
Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ207 REC207-2872 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 1

Boost the number of frontline meteorologists to build response capacity in regional forecasting centres.

INQ207 REC207-2888 A - Responsibility 35 - Business and Industry in relation to industry Recommendation 17

Foster private sector service providers who can offer tailored services or broadcast high quality presentation of general purpose weather information

INQ207 REC207-2889 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 18

Review level of investment in research activities to free up budget and reduce pressure on computing capacity

INQ207 REC207-2890 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 19

Review and rebalance relative investment in long term climate modelling and medium-term seasonal outlook.

INQ207 REC207-2891 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 20

Cease or reduce the Ionospheric Prediction Service or offer it as a commercial service.

INQ207 REC207-2892 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 21

Apply a consistent cost-recovery model to all services delivered to state/territory fire agencies.

INQ207 REC207-2893 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 22

Explore options to obtain revenue from advertising on the Bureau’s website

INQ207 REC207-2894 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 23

Phase out seasonal prediction development and modelling and rely on products generated elsewhere

INQ207 REC207-2895 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 24

Fund delivery of improved seasonal forecasting services by:
(c) Identifying potential offsets from government beneficiaries of any additional investment in seasonal forecasting services

INQ207 REC207-2896 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 25

Lower yield options identified by the Bureau:
(a) Reduce staffing at remote observing stations
(b) Close the training facility at Broadmeadows, Victoria
(c) Consolidate forecasting functions for Northern Queensland
(d) Outsource the Bureau’s library

INQ207 REC207-2896 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 25

Lower yield options identified by the Bureau:
(a) Reduce staffing at remote observing stations
(b) Close the training facility at Broadmeadows, Victoria
(c) Consolidate forecasting functions for Northern Queensland
(d) Outsource the Bureau’s library

INQ207 REC207-2897 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 26

Additional frontline meteorologists and specialised centres and systems:
(a) Enhanced severe weather units
(b) National extreme weather centres
(c) Integrated all-hazards decision system
(d) Enhanced observation network

INQ207 REC207-2898 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 27

Upgrade to the Bureau’s supercomputing capacity:
(a) Status quo
(b) Step change
(c) Further enhancements

INQ207 REC207-2899 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 28

Improved seasonal forecasting capabilities: 
(a) Improved presentation of existing products
(b) Enhanced capability – keeping pace with international standards

INQ207 REC207-2887 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 16

Centralise media services and establish protocols for media activity.

INQ207 REC207-2886 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 15

Explore options to limit forecaster intervention in site-specific web forecasts.

INQ207 REC207-2873 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 2

Boost the Bureau’s flood warning capacity by:
(a) Increasing the number of frontline hydrologists
(b) Upgrading the flood monitoring system

INQ207 REC207-2874 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 3

Formalise and standardise service levels provided to emergency services.

INQ207 REC207-2875 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 4

Agree clear allocation of responsibilities to state and local government for flood management, with defined boundaries on the Bureau’s role and:
(a) As a minimum:
(i) Agree national standards for operation of flood monitoring networks and vest responsibility in fewer agencies

INQ207 REC207-2876 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 5

Focus the Bureau’s evolving environmental information role on natural hazards in the first instance.

INQ207 REC207-2877 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 6

Explore opportunities to re-phase investments in large scale projects and programs such as the Strategic Radar Enhancement Program, the NexGen Forecast and Warning System Products and the Improving Water Information Program.

INQ207 REC207-2878 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 7

Complete workforce planning project and succession plans as a matter of urgency.

INQ207 REC207-2879 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 8

Firm up approval processes and funding for any departures from provision of the basic product set

INQ207 REC207-2880 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 9

Ensure the Bureau puts in place necessary planning and governance arrangements to develop its bid for capital funding to maintain its critical supercomputing capacity

INQ207 REC207-2881 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 10

Extend ICT governance arrangements to all applications and subject in-house development to rigorous approval processes.

INQ207 REC207-2882 B - Preparedness 39 - Disaster Risk Management Recommendation 11

Review disaster recovery and business continuity plans.

INQ207 REC207-2883 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 12

Start a project to introduce organisational process thinking with a view to standardising processes and product specifications.

INQ207 REC207-2884 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 13

Focus leadership practices to re-orient culture away from customisation and experimentation and towards reliable, efficient and consistent documented processes

INQ207 REC207-2885 F - Research and technology 13 - Mapping and data quality Recommendation 14

Increased automation and outsourcing of observations

INQ207 REC207-2900 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government Recommendation 29

Explore use of social media to enhance data gathering from authorised and informal sources and to disseminate weather information