
The State Bushfire Coordination Committee will have the following functions:
- Develop policy, procedures, codes of practice and standards for bushfire management in South Australia;
- Develop, implement and monitor the State Bushfire Management Plan, which will be the Bushfire Hazard Plan under the Emergency Management Act 2004;
- Governance and performance monitoring of bushfire management activities;
- Ensure that there is state-wide coordination and integration of all bushfire management activities;
- Provide advice, guidance and direction on policy for Bushfire Management Committees;
- Convene an Annual Forum for Bushfire Management Committees;
- Resolve disputes at the Bushfire Management Committee level;
- Constitutes and determines the area of responsibility of a Bushfire Management Committee; 
- May, at any time, establish advisory groups;
- Make recommendations to the Minister;
- Report to Minister on matters referred by Minister;
- Reports to the Minister for Emergency Services through the SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission Board.

Recommendation 6