target in its annual report, which should also include the following details: |
INQ155 | REC155-3468 | A - Responsibility | 38 - Agency/Department Reporting | Recommendation 5 | That the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Department of Primary Industries, Parks Victoria & VicForests separately cost, and report, annual expenditure on fuel reduction burning, ecological burning and regeneration burning in their Annual Reports. |
INQ155 | REC155-3469 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 6 | That the Victorian Government establish a five year rolling fund which allows unused prescribed burning monies to be rolled over into future financial years for the purpose of subsequent prescribed burning activities. |
INQ155 | REC155-3470 | E - Agency Organisation | 37 - Funding | Recommendation 7 | That the Victorian Government provide recurring funding for a significant increase in regionally-based, permanent, or long-tenured, fire management personnel dedicated to the prescribed burning program. |
INQ155 | REC155-3471 | D - Recovery | 6 - Insurance and legal liability | Recommendation 8 | That the Victorian Government replace or compensate for water taken from domestic, stock and irrigation dams, or water needed for essential use, in the event of a fire, regardless of where the bushfire starts. |
INQ155 | REC155-3472 | F - Research and technology | 26 - Research | Recommendation 9 | That the Department of Sustainability and Environment and its partner agencies conduct or commission research, and a possible trial study, to determine the potential of thinning and other silvicultural practices – whether alone or in combination with prescribed burning – as a means of reducing fu |
INQ155 | REC155-3483 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 20 | That the Department of Sustainability and Environment and its partner agencies continue to develop a proactive approach to engagement with the local and wider media to achieve continuous improvement in the standard of community information and education. |