Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ260 | REC260-1049 | F - Research and technology | 13 - Mapping and data quality | 1 | That the Rural Fire Service consider proposing an arrangement with the Bureau of Meteorology to deploy weather balloons specifically for the purpose of assessing atmospheric instability during periods of severe to catastrophic fire danger in locations most likely to be severely affected, for exam |
INQ260 | REC260-1062 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | 14 | That the National Parks and Wildlife Service consider incorporating “worst-case scenario” training, as proposed in Mr Conway’s report, in its suite of fire-fighting protocols, exercises and training packages for senior incident controllers and other senior managers. |
INQ260 | REC260-1063 | B - Preparedness | 5 - Hazard reduction burns | 15 | That the National Parks and Wildlife Service consider reviewing its guidelines and protocols in respect of hazard reduction planning and burning-off operations in the light of the evidence from experts witnesses in these proceedings that the incidence of, and intensity of, major fires is increasi |
INQ260 | REC260-1064 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | 16 | That the National Parks and Wildlife Service review its protocols for control of Class 1 fires under its control to ensure that incident controllers managing fires in ‘severe’ or worse fire conditions receive as much incident management planning support as is reasonably practicable in the circums |
INQ260 | REC260-1065 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | 17 | That the National Parks and Wildlife Service review its procedures for monitoring Class 1 fires occurring in ‘severe’ or worse fire conditions that cannot be reconnoitred at ground level adequately due to terrain or dangerous conditions, and consider including aerial surveillance (if reasonably p |
INQ260 | REC260-1066 | C - Response | 14 - Incident Mgt Teams | 18 | That during periods of ‘severe’ or worse fire conditions, that the National Parks and Wildlife Service consider adopting a posture of pre-emptive planning and deployment of incident management teams in national parks similar to the manner in which the Rural Fire Service does. |
INQ260 | REC260-1067 | C - Response | 15 - Inter-service cooperation | 19 | That as part of the adoption of such a posture in ‘severe’ or worse fire conditions, the National Parks and Wildlife Service consider alerting, at an early stage, all relevant persons and organisations, such as shire councils, heavy plant operators, the local RFS captains, Fire & Rescue NSW a |
INQ260 | REC260-1068 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | 20 | That the National Park and Wildlife Service review its fire weather training regime and consider adopting or adapting the fire weather training courses introduced in Victoria following the 2009 bushfire disaster. |
INQ260 | REC260-1069 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | 21 | That NPWS conduct a review of its hazard reduction policies to ensure all assets within and on the boundary of the Park are clearly identified and an adequate policy or management plan exists for the protection of all assets, including a procedure pursuant to which progress in meeting hazard redu |
INQ260 | REC260-1070 | B - Preparedness | 5 - Hazard reduction burns | 22 | The NPWS conduct a review of its prescribed burns program to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that all necessary managerial approvals for a prescribed burn are provided as promptly as possible. |
INQ260 | REC260-1061 | C - Response | 18 - Access to fire ground | 13 | That the National Parks and Wildlife Service, in consultation with the relevant local Council(s), devise a policy that enables the John Renshaw Parkway to be closed at either end of the Warrumbungle National Park during a bush fire in such a way that its closure would not impede access by emergen |
INQ260 | REC260-1060 | C - Response | 7 - Inter-agency communication | 12 | That the Rural Fire Service and National Parks and Wildlife Service review the procedures for requesting aerial support in ‘severe’ or worse fire conditions to ensure that delays in providing it are reduced to the minimum time possible. |
INQ260 | REC260-1059 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | 11 | That the Rural Fire Service and National Parks and Wildlife Service consider amending their protocols for upgrading advices to higher levels to emphasise the significance and urgency of raising warning levels as soon as the potential dangers of fire to lives or property materially increase. |
INQ260 | REC260-1050 | F - Research and technology | 13 - Mapping and data quality | 2 | Alternatively, I recommend that the RFS consider developing such capacity to deploy weather balloons itself, in conjunction with mobile weather stations, for this purpose. |
INQ260 | REC260-1051 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | 3 | That the Rural Fire Service consider redrafting the disclaimer in its fire predictions to make abundantly clear where the potential errors or omissions may affect the prediction and how to detect them if they are there (for example, by comparing them with linescans) and what other factors (such a |
INQ260 | REC260-1052 | C - Response | 14 - Incident Mgt Teams | 4 | That the Rural Fire Service consider amending its fire prediction reports to include a checklist of significant factors that have not been able to be considered in the prediction model and a warning to be alert for them and seek intelligence on them from fire ground managers. |
INQ260 | REC260-1053 | C - Response | 14 - Incident Mgt Teams | 5 | That in Class 3 fire-fighting operations, the Rural Fire Service consider including a fire behaviour analyst in the incident management team if feasible. |
INQ260 | REC260-1054 | C - Response | 2 - Emergency powers | 6 | That the Rural Fire Service consider extending pre-emptive section 44 to whole of Castlereagh RFS/Warrumbungle Shire area. |
INQ260 | REC260-1055 | C - Response | 34 - Local knowledge | 7 | That the Rural Fire Service together with other land managers develop a program whereby local stakeholders come together regularly (every 2 months during non-fire season and monthly during the fire season) to share intelligence and to consider hazard and incident management measures for implement |
INQ260 | REC260-1056 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | 8 | That the Rural Fire Service and National Parks and Wildlife Service consider adopting the approach to fire classification suggested by Mr Conway that “classification and resourcing of the fire ground response and incident management capability should reflect the potential of the fire rather than |
INQ260 | REC260-1057 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | 9 | That the Rural Fire Service and National Parks and Wildlife Service introduce training, exercises or information packages, or other suitable forms of professional development, for operational fire fighters and analysts concerning the potential effects of atmospheric instability and vorticity-driv |
INQ260 | REC260-1058 | A - Responsibility | 28 - Personal responsibility | 10 | That NPWS and the RFS consider developing a land management policy that requires active engagement with property owners adjoining the Park to ensure that hazard reduction and asset protection is encouraged and undertaken before the bush fire season commences |
INQ260 | REC260-1071 | B - Preparedness | 4 - Fire season preparation | 23 | The NPWS to consider developing a land management policy that requires hazard reduction around identified assets within the Park and the clearing of fire trials within the Park before the bush fire season commences. |