
Inquiry into the 2011 Kimberley Ultramarathon. Parliament of Western Australia (WA)

Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ204 REC204-1907 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 1

The Department of Sport and Recreation facilitate the development of an Adventure Activity Standard for ultramarathons in order to determine a minimum safety standard for the sport.

INQ204 REC204-1920 D - Recovery 6 - Insurance and legal liability Recommendation 14

The Attorney General gives urgent consideration to determining an ex gratia payment for:
- Miss Turia Pitt and Miss Kate Sanderson; and
- Mr Michael Hull and Mr Martin Van Der Merwe

INQ204 REC204-1919 B - Preparedness 1 - Land-use and building regs Recommendation 13

Tourism WA must give specific regard as to whether land use approvals need to be sought, particularly from Department of Regional Development and Lands, when conducting due diligence for event sponsorship proposals that require sign off by both departments.

INQ204 REC204-1918 B - Preparedness 1 - Land-use and building regs Recommendation 12

Department of Regional Development and Lands and Department of Environment and Conservation should consider how their respective land use approval processes can incorporate the input of Local Emergency Management Committees (LEMCs) as part of risk assessments for high risk events and adventure sp

INQ204 REC204-1917 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 11

The review of the Health Act 1911 (WA) should include the following amendments:
- enabling high risk or adventure sport activities to be subject to the events approval process currently applicable to ‘public buildings’ and;

INQ204 REC204-1916 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review Recommendation 10

Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) processes should be reviewed to ensure that:
- Local government authorities, emergency service organisations, other government agencies and event organisers are made aware of the requirements of a LEMC, and that

INQ204 REC204-1915 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility Recommendation 9

The Department of Regional Development and Lands should ensure that event organisers and government agencies responsible for sponsoring and approving events have a greater level of awareness about the requirements of section 91 licences under the Land Administration Act 1977 (WA).

INQ204 REC204-1914 C - Response 15 - Inter-service cooperation Recommendation 8

FESA, WA Police and St John Ambulance establish a uniform protocol for handling multiple agency emergency responses that does not involve callers having to make multiple calls to 000.

INQ204 REC204-1913 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review Recommendation 7

The Department of the Attorney General consider conducting a review of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (WA) in light of the 2011 Kimberley Ultramarathon.

INQ204 REC204-1912 A - Responsibility 38 - Agency/Department Reporting Recommendation 6

The Board of Tourism WA should take action to ensure that it reviews the quality of Board papers that are submitted to it by the executive of Tourism WA.

INQ204 REC204-1911 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility Recommendation 5

As part of the review of its due diligence processes, Tourism WA should ensure that:
- A minimum standard of due diligence is established that addresses the deficiencies noted in this Report.

INQ204 REC204-1910 D - Recovery 6 - Insurance and legal liability Recommendation 4

As part of its review of its contract management processes, Tourism WA (with the Board of Tourism WA taking a lead role) should amend its contract template for event sponsorship to ensure that:

INQ204 REC204-1909 A - Responsibility 35 - Business and Industry in relation to industry Recommendation 3

Eventscorp should ensure that organisers of events its sponsors are directed to all appropriate authorities and stakeholders to ensure the responsible, safe and efficient planning and conduct of the event.

INQ204 REC204-1908 B - Preparedness 39 - Disaster Risk Management Recommendation 2

As part of the current revision of its contract template for sponsorship agreements, Tourism WA should ensure that:

INQ204 REC204-1921 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 15

The Coroner’s Act 1996 should be amended to give the Coroner jurisdiction to investigate fires that do not cause death, and that the Coroner should be suitably resourced to undertake investigations of the kind the subject of this Report.