RailCorp should establish an integrated safety management system which includes the following:
(a) a formal performance management system, incorporating measurable safety accountabilities and responsibilities for each managerial position;
(b) defined safety accountability and responsibility statements for senior management;
(c) an effective means of reviewing and acting upon audit investigation and review findings;
(d) an effective system for managing audit and investigation findings, to ensure that any identified deficiencies have been rectified;
(e) criteria for recruitment and promotion of management staff, including safety management qualifications, experience and expertise;
(f) development of risk management procedures, including:
(i) analysis of the nature of the activities being undertaken;
(ii) identification of all potential hazards within those activities;
(iii) analysis of the nature of the hazard;
(iv) analysis of the risks of the hazard materialising;
(v) development of controls to mitigate the risk;
(vi) development of systems for monitoring the effectiveness of the controls to ensure that they are working;
(vii) development of a continuing program to enhance the development of safe practices at all levels of the organisation;
(viii) development of key performance indicators for safety performance by all persons in management positions;
(ix) development of a safety information data collection system which captures all hazards, occupational health and safety incidents, audit results, non- compliance findings and near miss reports;
(x) development of a system to arrange in priority order, on the basis of data and trend analysis, those safety deficiencies which require the most urgent attention;
(xi) design and implementation of communications protocols, including standard phraseology, with particular standard phraseology for emergency situations; and
(xii) development of training systems, based upon training needs analysis.
Recommendation 122