
That the Emergency Services Agency, with the suport of the ACT Government, seek to establish with the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation and the NSW Rural Fire Service a protocol that will provide for the establishment of a joint incident management team as part of unified control arrangements based on adoption of the following principles:
- The authority whose jurisdiction is most affected, or likely to be most affected, by a fire will appoint suitable qualified and experienced personnel to the main functional roles in the incident management team - incident controller, planning officer, operations offcier and logistics officer - in accordance with its own operational arrangements but in consultation with the authority of the other affected jursidction
- The authority of the other affected jursidction will appoint suitable qualified and experienced personnel to fill the positions of deputy incident controller and deputy to each of the other main functional roles in the incident management team, as the size and complexity of the incident demands and in accordance with its own operational arrangements. This should, however, be done in consulation with the authority whose jurisdiction is most affected
- The arrangements contemplated by these provisions will be varied only with the consent of the chief officer or equivalent (or, in their absence, their deputy) of each affected authority, who will also be responsible for resolving any disagreement about which jurisdiction is most affected and about the appointment of personnel to incident management team functional roles as required by these provisions
The arrangements should be made using a risk-based approach
- Facilities should be shared
- There should be a single, integrated planning process and a single incident action plan
- Planning, logistics and operations functions should be shared
- There should be a coordinated process for resource acquisition and demobilisation
- Common media and community information systems and distribution strategies should be used

Recommendation 46