Recommendations for this Inquiry
INQ-ref | REC-UID | CODE | SubCode | SrcNUM | Recommendation |
INQ202 | REC202-0493 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 1 | The Minister for Emergency Services report to Parliament every six months on the progress made in completing all of the outstanding Recommendations of the Keelty Report. |
INQ202 | REC202-0505 | C - Response | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Recommendation 13 | The Minister for Emergency Services makes it a priority that the annual budgets of FESA and WA Police are sufficient to bring forward the completion dates of the current radio projects now underway. |
INQ202 | REC202-0506 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 14 | The Minister for Emergency Services ensure that FESA has the funds to implement the installation and use of WebEOC for use during the 2011-12 bushfire season and immediately put in place common protocols with the Police and DEC to record significant events during a bushfire. |
INQ202 | REC202-0507 | F - Research and technology | 13 - Mapping and data quality | Recommendation 15 | The Minister for Emergency Services, with advice from the Interagency Bushfire Management Committee Fuel Load Management sub-committee, report to Parliament by May 2012 on the estimated cost of developing one fuel load information system across all lands in Western Australia, no matter who manage |
INQ202 | REC202-0508 | E - Agency Organisation | 36 - Volunteers | Recommendation 16 | The Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Local Government review and report to Parliament by May 2012 on ways in which the State’s volunteer firefighters and rescue workers can be more effectively managed and valued. |
INQ202 | REC202-0509 | E - Agency Organisation | 36 - Volunteers | Recommendation 17 | The Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Environment develop by December 2012 a Volunteer Charter that recognises the important work undertaken by the State’s volunteer bushfire and emergency services personnel. |
INQ202 | REC202-0510 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 18 | The Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Local Government provide additional resources to FESA, DEC and WALGA in the 2012-13 Budget to improve the Western Australian community’s knowledge of bushfire safety and to allow these agencies to involve the public in their exercises. |
INQ202 | REC202-0511 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 19 | The Minister for Emergency Services commission an independent report to Parliament by June 2012 on the best practices in other jurisdictions to increase the rate of residents likely to be effected by a bushfire who properly prepare their properties before the bushfire season. |
INQ202 | REC202-0512 | A - Responsibility | 9 - Community education | Recommendation 20 | The Minister for Emergency Services commission an independent report to Parliament by June 2012 on an assessment of the success of FESA’s Total Fire Ban community education campaign in improving the community’s knowledge on this issue. |
INQ202 | REC202-0504 | C - Response | 15 - Inter-service cooperation | Recommendation 12 | The Minister for Emergency Services ensure that the annual budget of FESA contains the funds it requires to coordinate an annual multi-agency bushfire field exercise, alongside other desktop exercises, to be held in different regions of the State each year. |
INQ202 | REC202-0503 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 11 | The Minister for Police and Emergency Services and the Minister for the Environment report to Parliament by December each year as to the state of readiness of the main State Government agencies tasked with fighting bushfires. |
INQ202 | REC202-0502 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 10 | The Minister for Environment bring to Parliament by June 2012 amendments to the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 that reflect the use by the Department of Environment and Conservation of prescribed burns for both biodiversity conservation and community protection purposes. |
INQ202 | REC202-0494 | E - Agency Organisation | 16 - Training and behaviour | Recommendation 2 | The Minister for Emergency Services introduce by the 2012-13 bushfire season psychological testing of all FESA career staff and bushfire and rescue volunteers. |
INQ202 | REC202-0495 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 3 | At the conclusion to the 2011-12 bushfire season, the Minister for Emergency Services institute a thorough review of the operations of FESA, the Police and DEC in protecting the State from bushfires and other natural disasters, with a primary focus on: · staffing levels; · equipment levels and co |
INQ202 | REC202-0496 | F - Research and technology | 17 - Assets and technology | Recommendation 4 | The Minister for Emergency Services ensure that a whole-of-government equipment register of the firefighting equipment held by FESA, DEC and local government authorities is in place for the 2012-13 bushfire season. |
INQ202 | REC202-0497 | A - Responsibility | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Recommendation 5 | The Minister for Local Government have urgent discussions with the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) as to why they are not supporting the full Recommendations addressed to local government in the Keelty Report. |
INQ202 | REC202-0498 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 6 | The Minister for Planning report to Parliament by May 2012 on the urgent actions undertaken by the Department of Planning and the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) to transfer responsibility for declaring bushfire prone areas to the WAPC. |
INQ202 | REC202-0499 | E - Agency Organisation | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Recommendation 7 | The Minister for Emergency Services institute a thorough review by December 2012, including a comparison to other jurisdictions, of the risk analysis processes used by FESA, the Police and DEC to prepare them to protect the State from bushfires and other natural disasters. |
INQ202 | REC202-0500 | A - Responsibility | 24 - Govt responsibility | Recommendation 8 | In implementing the Keelty Report’s Recommendation 42, the Ministers for Emergency Services and Environment jointly report to Parliament by May 2012 on the likely impacts on, and implications for, the future bushfire operations of the State Government of the drying climate in the State’s South We |
INQ202 | REC202-0501 | C - Response | 2 - Emergency powers | Recommendation 9 | The Minister for Emergency Services amend section 50 of the Emergency Management Act 2005 by June 2012 to allow the State Emergency Coordinator, as well as a hazard management agency, to make an emergency situation declaration. |
INQ202 | REC202-0513 | C - Response | 8 - Communications and warnings | Recommendation 21 | The Minister for Emergency Services report to Parliament by May 2012 on the resources required to ensure a ‘One Source One Message’ multi-layered information system, as recommended by the Keelty Report, including any upgrades required for FESA’s current State Alert system. |