
The review of the 2010-11 Flood Warnings and Response (VIC)
N Comrie.

Recommendations for this Inquiry

INQ-ref REC-UID CODE SubCode SrcNUM Recommendation
INQ199 REC199-0430 A - Responsibility 9 - Community education 31

the state undertake a community education program to inform households of their respective flood risk. This may include information on rate notices of heights of houses above flood level and educating people about flash flooding.

INQ199 REC199-0431 A - Responsibility 9 - Community education 32

the state allocate core funding for the ongoing delivery of the ‘FloodSafe’ program to flood prone communities across Victoria.

INQ199 REC199-0483 A - Responsibility 9 - Community education 84

the state ensure: • where external assistance is provided to Victoria during emergencies, communities are advised of the specific purpose of that assistance, through media and other information channels; and • all agencies provide incident management personnel with information regarding the arran

INQ199 REC199-0412 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 13

the Bureau of Meteorology adjust its flood prediction models to incorporate water storage conditions (to enable it to issue more timely and useful flood predictions for communities based downstream of water storages).

INQ199 REC199-0477 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 78

the state review the potential for National Registration and Inquiry System 6 to provide a single point of information collection to both register individuals and plan the delivery of recovery services.

INQ199 REC199-0403 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 4

the state and commonwealth undertake a review into the appropriate institutional arrangements for the forecasting and predictions function currently undertaken by Melbourne Water for the Port Phillip and Westernport region.

INQ199 REC199-0419 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 20

the Bureau of Meteorology provide Incident Control Centres with real-time access to flood data held by the Bureau of Meteorology. This will require Bureau of Meteorology staff making themselves available to respond to enquiries from Incident Control Centres during a flood event.

INQ199 REC199-0404 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 5

the state engage with the Bureau of Meteorology to establish a joint initiative to review existing flash flood warning systems in Victoria and identify where additional systems are needed, with a particular focus on urban centres with a history of flash flooding.

INQ199 REC199-0405 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 6

the state and the Bureau of Meteorology liaise to ensure the existence of appropriate quality control processes for gauges and contingency measures in the event that gauges are damaged during flood events.

INQ199 REC199-0470 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 71

the commonwealth consider including (as part of its review of standards for aged care services) requirements for: • robust ‘all hazards’ evacuation plans that include current after-hour contact details of people who are able to make authoritative decisions during an emergency; and • rehearsal of

INQ199 REC199-0423 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 24

the Bureau of Meteorology expand its volunteer amateur weather watch groups to enhance its weather and flood information gathering procedures.

INQ199 REC199-0409 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 10

the Bureau of Meteorology should present water levels in both local datum and Australian Height Datum (gauge zero) for all its published information and warnings

INQ199 REC199-0411 A - Responsibility 21 - Role of Commonwealth Government 12

the Bureau of Meteorology undertake a review of its radar coverage in the context of flash and riverine flood warnings for Victoria, with a particular focus on known gap areas such as the Horsham/Nhill region.

INQ199 REC199-0468 A - Responsibility 22 - Role of local Gvt 69

municipal councils undertake a risk assessment of caravan parks and decide if any should be included in the list of facilities where vulnerable people may be located.

INQ199 REC199-0486 A - Responsibility 22 - Role of local Gvt 87

the state, following the completion of the Municipal Association of Victoria Improving Emergency Management in Local Government program, work with municipalities to revise the role and responsibilities of local government in emergency management.

INQ199 REC199-0400 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 1

The state take the necessary measures to clarify roles, responsibilities and cost-sharing arrangements for flood warning systems, including tasking state and regional bodies to be responsible for the flood warning system.

INQ199 REC199-0465 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 66

the state undertake major reform of Victoria’s emergency management arrangements to bring about an effective ‘all hazards, all agencies’ approach, incorporating: • clarity of command and control in all emergencies • common operating platforms, including communications and information technology •

INQ199 REC199-0481 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 82

the state (consistent with recommendation 46) develop a model for determining the capability and capacity of departments and agencies with roles and responsibilities in large scale or protracted emergencies.

INQ199 REC199-0466 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 67

the Departments of Health and Human Services finalise the definition of ‘vulnerable person’ and the list of facility types where vulnerable people are located and ensure that the definition and associated policy(ies) are applicable across ‘all hazards’.

INQ199 REC199-0406 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 7

the state expand the Regional Water Monitoring Partnerships model to include all flood warning gauges.

INQ199 REC199-0455 A - Responsibility 24 - Govt responsibility 56

the state conduct an ‘all hazards’ needs analysis to determine requirements for level 3 Incident Control Centres with a focus on ‘all hazards’ and multi-agency capability.

INQ199 REC199-0428 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review 29

the state clarify which agency is responsible for collecting post-flood extent and related data.

INQ199 REC199-0445 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review 46

the state develop and implement operational performance standards for each state agency involved in emergency management response and recovery and that: • each agency be assessed by the Emergency Services Commissioner periodically against these performance standards for both capability and capaci

INQ199 REC199-0401 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review 2

the state task the Emergency Services Commissioner with the responsibility to establish an effective audit regime of the total flood warning system.

