
Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ241 REC241-0998 B - Preparedness 4 - Fire season preparation Recommendation 47

That Rural Fire Service Queensland instigates a hazard mitigation operational period, (E.G. Operation Cold Burn), at suitable times each year as appropriate by area.

INQ241 REC241-1010 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 59

That where a Brigade supports another community and this involves the use of any brigade equipment it shall be the decision of that brigade in relation to the deployment and use of their equipment and resources.

INQ241 REC241-1011 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 60

That the focus of Rural Fire Service Queensland will be the protection of life, property and the environment from the threat and impact of wildfire.

INQ241 REC241-1012 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 61

Use of private aircraft to be at the discretion of District Inspector or Incident Control and reimbursement of fuel to be authorised accordingly.

INQ241 REC241-1013 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 62

That Rural Fire Service Queensland undertake a risk management process for rural fire Brigade profiles across Queensland based on the principles in the Rural Fire Brigade Risk Management Guide, July 1999, and updated as necessary.

INQ241 REC241-1014 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 63

That the Rural Fire Service Queensland should engage a private provider offsite and outside the Government firewall to establish an email address for each Brigade and Fire Warden. The email address would reflect the Brigade name and Fire Warden district.

INQ241 REC241-1015 E - Agency Organisation 29 - Operational Health and Safety Recommendation 64

That the First Officer or Brigade Officer retain the ability to seek assistance from any person whose services are available at the fire. Any person appointed to provide this assistance should be protected under relevant Workplace Health and Safety and Workcover legislation.

INQ241 REC241-1016 D - Recovery 6 - Insurance and legal liability Recommendation 65

That a volunteer shall not be liable for any act or omission made in good faith provided it is not proven to be reckless, negligent or malicious. This protection is to be afforded in both Criminal and Common law.

INQ241 REC241-1017 E - Agency Organisation 36 - Volunteers Recommendation 66

That each District office establish and maintain a register of suitably qualified Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System trained volunteers who are prepared to undertake the management of operations and provide these to the District Fire Management Group.

INQ241 REC241-1018 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour Recommendation 67

That members of Primary Producer and Rural Classified Brigades will only require a Criminal History Check if they become an office bearer of that Brigade.

INQ241 REC241-1009 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 58

That the reflective livery on Rural Fire Service Queensland staff vehicles be kept to a minimum of a light bar and affixed Rural Fire Service Queensland logo. These vehicles are to be appropriate to the task and location.

INQ241 REC241-1008 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 57

That the colour of Rural Fire Service Queensland Brigade operational vehicles remain yellow and that they retain the Rural Fire Service Queensland logo.

INQ241 REC241-0999 A - Responsibility 28 - Personal responsibility Recommendation 48

That on all land where fuel load creates a fire risk, the owner shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance of effective firebreaks.

INQ241 REC241-1000 B - Preparedness 4 - Fire season preparation Recommendation 49

That the provisions of the Vegetation Management Act 1999 should be clarified to ensure that effective and accessible firebreaks or fire control lines are established in order that assets can be protected.

INQ241 REC241-1001 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility Recommendation 50

That the extent of forest and plantation fuel load fire risk in South East Queensland requires a designated government resources fire team to manage this risk and proactively conduct fuel mitigation burning; and provide a wildfire response to government land.

INQ241 REC241-1002 F - Research and technology 13 - Mapping and data quality Recommendation 51

That the Rural Fire Service Queensland upgrades its subscription to technology for the Brigade Mapping Toolset to make it available to all Brigades who want it.

INQ241 REC241-1003 F - Research and technology 13 - Mapping and data quality Recommendation 52

The Manager of the Geographic Information Systems unit conduct an audit of the Firecom mapping system to ensure that rural Brigade and road addressing is up to date.

INQ241 REC241-1004 C - Response 15 - Inter-service cooperation Recommendation 53

That a memorandum of understanding be developed between RFSQ and other organisations with fire fighting capacity at state level, to establish operational procedures when these organisations may be required for a joint response roles.

INQ241 REC241-1005 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 54

That fire groups can only be formed through the agreement of all brigades that will become a part of that group, and the management and operational procedures of the group must be approved by the contributing brigades.

INQ241 REC241-1006 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 55

That Brigades’ financial contributions to groups must be voluntary and approved by a recorded minute at a meeting of that brigade.

INQ241 REC241-1007 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 56

That the Rural Fire Service Queensland consider a less formal uniform which volunteers can better identify with, and that National rank markings be retained.

INQ241 REC241-1019 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 68

That a local committee consisting of Elders and community leaders be formed in remote and Indigenous communities to determine Brigade membership applications.

INQ241 REC241-1020 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 69

That members of Village and Izone classified Brigades only be required to conduct a criminal history check when they first join a Brigade.

INQ241 REC241-1021 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 70

That Brigades that do not have a truck and are currently classified as Rural conduct a self-determination to ascertain if they wish to be reclassified as a Primary Producer Brigade.

