
Post Incident Analysis For Blackwood Fire 11 (WA)

Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ203 REC203-0276 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 1

There should be clearly established criteria for burns which are specially challenging, and these criteria need to extend beyond the intended boundaries of the prescribed burn. The criteria should be clarified and adopted as agency S OPs.

INQ203 REC203-0294 C - Response 14 - Incident Mgt Teams 19

Opportunities should be sought to embed other local government representatives in other areas of the IMT particularly in public information.

INQ203 REC203-0295 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority 20

There would be benefit in progressively aligning the geographic boundaries of each of the agencies and seeking to co-locate their headquarters within those boundaries.

INQ203 REC203-0296 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 21

Legislative change may be needed to enable FES A to manage fire-fighting resources across the state.

INQ203 REC203-0297 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform 22

The role of district and local emergency management committees should be reviewed to ensure they are appropriately engaged in the active management of emergencies across the PPR R continuum

INQ203 REC203-0298 C - Response 15 - Inter-service cooperation 23

The state should progressively align on a shared platform, such as WebEO C , to establish a Common Operating Picture (COP).

INQ203 REC203-0299 C - Response 15 - Inter-service cooperation 24

The state should converge on a single communications platform for all emergency management and support agencies.

INQ203 REC203-0300 C - Response 14 - Incident Mgt Teams 25

Reporting and control should be through the incident chain of command, and not through agency chain of command.

INQ203 REC203-0301 C - Response 15 - Inter-service cooperation 26

Early in an incident, close and effective liaison needs to be established with local government agencies.

INQ203 REC203-0302 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 27

Web sites need to be kept updated.

INQ203 REC203-0303 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 28

A high level review of alerts, warnings and messaging is needed to match community expectations with what is practical and achievable.

INQ203 REC203-0304 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 29

Further community education may be needed on how to interpret messages.

INQ203 REC203-0305 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 30

The agencies need to develop techniques to ensure accuracy of information across all media.

INQ203 REC203-0306 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 31

Local emergency management committees and planning should identify modes of community contact

INQ203 REC203-0307 C - Response 11 - Evacuation and shelters 32

When people are being moved away from their homes it’s important that they move to a place of greater safety and that their movement is relatively assured.

INQ203 REC203-0293 C - Response 34 - Local knowledge 18

Suitably experienced personnel with local knowledge should be connected to the Operations and Planning section in all Level 3 incidents in the vicinity of substantial settlements.

INQ203 REC203-0292 C - Response 18 - Access to fire ground 17

There is a need for community education on how road-blocks and VCPs operate in the event of an emergency.

INQ203 REC203-0291 C - Response 18 - Access to fire ground 16

Local knowledge should be accessed to inform the placement and operation of VCPs.

INQ203 REC203-0277 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 2

A risk-management approach is needed which considers risks both inside the prescribed burn and the risks that will need to be managed if the fire escapes. The risk assessment should be organised and in line with the four and seven day weather.

INQ203 REC203-0278 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 3

Prescriptions should mandate consideration of measures to retire risk.

INQ203 REC203-0279 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 4

Once a burn is ignited, it needs to be the subject of continuing risk assessment and appropriate mitigation.

INQ203 REC203-0280 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 5

Contingency plans for escaping burns should be prepared in advance.

INQ203 REC203-0281 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 6

Prescriptions need to be interpreted by experienced and knowledgeable personnel to ensure risk is fully understood. It is important that the background and justification for these decisions are captured at each stage and are visible to all levels in WA fire management hierarchy.

INQ203 REC203-0282 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 7

The burn prescription should capture the fuel characteristics and potential rate of spread for those areas outside the burn that will likely be critical during the initial attack on any escaping fire.

INQ203 REC203-0283 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 8

Core ignition, particularly of red flag burns, should be informed by the 4 & 7 day forecasts (including a longer term perspective over 3 to 4 months)

INQ203 REC203-0284 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 9

DEC should investigate embedding an experienced forecaster in the state operations centre.

INQ203 REC203-0285 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 10

A rolling risk assessment is required which captures the risks of the burn escaping and provides adequate resources.

INQ203 REC203-0286 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns 11

Decisions taken on the basis of this risk assessment need to be captured and distributed across district and state.

INQ203 REC203-0287 C - Response 15 - Inter-service cooperation 12

On a regional basis there would be value in closer working relationship between DEC crews and VBFBs to build mutual trust and confidence. This could be done by opportunity engagement of VBFBs in DEC fire management or through exercises.

INQ203 REC203-0288 C - Response 15 - Inter-service cooperation 13

The State Duty Officer from DEC and the State Duty Director, FES A need to confer whenever a Level 2 or 3 incident is declared to satisfy themselves that they have appropriate incident management structures and resources across the state are at an appropriate level of preparedness.

INQ203 REC203-0289 C - Response 18 - Access to fire ground 14

There needs to be a better appreciation of the role of Vehicle Control Points (VCPs) and how they are managed in bushfire emergencies by all key agencies and the community

INQ203 REC203-0290 C - Response 18 - Access to fire ground 15

VCPs are one of the instruments by which the Incident Controller manages the emergency. VCPs without communications cannot be fully effective in their role. Determine and implement an appropriate communications platform for emergency management

INQ203 REC203-0308 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery 33

Early resolution and clear communication of the financial and other support measures that will be available to affected residents is an important contributor to community resilience.