
RailCorp should develop a plan to be submitted to ITSRR to address the deficiencies in the safety culture of RailCorp, including:
(a) the means whereby RailCorp proposes to ensure that all its operational, administrative and managerial staff consider the safety implications of any decision or action undertaken by them;
(b) the means whereby any distrust between management and operational staff is removed and replaced by a culture in which the whole organisation is motivated towards the safe conduct of its transportation activities;
(c) the means whereby RailCorp proposes to implement a just culture instead of a blame culture;
(d) the means whereby RailCorp proposes to establish and implement accountability and responsibility of individuals for the safety of the activities that they undertake;
(e) the means whereby RailCorp proposes to measure the safety performance of all individuals with accountabilities and responsibilities for safety, for the purpose of determining whether their level of safety performance is satisfactory;
(f) the means whereby the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive and the Group General Managers intend, by their actions and behaviour, to foster the development of a safety culture in the organisation;
(g) the means whereby RailCorp proposes to reward employees for bringing safety issues to the attention of management, and the means whereby the management of the organisation proposes to track the safety issues raised, to ensure continual safety improvement;
(h) the means, generally, whereby RailCorp intends to replace the present culture of on-time running with a culture encouraging safe, efficient and reliable provision of rail services;
(i) the means whereby RailCorp proposes to ensure that communications protocols are followed by the employees of the RMC and all other employees engaged in safety critical work;
(j) the means whereby RailCorp proposes to set safety targets for the reduction of incidents overall, and incidents in particular classes, and the means whereby the relevant information is to be kept and collated for the purpose of measuring safety performance in those areas;
(k) the means whereby employees responsible for particular areas are rewarded for safety improvements in their areas of activity;
(l) the means whereby RailCorp intends to integrate safety in all aspects and at all levels of the transportation activities which it undertakes;
(m) the means whereby RailCorp proposes to train staff in processes of hazard analysis and risk management relevant to the particular activities that they conduct; and
(n) the means whereby RailCorp is to integrate the management of safety in all aspects into the general management of its business undertaking.

Recommendation 83