
The review of the 2010-11 Flood Warnings and Response (VIC)
N Comrie.

Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ199 REC199-0447 C - Response 7 - Inter-agency communication 48

the state ensure that common and interoperable resource management systems are developed and implemented by emergency management agencies. Common systems should be utilised to the fullest extent possible.

INQ199 REC199-0460 D - Recovery 6 - Insurance and legal liability 61

the state formalise and continue the Emergency Response Legal Advisers Forum.

INQ199 REC199-0461 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 62

the state ensure: • water rescue/swift water rescue definitions, roles and responsibilities are clarified and communicated to all stakeholders to ensure common understanding • appropriate training, equipment and support is provided to those required to perform water rescue/swift water rescue.

INQ199 REC199-0462 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour 63

the state introduce a joint emergency management leadership training program that will deliver critical core competencies for all levels of management of major emergencies.

INQ199 REC199-0463 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour 64

the state: • ensure an appropriate regime of regular emergency management training and exercising is introduced.

INQ199 REC199-0464 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 65

the state develop and implement a strategy that maximises the flexibility and united capacity of the Country Fire Authority and Victoria State Emergency Service to respond to emergencies.

INQ199 REC199-0465 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 66

the state undertake major reform of Victoria’s emergency management arrangements to bring about an effective ‘all hazards, all agencies’ approach, incorporating: • clarity of command and control in all emergencies • common operating platforms, including communications and information technology •

INQ199 REC199-0466 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 67

the Departments of Health and Human Services finalise the definition of ‘vulnerable person’ and the list of facility types where vulnerable people are located and ensure that the definition and associated policy(ies) are applicable across ‘all hazards’.

INQ199 REC199-0467 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 68

the state review and align all policies and procedures for evacuation, such as the interim evacuation guidelines and the State Health Emergency Response Plan, to ensure consistency and to clarify roles and responsibilities.

INQ199 REC199-0468 A - Responsibility 22 - Role of local Gvt 69

municipal councils undertake a risk assessment of caravan parks and decide if any should be included in the list of facilities where vulnerable people may be located.

INQ199 REC199-0459 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 60

the state undertake a complete review of emergency management legislation. This should include agencyspecific emergency management legislation and should focus on service interoperability and securing an ‘all hazards, all agencies’ capability

INQ199 REC199-0458 C - Response 7 - Inter-agency communication 59

the state ensure: • a common, functional and accessible system be introduced to enable effective Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre and Incident Control Centre communications • a regime of regular Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre exercising is introduced with oversight by an appropria

INQ199 REC199-0457 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 58

the state: • revise the Emergency Management Team Practice Note to include a template to ensure an appropriate and consistent approach to Emergency Management Team operations • provide the revised Emergency Management Team Practice Note to all stakeholders to enable familiarisation; and • ensure

INQ199 REC199-0448 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour 49

the state ensure that sector wide familiarity and understanding of the various systems for incident management is developed and maintained.

INQ199 REC199-0449 C - Response 7 - Inter-agency communication 50

the state ensure that interoperable information management practices are developed and implemented by emergency management agencies. Common systems should be utilised to the fullest extent possible.

INQ199 REC199-0450 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review 51

the state ensure that appropriate record management processes are developed and implemented and that these processes also provide record accountability for multi-agency operations. Agency processes should be standardised to the fullest extent possible

INQ199 REC199-0451 C - Response 15 - Inter-service cooperation 52

the state ensure, as a matter of priority, that the State Control Centre is able to function as a fit for purpose, multi-agency emergency management centre.

INQ199 REC199-0452 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology 53

the state ensure that any new systems and equipment purchased by state emergency management agencies are interoperable with other relevant agencies to the fullest extent possible.

INQ199 REC199-0453 C - Response 20 - Role of police 54

Victoria Police revise coordinator arrangements to ensure: • a coordinator presence is maintained at the place where incident control is being exercised • effective control is established and is maintained until the response phase has concluded • key control roles may be performed by personnel fr

INQ199 REC199-0454 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 55

the State Emergency Response Coordinator further develop the Strategic Emergency Management Assurance Team process by involving subject matter experts from relevant emergency management control agencies who are the subject of Strategic Emergency Management Assurance Team focus.

INQ199 REC199-0455 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 56

the state conduct an ‘all hazards’ needs analysis to determine requirements for level 3 Incident Control Centres with a focus on ‘all hazards’ and multi-agency capability.

INQ199 REC199-0456 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 57

the state: • ensure an ‘all hazards, all agencies’ approach to Incident Action Plan compilation is developed and implemented to enable the timely issue of functional Incident Action Plans.