INQ199 REC199-0450 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review 51

the state ensure that appropriate record management processes are developed and implemented and that these processes also provide record accountability for multi-agency operations. Agency processes should be standardised to the fullest extent possible

INQ199 REC199-0482 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review 83

the state task the Emergency Services Commissioner with the responsibility to develop and undertake the regular audit of emergency management plans at all levels.

INQ199 REC199-0407 A - Responsibility 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review 8

the state: • undertake a strategic review to identify areas at risk from flash or riverine flooding.

INQ199 REC199-0424 A - Responsibility 35 - Business and Industry in relation to industry 25

the state require dam owners and operators to review storage operating manuals to incorporate lessons from the 2010–11 floods and make this information publicly available. The manuals should include a clear policy on dam surcharging and pre-release.

INQ199 REC199-0425 A - Responsibility 35 - Business and Industry in relation to industry 26

the state require that dam owners and operators inform the control agency and the Bureau of Meteorology about the management and operation of dams and weirs consistent with the flood warning requirements of the relevant river systems, including providing telemetry at sites as necessary.

INQ199 REC199-0426 A - Responsibility 35 - Business and Industry in relation to industry 27

the state require that dam owners and operators inform people situated downstream of water storages if the owners/operators become aware of an immediate threat arising from the dam to the safety of those people.

INQ199 REC199-0427 A - Responsibility 35 - Business and Industry in relation to industry 28

the state require dam owners and operators provide regular situational reports to the relevant control agency where dam issues may impact incident management.

INQ199 REC199-0485 B - Preparedness 1 - Land-use and building regs 86

the state: • adopt a strategy to expedite incorporation of updated flood mapping or modelling into planning schemes • reconsider in what circumstances the ‘1 in 100 year event’ is the appropriate design event • actively support the Australian Building Code Board in its development of a new nation

INQ199 REC199-0441 B - Preparedness 4 - Fire season preparation 42

the state undertake further trials to explore the opportunity for greater use of social media as a credible source of information to and from the public during an emergency

INQ199 REC199-0444 C - Response 2 - Emergency powers 45

the state, as a matter of urgency, develop a multi-agency Incident Control Team capability to be readily available for statewide deployment to establish incident control or to relieve functioning control structures.

INQ199 REC199-0446 C - Response 7 - Inter-agency communication 47

the state commit to securing effective multi-agency interoperable communications as a high level priority and that all future communications projects and upgrades incorporate compliance provisions mandating interoperability requirements.

INQ199 REC199-0447 C - Response 7 - Inter-agency communication 48

the state ensure that common and interoperable resource management systems are developed and implemented by emergency management agencies. Common systems should be utilised to the fullest extent possible.

INQ199 REC199-0449 C - Response 7 - Inter-agency communication 50

the state ensure that interoperable information management practices are developed and implemented by emergency management agencies. Common systems should be utilised to the fullest extent possible.

INQ199 REC199-0418 C - Response 7 - Inter-agency communication 19

the state develop an efficient process to ensure that, during flood events, temporary construction of flood mitigation works, such as levees, is controlled so as not to unacceptably impact on flood intelligence.

INQ199 REC199-0458 C - Response 7 - Inter-agency communication 59

the state ensure: • a common, functional and accessible system be introduced to enable effective Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre and Incident Control Centre communications • a regime of regular Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre exercising is introduced with oversight by an appropria

INQ199 REC199-0432 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 33

the state develop and implement a single web portal as a means of providing emergency information to communities and local government on an ‘all hazards’ basis, including the information referred to in recommendations 74, 89 and 92.

INQ199 REC199-0433 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 34

the state develop and implement standards for Emergency Alert to ensure consistent use, training and application by accredited operators within agencies across ‘all hazards’.

INQ199 REC199-0402 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 3

the state develop a flood warning system for each basin and location with community input and make relevant documents publicly available. Each warning system should include key performance indicators.

INQ199 REC199-0434 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 35

the state require that agencies operate in compliance with the guidelines of the Victorian Warning Protocol to ensure efficacy of warning messages.

INQ199 REC199-0435 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 36

the state put in place appropriate measures to inform the community of the intended purpose of the Emergency Alert warning system.

INQ199 REC199-0436 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 37

the state develop a standard approach to the provision of emergency warnings and information in formats – spoken and written – that recognise diverse community needs, including language and disability

INQ199 REC199-0437 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 38

the state engage with local government to ensure emergency services’ public information and warnings reflect the community demographic.

INQ199 REC199-0438 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 39

the state investigate the ability to refine the Flood and Storm Information Line to enable it to receive as well as provide information.

INQ199 REC199-0439 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 40

the state review its Memoranda of Understanding with official emergency broadcasters to take account of increased usage of internet based information, including social media and the ability to broadcast community meetings

INQ199 REC199-0471 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 72

the state and the commonwealth, during a flood event, make information available on providers who have capacity to accommodate patients and residents who require evacuation.

INQ199 REC199-0440 C - Response 8 - Communications and warnings 41

the state actively pursue the use of social media as part of its emergency warning and public information system.