
NSW Select Committee Inquiry
NSW Parliament's Select Committee

Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ323 REC323-4292 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 1

That the NSW Government consider a restructure of the NSW State Emergency Service with consideration to: realigning the focus of the organisation to harness local knowledge and networks; coordinating more closely with other rescue agencies to bolster its capacity to respond; and increasing salari

INQ323 REC323-4272 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 21

That the NSW Government ensure that flood affected individuals can continue to access financial assistance for as long as there is demonstrated need. 

INQ323 REC323-4271 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery Recommendation 22

That Service NSW establish teams of assessors that can be on the ground to assess and approve grant applications. 

INQ323 REC323-4270 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 23

That the NSW Government consider entering into a service agreement with an organisation that has the resources and capacity to manage donations and activate quickly during natural disasters.

INQ323 REC323-4269 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery Recommendation 24

That the NSW Government address the mental health needs of local communities following the February-March 2022 floods by: • embedding within state emergency and recovery plans a strategy that provides surge capacity for mental health and social workers by: • prioritising funding for community gro

INQ323 REC323-4268 C - Response 11 - Evacuation and shelters Recommendation 25

That the NSW Government accelerate its caravan program and ensure it is made available as an option to all displaced residents from the February-March 2022 floods. 

INQ323 REC323-4267 B - Preparedness 1 - Land-use and building regs Recommendation 26

That the NSW Government consider investing in supporting relocations, land swaps and providing fair and adequate compensation for landowners who wish to relocate from severely flood-impacted areas. 

INQ323 REC323-4266 B - Preparedness 1 - Land-use and building regs Recommendation 27

That the NSW Government review the provision of temporary and long term housing options provided to those affected by the February-March 2022 floods, with a view to: • ensuring a range of options are identified and embedded within emergency and recovery plans, so that solutions can be implemented

INQ323 REC323-4265 C - Response 34 - Local knowledge Recommendation 28

That the NSW Government work with First Nations peoples to support Aboriginal organisations in their capacity to operate and respond in times of natural disasters. 

INQ323 REC323-4264 C - Response 34 - Local knowledge Recommendation 29

That the NSW Government work in partnership with key Aboriginal stakeholders, including the Jali Local Aboriginal Land Council, to prioritise the rebuild of Cabbage Tree Island, and ensure a safe and resourced evacuation plan is in place. 

INQ323 REC323-4263 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 30

That the NSW Government prioritise support for the full restoration of sewage treatment facilities on the Richmond River, for the benefit of communities in the Northern Rivers region. 

INQ323 REC323-4262 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery Recommendation 31

That the NSW Government provide an increased level of targeted support to flood affected communities contending with widespread mould. 

INQ323 REC323-4261 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 32

That the NSW Government advocate through the National Cabinet to widen eligibility under the Disaster Funding Recovery Arrangements to allow local councils to build back better.

INQ323 REC323-4260 A - Responsibility 3 - Biodiversity Recommendation 33

That the NSW Government invest in the restoration of the Wilsons and Richmond Rivers to include riparian restoration, water quality and river health improvement. 

INQ323 REC323-4259 A - Responsibility 3 - Biodiversity Recommendation 34

That the NSW Government provide immediate support to the Hawkesbury City Council to remediate the riverbank erosion affecting Cornwallis Road, Cornwallis without any further delay.

INQ323 REC323-4258 B - Preparedness 39 - Disaster Risk Management Recommendation 35

That the NSW Government significantly increase its investment in flood mitigation and preparation, including its support of local governments to do the same, by: • increasing ongoing, long term funding and access to technical guidance and assistance for local councils • ensuring that land-use pla

INQ323 REC323-4257 B - Preparedness 1 - Land-use and building regs Recommendation 36

That the NSW Government work with local government, industry and sustainable planning experts, including the Government Architect, on policy initiatives in the New South Wales planning system that will help deliver more resilient and sustainable homes, buildings and places. 

INQ323 REC323-4256 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 37

That the NSW Government work with relevant agencies and local landowners to find ways to improve the management of drainage channels including looking for recommendations to reduce red and green tape. 

INQ323 REC323-4273 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery Recommendation 20

That the NSW Government overhaul the way in which it conducts its grants process as it frustrated applicants and further traumatised them by repeatedly re-interviewing them and making them prove that they were flooded. 

