Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ223 | REC223-0514 | B - Preparedness | 5 - Hazard reduction burns | Recommendation 1 | The Department of Environment and Conservation review its current policies and operational guidelines in particular by: * strengthening the governance of operations by ensuring the Guidelines are relevant and practical; * ensuring the processes that are implemented for prescribed burns are: (a) v |
INQ223 | REC223-0522 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 9 | The response operation to the Margaret River bushfire in November 2011 be the subject of a review with independent oversight. |
INQ223 | REC223-0521 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 8 | The Department of Environment and Conservation develop and implement a strategy to better inform the community about the complexities and decisions surrounding prescribed burns when they are undertaken in the rural urban area. |
INQ223 | REC223-0520 | E - Agency Organisation | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation 7 | The Department of Environment and Conservation review the utility of its current regional model in terms of the capability of operational centres such as Kirup to service major fire activity on land proximate to the rural urban area (this recommendation should also be considered in the context of |
INQ223 | REC223-0519 | C - Response | 34 - Local knowledge | Recommendation 6 | The Department of Environment and Conservation review its practices and procedures in the undertaking of prescribed burns so as to fully utilise the skills available to it in a seamless way including but not limited to: · volunteer bushfire brigades, especially in regard to use as a source of loc |
INQ223 | REC223-0518 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 5 | The Department of Environment and Conservation explore human resourcing models that: · make succession planning a priority; · look at options for the attraction and retention of staff; and · review how the salary levels of staff matches the decision making required in major activities such as pre |
INQ223 | REC223-0517 | F - Research and technology | 26 - Research | Recommendation 4 | The Department of Environment and Conservation be supported to conduct further research into the fuel management of coastal heath in the south west of Western Australia exploring alternatives to burning as well as best practice for burning. |
INQ223 | REC223-0516 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 3 | The Department of Environment and Conservation review its implementation of the findings of the Ferguson Review conducted in 2010. |
INQ223 | REC223-0515 | B - Preparedness | 5 - Hazard reduction burns | Recommendation 2 | The Department of Environment and Conservation urgently undertake a review of its risk management practices as they relate to prescribed burns including but not limited to: *reviewing risk management practices to ensure that they are in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009; * finalising and impl |
INQ223 | REC223-0523 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 10 | The Government consider enacting legislation to facilitate the review of all future major incidents, including but not limited to fire, earthquake, storm and marine inundation, and the emergency response to them. |