INQ241 REC241-1033 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 82

When a local Rural Fire Brigade requests an equipment and maintenance levy from a local government authority, that authority will either supply the brigade’s equipment and maintenance costs or raise the requested levy.

INQ241 REC241-1034 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 83

That the State Government contribution towards the construction of Brigade sheds be changed from $10,000 to a maximum of 25 percent, subject to the approval of the Deputy Chief Officer, Rural Fire Service Queensland.

INQ241 REC241-1035 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 84

That the State Government contribution towards the purchase of operational vehicles is to be retained at 80 percent but that the District Inspector can recommend full Government subsidy of vehicles for Brigades experiencing financial hardship.

INQ241 REC241-1036 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 85

That each District Inspector prepare a report on vehicles required over the next ten years based on current age of fleet.

INQ241 REC241-1037 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 86

That Rural Fire Service Queensland and its staff be exempt from the Travel Management System. The Travel Management System does not work in the rural fire operation areas as it is not flexible in the rapid escalation of wild fire events or cater for volunteering timeframes.

INQ241 REC241-1038 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 87

That District Inspectors retain the discretion to allocate gratuity to Fire Wardens for out of pocket expenses if required.

INQ241 REC241-1039 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 88

That the State Government supply and logistics for Personal Protective Equipment and other equipment be urgently reviewed with a focus on timely and cost effective delivery to volunteer members.

INQ241 REC241-1040 E - Agency Organisation 36 - Volunteers Recommendation 89

That RFSQ review local SAP function and delegation to enable effective and timely support for volunteers.

INQ241 REC241-1041 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour Recommendation 90

That, as with Recommendation 23 related to Rural Fire employees, all State Emergency Service employees should have a recorded history of volunteering.

INQ241 REC241-1032 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 81

That the current Urban Fire Levy be changed to the Queensland Fire Levy.

INQ241 REC241-1031 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 80

That the State Government recognises the legal status of rural fire brigades as per Crown Law advice and addressed by Recommendations from this Review.

INQ241 REC241-1022 E - Agency Organisation 29 - Operational Health and Safety Recommendation 71

That Rural Fire Service Queensland in consultation with the Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland will undertake a full review of the medical and health protocols to support the new Volunteer organisation.

INQ241 REC241-1023 F - Research and technology 13 - Mapping and data quality Recommendation 72

That Rural Fire Service Queensland develops a simple data collection system to record the activities of brigades.

INQ241 REC241-1024 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 73

That the Rural Fire Service Queensland revoke its current 20 year maximum age policy on volunteer Brigade vehicles to allow Brigades wanting to retain their vehicle to do so, providing the vehicle has an annual mechanical certificate.

INQ241 REC241-1025 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 74

That an ‘Options Paper’ be developed by District Inspectors on the suitability and supply of PPE and equipment to volunteers for their district.

INQ241 REC241-1026 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 75

That the Rural Fire Service Queensland catalogue accurately reflects the range of equipment available.

INQ241 REC241-1027 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 76

That Rural Fire Service Queensland, in consultation with Primary Producer Brigade volunteers, redesign and reconfigure slip-on units to bring the total cost below the level required for asset registration. The redesign should allow for the foam system to be optional.

INQ241 REC241-1028 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 77

That vehicles are fit for the purpose and the Brigade locality for which they are intended. A group of two volunteers, in conjunction with the Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland, should be charged with reviewing current models and providing Recommendations on vehicle suitability.

INQ241 REC241-1029 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 78

That a policy be developed around the ownership, insurance and safe use and operation of All Terrain Vehicle 4WD vehicles by brigades for fire fighting purposes.

INQ241 REC241-1030 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review Recommendation 79

That Rural Fire Brigades only be required to conduct an audit of finances if the Brigades income exceeds $5,000 for a financial year. RFSQ District offices should investigate options for savings on the costs of auditing Brigades in their district through either an in-house or external provider.

INQ241 REC241-1042 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 91

The issue of red and blue lights for RFSQ and SES vehicles be further pursued by the Department of Community Safety

INQ241 REC241-0997 B - Preparedness 5 - Hazard reduction burns Recommendation 46

That the electronic fire permit system used in the Mackay District be made available across the state for Fire Wardens who wish to use it.

INQ241 REC241-0952 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 1

That an operational organisation be established comprising of three streams – a. urban fire service; b. rural fire service; and c. the state emergency service. Each of the three organisations will be led by a Deputy Chief Officer, reporting to a Chief Officer.

INQ241 REC241-0964 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 13

That the position of Regional Manager Rural Operations be re-designated to Regional Co-ordinator in the North, Central and South-East regions to emphasise the supporting role the position will take.

INQ241 REC241-0965 E - Agency Organisation 29 - Operational Health and Safety Recommendation 14

That the number of Bushfire Safety Officer positions be, over time, increased so that one BSO operates out of each District office.

INQ241 REC241-0966 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 15

That District offices be located in areas that enhance ease of access for out of town volunteers and the general public and also provide suitable parking, onsite storage and be suitable for operational use.