INQ323 REC323-4274 C - Response 11 - Evacuation and shelters Recommendation 19

That the NSW Government establish a standing workforce from within the public service to staff evacuation and recovery centres, with this workforce to be trained ahead of time and mobilised as soon as a natural disaster occurs. 

INQ323 REC323-4291 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 2

That the NSW Government consider abolishing Resilience NSW if it is unable to ensure:
• the organisation's role is clear after reviewing its policies, objectives and funding
• the organisation and its policies are focused on meeting community needs.

INQ323 REC323-4290 C - Response 20 - Role of police Recommendation 3

That the NSW Government embed into its emergency plans the appointment of a senior police officer with combat experience to lead recovery efforts following natural disasters.

INQ323 REC323-4289 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery Recommendation 4

That the NSW Government ensure that all emergency and recovery plans, including state plans, local emergency management plans and functional area plans, are reviewed and updated regularly and provide clarity on the role of non-government partners.

INQ323 REC323-4288 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings Recommendation 5

That the NSW Government work with the Commonwealth to develop a national cross-agency app to integrate all community services and agencies into a single platform so that everyone can receive accurate and timely information from one source during emergencies.

INQ323 REC323-4287 C - Response 34 - Local knowledge Recommendation 6

That the NSW State Emergency Service, in partnership with the Bureau of Meteorology, investigate ways in which local communities and local media with local knowledge can play a stronger role in flood predictions and warnings.

INQ323 REC323-4286 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 7

That the NSW Government advocate through the National Cabinet for the Bureau of Meteorology to review its rain data infrastructure and flood modelling tools, to ensure forecasting locations, rain and flood gauges and other infrastructure are appropriately placed, maintained and updated.

INQ323 REC323-4285 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 8

That the NSW Government, in consultation with telecommunication providers and satellite communication providers, investigate ways to minimise the complete loss of telecommunication services in natural disasters, including:

INQ323 REC323-4284 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings Recommendation 9

That the NSW Government review its public awareness and communication strategies in relation to natural disasters.

INQ323 REC323-4283 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings Recommendation 10

That the NSW Government work with the community broadcasting sector to identify ways in which community broadcasters could be better supported to provide critical services during natural disasters, with a view to providing them adequate long term funding.

INQ323 REC323-4282 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour Recommendation 11

That the NSW Government invest in the required personnel, training and vessels to ensure that all agencies involved in flood rescue can be mobilised to their fullest potential.

INQ323 REC323-4281 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 12

That the NSW Government allocate funding to the improvement of the Pitt Town Evacuation Route and other key possible evacuation routes in Sydney's northwest.

INQ323 REC323-4280 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 13

That the NSW Government work with local governments to identify alternative routes to vulnerable roads, and that the NSW and Australian Governments fund the construction of these important routes to improve evacuation and access options in times of disaster.

INQ323 REC323-4279 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 14
INQ323 REC323-4278 C - Response 11 - Evacuation and shelters Recommendation 15

That the NSW Government ensure that the current review of evacuation centres considers the role, accreditation and support of community evacuation centres, with the outcomes of this review to be made public and incorporated into the update of state emergency plans.

INQ323 REC323-4277 D - Recovery 33 - Relief and recovery Recommendation 16

That the NSW Government develop a more proactive, rapid response to manage animal welfare following natural disasters which includes improved collaboration and communication with local veterinarians and animal welfare organisations.

INQ323 REC323-4276 C - Response 34 - Local knowledge Recommendation 17

That the NSW Government ensure that community groups, both existing and emerging, including First Nations groups, are well integrated into disaster recovery, by incorporating them into state recovery plans and engaging with them in between and in the lead up to natural disasters.

INQ323 REC323-4275 C - Response 34 - Local knowledge Recommendation 18

That the NSW Government, in partnership with community groups, including First Nations groups, develop initiatives to build community resilience, particularly in regions at high risk of future natural disaster events. 

INQ323 REC319-4199 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility Recommendation 2

Relief and recovery capability: The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria and the entity referred to in Recommendation 13, or otherwise responsible government department – in collaboration with the relevant relief and recovery organisations: