The Committee recommends that the Australian Government:
- require that all Ramsar listed wetlands have effective and operational management plans and that resources are allocated by governments to monitor the implementation of these plans
- increase the number of coastal wetlands classified as Ramsar sites, particularly those classified as Nationally Important wetlands
- work with state and territory governments through the Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, and in consultation with other stakeholders, to improve the management and monitoring of coastal wetlands, particularly Ramsar sites located in close proximity to development
- improve public awareness about what actions impacting on a Ramsar wetland should be referred to the Minister under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
- ensure that the National Guidelines for Ramsar Wetlands also include modules on the process for nominating Ramsar wetlands
- develop a climate change action plan for coastal Ramsar wetlands and Nationally Important wetlands
Recommendation 31