Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ013 | REC013_3963 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 1 | The establishment of a Board, to be called "The Bush Fires Control Board" which shall operate in conjunction with the shire councils in connection with the prevention of bush fires and control of bush-fire organisations. |
INQ013 | REC013_3975 | B - Preparedness | 5 - Hazard reduction burns | Recommendation 13 | To burn, where necessary, at least 33 feet where there is a risk of fire, on the outside of the railway fence, in conjunction with the railway employees. |
INQ013 | REC013_3976 | B - Preparedness | 4 - Fire season preparation | Recommendation 14 | To burn camping areas at suitable water and camping reserves. |
INQ013 | REC013_3977 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 15 | To arrange with settlers who live on hills or have a clear view, and are connected by telephone, to act as " look-outs ", and to communicate with the brigade in the case of fire. |
INQ013 | REC013_3978 | B - Preparedness | 4 - Fire season preparation | Recommendation 16 | Where possible to build stone or brick fireplaces for the use of travellers, teamsters, and drovers on the camping areas that are mostly used and where there is a risk of fire. |
INQ013 | REC013_3979 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 17a | That burning off by "occupiers" on any lands be regulated by permit or by regulation. |
INQ013 | REC013_3980 | D - Recovery | 6 - Insurance and legal liability | Recommendation 18b | To provide that any person desirous of insuring his crops against fire shall first submit his proposal to two responsible persons for their endorsement that, in their opinion, the crop is likely to produce the value for which the insurer proposes to take out the oolicy, and that, in the event of |
INQ013 | REC013_3981 | A - Responsibility | 3 - Biodiversity | Recommendation 19c | To prohibit the preparation of baits for the destruction of rabbits and other noxious animals in which stick phosphorus is used at the time of mixing on any farm, pastoral or grazing area. |
INQ013 | REC013_3982 | A - Responsibility | 19 - Offences | Recommendation 20d | To prohibit persons taking into a harvest field or through any grass or bush lands any motor, tractor, harvester, &c., which is not supplied with an approved fire extinguisher or without the exhaust being properly fitted and protected, under a penalty not exceeding $50. |
INQ013 | REC013_3974 | B - Preparedness | 1 - Land-use and building regs | Recommendation 12 | To link up fallow paddocks and natural fire breaks by ploughing or burning breaks through private or public property, roads, &c. |
INQ013 | REC013_3973 | E - Agency Organisation | 40 - Equipment and consumables | Recommendation 11 | To arrange for uniform water facilities, where possible, by having large taps attached to elevated tanks, suitable approaches made to dams for filling carts, and convienient gates to approach same. |
INQ013 | REC013_3972 | E - Agency Organisation | 40 - Equipment and consumables | Recommendation 10 | To recommend to shire councils the purchase of fire carts and necessary equipment for fire fighting. |
INQ013 | REC013_3964 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 2 | The Board shall consist of a Chairman and four other members, one member to be nominated each by the Graziers', Farmers and Settlers' and Agricultural Bureau Associations, one by the Fire Underwriters' Association, and one by the Government. |
INQ013 | REC013_3965 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 3 | The Minister to have power to make regulations for the purpose of all proceedings of the Board, including the summoning and attendance of members, and the enforcement of orders of the Board. |
INQ013 | REC013_3966 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 4 | Each member of the Board to act in an honorary capacity. |
INQ013 | REC013_3967 | A - Responsibility | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Recommendation 5 | Each Shire Council shall divide the lands within their respective shires into suitable areas for the formation of Bush Fire Brigades as requested. |
INQ013 | REC013_3968 | A - Responsibility | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Recommendation 6 | Any number of persons, wishing to form a Bush Fire Brigade, may, by a majority vote of the ratepayers in the particular area, requisition the Shire Council to proclaim such area a Bush Fire Brigade area, and the Council may then impose, with the concurrence of a majority of such ratepayers, a spe |
INQ013 | REC013_3969 | D - Recovery | 6 - Insurance and legal liability | Recommendation 7 | The subsidy of such Fire Brigade organisations by the insurance companies and the Government to be given favourable consideration, from a proportion of which the expenses of the Central Administration might be met. |
INQ013 | REC013_3970 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 8 | The Board may, at any time, require the Bush Fire Committees to report on the condition of their fire-fighting equipment, and on any other matter, which in their opinion, will tend to greater efficiency in their operations. |
INQ013 | REC013_3971 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 9 | To elect necessary officers. |
INQ013 | REC013_3983 | A - Responsibility | 19 - Offences | Recommendation 21e | To prohibit persons throwing lighted cigarettes, cigars and tobacco among any straw, stubble, grass or herbage during the months of September to March in any Bush Fire area, under a penalty not exceeding $10. |