
Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ239 REC239-2719 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 65

That the current Queensland Fire and Rescue Service model of functional management be expanded, shifting line management responsibility for community safety operations and professional development from Regional Assistant Commissioners to the State Commanders.

INQ239 REC239-2736 E - Agency Organisation 36 - Volunteers Recommendation 82

That training for volunteers be reviewed to determine which courses require national standardisation. Organisational training should then address the remaining training needs. The review should take into account the risk exposure to government agencies if changes are to be made.

INQ239 REC239-2737 E - Agency Organisation 29 - Operational Health and Safety Recommendation 83

That the workplace health and safety reporting system be reviewed to facilitate ease of reporting.

INQ239 REC239-2738 E - Agency Organisation 36 - Volunteers Recommendation 84

That the current employer and family recognition practices be reviewed with a view to meet the needs of volunteers, their families and their employers.

INQ239 REC239-2739 E - Agency Organisation 36 - Volunteers Recommendation 85

That the Queensland Police Service and the Department of Community Safety develop intuitive, easily accessible systems that reduce the administrative burden on volunteers and their time. Greater exploitation of technology to deliver intuitive, simple and practical systems is required.

INQ239 REC239-2740 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour Recommendation 86

That impediments to the publication of an annual training calendar of core skills be removed.

INQ239 REC239-2741 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour Recommendation 87

That the annual training calendar identify course, training location and the coordinating authority.

INQ239 REC239-2742 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 88

That the recommendations of The Malone Review in relation to Criminal History checks, so far as supported, by the Review team in this report be progressed inclusive of SES issues.

INQ239 REC239-2743 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 88

That where practicable, the consideration for new or enhanced facilities include an assessment of the viability of creating a Rural Fire Service /SES common user facility.

INQ239 REC239-2744 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 90

That the revitalised PCYC Emergency Service Cadet Program continue to be supported by government.

INQ239 REC239-2745 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 91

That the Emergency Service Cadet Program take a full spectrum approach to emergency services

INQ239 REC239-2746 E - Agency Organisation 36 - Volunteers Recommendation 92

That volunteers should be engaged to assist in determining what constitutes ‘fit for task’ and how that should be implemented.

INQ239 REC239-2747 C - Response 20 - Role of police Recommendation 93

That as the Queensland Police Service moves to a digital platform the strategy around effective targeting and alternative automated number plate recognition models should form part of the design architecture.

INQ239 REC239-2748 C - Response 20 - Role of police Recommendation 94

That the Queensland Police Service considers adopting the broader use of ANPR in line with other Australian jurisdictions in consultation with the Privacy Commissioner.

INQ239 REC239-2749 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility Recommendation 95

That the Prostitution Licensing Authority be moved to the Department of Justice and Attorney General Office of Fair Trading.

INQ239 REC239-2735 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 81

That the new Department of Fire and Emergency Services develop a common doctrine to protect people from fire and emergencies.

INQ239 REC239-2734 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 80

That a new Deputy Commissioner position be created to manage volunteer emergency services including the Rural Fire Service and the State Emergency Service.

INQ239 REC239-2720 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 66

That a reduced regional model for fire and emergency services be generally aligned to that of the Queensland Police Service with a district structure that accords with disaster districts.

INQ239 REC239-2721 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility Recommendation 67

That the Chief Executive Officer Portfolio Business collaborate with the two portfolio Commissioners to:
- develop an analytical tool is to identify the most appropriate level of service
- identify the need for new or enhanced services

INQ239 REC239-2722 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 68

That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service should introduce alternative means of response to automatic alarms such as small first response investigative crews e.g. two fire–fighters in a sedan (not responding under lights and siren).

INQ239 REC239-2723 B - Preparedness 1 - Land-use and building regs Recommendation 69

That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service examine alternative contractual arrangements with building owners which would reduce the need for physical attendance at alarm activations.

INQ239 REC239-2724 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review Recommendation 70

That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service undertake a review of all standing orders, incident directives and guidelines regarding response protocols with a view to reducing risk to staff and other road users associated with urgent duty driving.

INQ239 REC239-2725 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review Recommendation 71

That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service community safety operations be joined in the efficiency review of the Queensland Police Service focussing on both the community safety outcomes achieved and the extent to which they support the Government’s economic priorities.

INQ239 REC239-2726 C - Response 20 - Role of police Recommendation 72

That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service enters into discussion with the Queensland Police Service regarding the possibility for the Queensland Police Service to assist with prosecutions that may arise out of fire safety matters.

INQ239 REC239-2727 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review Recommendation 73

That as part of its efficiency review, the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service instigate an independent review of commercial operations in terms of statutory obligations and current ‘full cost pricing’ methodology to ensure:
a. compliance with all necessary obligations

INQ239 REC239-2728 E - Agency Organisation 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform Recommendation 74

That the Fire and Rescue Act 1990 be amended so that Commissioner’s position is not limited to a “person with professional experience in fire prevention and fire fighting”.