INQ199 REC199-0469 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 70

the state update the current fire specific guidelines and resources for evacuation planning to take an ‘all hazards’ approach

INQ199 REC199-0470 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 71

the commonwealth consider including (as part of its review of standards for aged care services) requirements for: • robust ‘all hazards’ evacuation plans that include current after-hour contact details of people who are able to make authoritative decisions during an emergency; and • rehearsal of

INQ199 REC199-0483 A - Responsibility 9 - Community education 84

the state ensure: • where external assistance is provided to Victoria during emergencies, communities are advised of the specific purpose of that assistance, through media and other information channels; and • all agencies provide incident management personnel with information regarding the arran

INQ199 REC199-0484 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 85

the state: • assess current risk and risk mitigation strategies for essential services, with a focus on ensuring that risks are appropriately identified at all levels of emergency planning; and • ensure that the responsible authority or owner/ operator of essential services put in place appropria

INQ199 REC199-0485 B - Preparedness 1 - Land-use and building regs 86

the state: • adopt a strategy to expedite incorporation of updated flood mapping or modelling into planning schemes • reconsider in what circumstances the ‘1 in 100 year event’ is the appropriate design event • actively support the Australian Building Code Board in its development of a new nation

INQ199 REC199-0486 A - Responsibility 22 - Role of local Gvt 87

the state, following the completion of the Municipal Association of Victoria Improving Emergency Management in Local Government program, work with municipalities to revise the role and responsibilities of local government in emergency management.

INQ199 REC199-0487 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 88

the state develop and incorporate into emergency management planning regimes plans based on geographic risk, such as sub-regional plans

INQ199 REC199-0488 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 89

the Department of Human Services develop proactive strategies to provide information and assistance for people applying for emergency grants.

INQ199 REC199-0489 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 90

the state implement arrangements to improve the support provided to local government on disaster financing before, during and after emergency events.

INQ199 REC199-0490 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 91

the state finalise the 2008 review of Victoria’s municipal assistance.

INQ199 REC199-0491 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 92

the state: • ensure that the concerns raised by Victorians regarding the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements are provided to the national review, including the issues of: – betterment (what it means and how it is applied); and – the 51 per cent income rule for eligibility of busines

INQ199 REC199-0482 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review 83

the state task the Emergency Services Commissioner with the responsibility to develop and undertake the regular audit of emergency management plans at all levels.

INQ199 REC199-0481 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 82

the state (consistent with recommendation 46) develop a model for determining the capability and capacity of departments and agencies with roles and responsibilities in large scale or protracted emergencies.

INQ199 REC199-0480 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 81

the state clarify the transition to recovery arrangements including the processes for approving and funding of essential works after transition to recovery has been formalised.

INQ199 REC199-0471 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 72

the state and the commonwealth, during a flood event, make information available on providers who have capacity to accommodate patients and residents who require evacuation.

INQ199 REC199-0472 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 73

the state review the legislation and policies that set out clean-up and recovery responsibilities for infrastructure such as crossovers, culverts, drains, bridges and waterways, including consideration of: • whether the entities who are given obligations or powers to undertake clean-up works have

INQ199 REC199-0473 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 74

the state make available to the public a clear guide of who is responsible for: • clean-up and recovery of various types of infrastructure that straddle the public/private boundary; and • the policies agencies will follow in determining whether to repair infrastructure under their control.

INQ199 REC199-0474 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 75

the state, in respect of the Rapid Impact Assessment process: • resolve which agency/ies has policy and operational responsibility for this process • define the purpose of Rapid Impact Assessment; and • review the process, in light of the 2010–11 floods, to examine options to improve the efficien

INQ199 REC199-0475 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour 76

the Department of Planning and Community Development review the volunteer register and examine additional options to support councils in volunteer management, including the development of tools and staffing support.

INQ199 REC199-0476 D - Recovery 6 - Insurance and legal liability 77

the Department of Planning and Community Development examine strategies to address and clarify insurance coverage of community volunteers in emergency events

INQ199 REC199-0477 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 78

the state review the potential for National Registration and Inquiry System 6 to provide a single point of information collection to both register individuals and plan the delivery of recovery services.

INQ199 REC199-0478 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 79

the state amend the current protocol governing National Registration and Inquiry System information collection and sharing to: • clarify the role of councils and Centrelink during and after emergencies • ensure the amended protocol is written in plain English and easily understood; and • coordina

INQ199 REC199-0479 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 80

the state review the way early outreach occurs and implement changes that will ensure that there is a consistency of approach regardless of which agency undertakes the service.

INQ199 REC199-0492 C - Response 34 - Local knowledge 93

the state comprehensively pursue the objective of achieving (where possible) the priority outcomes of the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience and the imperative of shared responsibility, in particular by: • requiring that local knowledge is considered as a critical component of all phases o

INQ199 REC199-0446 C - Response 7 - Inter-agency communication 47

the state commit to securing effective multi-agency interoperable communications as a high level priority and that all future communications projects and upgrades incorporate compliance provisions mandating interoperability requirements.

INQ199 REC199-0400 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 1

The state take the necessary measures to clarify roles, responsibilities and cost-sharing arrangements for flood warning systems, including tasking state and regional bodies to be responsible for the flood warning system.

INQ199 REC199-0413 C - Response 14 - Incident Mgt Teams 14

the state clarify the role of intelligence cell staff (for example, hydrologists and/or Catchment Management Authority) who are utilised in Incident Control Centres during flood events

INQ199 REC199-0414 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour 15

the state ensure that all personnel who, because of their particular flood expertise, are likely to be potential participants in an Incident Control Centre are familiar with the requirements of the Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System structure