
That the Tasmania Fire Service establish clear systems and protocols for dealing with fires.
(a) It is recommended that Tasmania Fire Service provide a further written direction as to the requirement of fire fighters to follow standard operating procedures except in exceptional circumstances. That direction should be unequivocal in its terms and should not be open to interpretation by individual members.
(b) That there be a system established for accountability for deviation from training on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) during operations. Such a system should ensure the following:
(i) there is a formal de-brief after any significant incident;
(ii) the de-brief is conducted by someone outside the TFS;
(iii) all breaches of training and SOPs are noted;
(iv) the person responsible is asked for proper justification of why there was such a departure from the SOP or training;
(v) the person responsible is rigorously assessed as to whether the decision to depart from the training or SOP was correct in the circumstances; and
(vi) in the event that the departure was unwarranted, the person responsible must undergo further training to ensure that a similar breach does not happen again.
(c) That Tasmania Fire Service complete pre-incident plans for all major buildings in the central business districts and for large industrial buildings in suburban areas and ensure:
(i) That fire fighters of Tasmania Fire Service make themselves familiar with pre-incident plans.
(ii) That fire fighters regularly attend on site inspection of buildings to familiarise themselves with the pre-incident plans and update the pre-incident plans as necessary.
(iii) That pre-incident plans are readily available to fire fighters at the scene of a fire.

Recommendation 2