INQ239 REC239-2729 E - Agency Organisation 16 - Training and behaviour Recommendation 75

That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service work to change the culture of entitlement so that firefighters recognise firefighting is only one of a range of skills they bring to their core role of emergency management.

INQ239 REC239-2730 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 76

That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service actively progress initiatives for flexible employment including:
- part-time employment and casual employment (with no degradation of competency)
- abridged recruit courses for transition from auxiliary to full-time

INQ239 REC239-2731 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 77

That the CEO Portfolio Business and the Commissioner Queensland Fire and Rescue Service find a more appropriate method of accounting for part time and volunteer staff when considering the support required to raise, train and sustain this very large part of the workforce.

INQ239 REC239-2732 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility Recommendation 78

There be a formation of an Office of Portfolio Business, providing support and governance across a range of corporate functions, which are essential to the delivery of frontline services.

INQ239 REC239-2733 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 79

That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service reduce the number of communication centres to two, with one being a primary site and the other site providing redundancy and business continuity functionality.

INQ239 REC239-2750 C - Response 20 - Role of police Recommendation 96

That the Queensland Police Service:
- identify policing matters that only a sworn officer can manage, or
- identify matters that can be handled more efficiently through the use of emerging technologies such as biometrics and scanners.

INQ239 REC239-2751 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 97

That collaboration on new initiatives such as the co-responder model in Cairns continue and if successful, initiatives should be considered for state wide or service wide adoption.

INQ239 REC239-2768 A - Responsibility 9 - Community education Recommendation 114

Recommendation: That:
- as a priority, the Queensland Police Service expand its development of a police portal to receive and post information to the public to make it interactive; and

INQ239 REC239-2769 A - Responsibility 9 - Community education Recommendation 115

That the Chief Executive Officer portfolio business and Commissioner of Police in line with the government’s open data policy consider introducing an improved social media style forum for interaction with the community and stakeholders across the portfolio.

INQ239 REC239-2770 A - Responsibility 9 - Community education Recommendation 116

That the efficiency review of the Queensland Police Service develop options for better management of community expectations and divesting the organisation of historical practices.

INQ239 REC239-2771 A - Responsibility 38 - Agency/Department Reporting Recommendation 117

That the Queensland Police Service Commissioner addresses the situation regarding statistical reporting.

INQ239 REC239-2772 A - Responsibility 38 - Agency/Department Reporting Recommendation 118

That the roll-out of the mobile service program business case mentioned earlier
- Be specific about gateways and milestones; and
- If the new technology enables improved data, the Queensland Police Service revisit previous statistical reporting and identify any major anomalies.

INQ239 REC239-2773 A - Responsibility 38 - Agency/Department Reporting Recommendation 119

That should the Mobile Strategy in its current form be approved by government the CEO Portfolio Business and the Deputy Commissioner Operations:
- monitor the success of the mobility strategy

INQ239 REC239-2774 B - Preparedness 39 - Disaster Risk Management Recommendation 120

Those final determinations of disaster management districts include consultation with the Local Government Association Queensland, the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service and other Government departments.

INQ239 REC239-2775 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 121

That efforts by the courts, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the legal profession, Queensland Corrective Services and the Queensland Police Service to adopt technology for court processes should be supported through Government funding in so far as they create efficiencies, result in lower cos

INQ239 REC239-2776 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review Recommendation 122

That the proposed efficiency review of the Queensland Police Service examine whether:

INQ239 REC239-2777 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review Recommendation 123

That the review of this Queensland Fire and Rescue Services business unit be done in conjunction with the efficiency review proposed for the Queensland Police Service.

INQ239 REC239-2778 F - Research and technology 17 - Assets and technology Recommendation 124

That as the Queensland Police Service moves to a digital platform the strategy around effective targeting and alternative ANPR models should form part of the design architecture considerations.

INQ239 REC239-2779 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 125

That a new business case for Westgate project should be prepared by an independent party.

INQ239 REC239-2780 E - Agency Organisation 37 - Funding Recommendation 126

That should the Westgate project proceed, that consideration must be given to opportunities to partner the investment with the private and public sectors. The business case should also consider alternative facilities such as Australian Defence Force sites.

INQ239 REC239-2781 C - Response 34 - Local knowledge Recommendation 127

That the current provisions enabling there to be a Ministerial Direction be maintained and actioned as the Minister sees fit.

INQ239 REC239-2767 A - Responsibility 38 - Agency/Department Reporting Recommendation 113

Recommendation: That the CEO Portfolio Business collaborates with the two portfolio Commissioners to:
- develop an analytical tool to identify the most appropriate level of service
- identify the need for new or enhanced services
- reduce the level of resources where appropriate

INQ239 REC239-2766 E - Agency Organisation 12 - EM agency and authority Recommendation 112


INQ239 REC239-2752 C - Response 20 - Role of police Recommendation 98

That the roll-out of the Queensland Police Service digital technology should take into consideration adopting and facilitating new processes including the police response to domestic violence.