Inquiry Search
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC291-1238 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The State Emergency Management Committee to adopt, across all hazards, the doctrine of: · the primacy of life; · the ‘Strategic Control Priorities’ (as documented by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services); and · community warnings that are timely, tailored and relevant. Agencies will reinforce amongst emergency management personnel the importance of this doctrine through briefings and intent statements. |
REC291-1233 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The State Government to explore options for streamlining the functions and the independence of the State Emergency Management Committee Secretariat and the Office of Bushfire Risk Management with a view to including an inspectorate function, and appointing a person who is dedicated to that role. The purpose is to provide assurance and reporting, and to inquire into, monitor and report transparently on emergency management standards, preparedness, capability, service delivery and investment performance outcomes. Within two years of the establishment of this arrangement the State Government to review and assess whether it is meeting the desired outcomes. |
REC291-1249 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Department of the Premier and Cabinet to conduct an independent review of the current arrangement for the management and distribution of the Emergency Services Levy. The review will have the specific purpose of: · seeking input from key entities including the Departments of Treasury, Finance, Fire and Emergency Services, Lands, and Parks and Wildlife, WA Local Government Association, and the Office of Bushfire Risk Management. · ensuring the arrangement has the flexibility and agility to deal with emerging bushfire risk priorities. · establishing a budget process that enables a shift in investment towards prevention, mitigation and building community resilience and capability. |
REC291-1247 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The State Government to create a Rural Fire Service to enhance the capability for rural fire management and bushfire risk management at a State, regional and local level. The proposed Rural Fire Service will: · be established as a separate entity from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services or, alternatively, be established as a sub-department of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services; · have an independent budget; · be able to employ staff; · have a leadership structure which, to the greatest degree possible, is regionally based and runs the entity; · be led by a Chief Officer who reports to the responsible Minister on policy and administrative matters; and to the Commissioner for Fire and Emergency Services during operational and emergency response; · have responsibilities and powers relating to bushfire prevention, preparedness and response; and · operate collaboratively with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services, the Department of Parks and Wildlife, Local Government and volunteer Bush Fire Brigades. In creating the Rural Fire Service, the State Government to consider whether back office and corporate support services could be effectively provided by an existing Department, such as the Department of Fire and Emergency Services or the Department of Parks and Wildlife. The State Government to review the creation of the Rural Fire Service two years after its establishment, to assess whether its structure and operations are achieving the intended outcome. |
REC291-1241 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The State Emergency Management Committee, in consultation with Western Australian Farmers Federation, the Association of Bush Fire Brigades, the Contractors Association of WA, and the Forest Industries Federation of WA, to establish systems for the voluntary registration of: · farmer firefighting units; · contractor firefighting resources; and · forestry industry brigades. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC290-1211 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Review of institutional arrangements in the fire sector |
REC290-1208 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A unified and integrated fire sector across the whole fire hazard |
REC290-1217 | 12 - EM agency and authority | IAP formats and processes appropriate to the nature of the emergency response. |
REC290-1216 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Resolve reoccurring issues with systems and processes |
REC290-1212 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Resourcing models appropriate to local needs, including fire risk and remoteness |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC277-1165 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Clarify the role of the ROC and SOC and their reporting relationships: The ROC and SOC have important coordination roles under the State Emergency Management Arrangements to support both the incident and the broader region and state. Clarifying the role of the ROC and SOC, their reporting relationships, and how the command structures of other agencies are integrated, will have three main benefits: the ROC and SOC can perform their functions effectively • no inconsistencies, gaps or duplication in the activities of the IMT, ROC and SOC • transparency of incident management |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC276-1178 | 16 - Training and behaviour | Within six months, consider improved processes for consulting with and engaging volunteers and continue to work with LGs to improve information sharing and communication. Specifically, DFES should improve communication around its decisions on equipment and training as well as provide better information about access to services. |
REC276-1177 | 36 - Volunteers | Within 12 months, develop volunteer specific policies and procedures, including fatigue management, consistent with the Guidelines for Successful Partnerships between Public Sector Agencies and Volunteers. |
REC276-1176 | 36 - Volunteers | Within 12 months, improve its processes for collecting and maintaining volunteer membership, availability and training records. To do this it will need to work with local information. governments to improve the accuracy of LG volunteer membership |
REC276-1175 | 36 - Volunteers | Continue to implement the major change projects it has in place, including Professional Pathways, and review them to assess if they will address all the key findings in this report. In particular, within six months DFES should set priorities and Sustainability Strategy. begin implementing the Emergency Services Volunteer Workforce |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC265-1100 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The forthcoming review by SEMC of SEMP 4.4 Recovery Coordination and Westplan – Recovery Coordination and SEMP 4.1 Incident Management should include consideration of: |
REC265-1110 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Whenever a Bush Fires Act 1954 section 13 transfer of control is invoked, the Incident level of an event should also be reviewed and any changes documented. |
REC265-1107 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Standard Operating Procedure 1 (Mobilisation Zone 2, Perth Hills area) should be reviewed to ensure that appropriate escalation triggers and levels of operational readiness are in place for future periods when severe fire weather conditions are forecast. |
REC265-1124 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | EMP 4.4 and Westplan – Recovery Coordination should be amended to: clarify the wording around handing over control of the incident from the Controlling Agency to local government and the transition from response to recovery; include principles and criteria that will assist the Controlling Agency and local government to determine the best time to effect a hand over of control of the incident; make explicit the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in the handover of control of the incident; specify the information required in the needs and impact assessments provided to local government by the Controlling Agency so that local government is given sufficient information to take control of incidents; clarify the roles, responsibilities and the title of the State Recovery Controller and ensure that the appropriate wording is reflected in Westplans and State Emergency Management Policies; Hazard Management Agencies, combat and support agencies and local governments need to fully inform themselves of the role of the State Recovery Controller and implement a more effective approach to communicating |
REC265-1104 | 12 - EM agency and authority | DFES should increase and maintain urban interface bushfire skills and expertise. Appointments to senior roles within the agency should include people with experience and credibility in bushfire firefighting and management. |
REC265-1115 | 16 - Training and behaviour | Training and awareness raising should be conducted to enhance the appreciation and understanding of DFES State and Regional operational personnel, including potential Incident Management Team members, of the nationally adopted Bushfire Alert and Messaging Matrix, in order to ensure that the most appropriate alert levels and associated community messaging are applied during bushfire incidents. |
REC265-1103 | 16 - Training and behaviour | DFES should review its training courses and Standard Operating Procedures to satisfy itself that all incident management personnel have the required level of understanding of WA emergency management arrangements, including those that relate to the roles of the Incident Management Team and Incident Support Group and the declaration of incident levels. |
REC265-1114 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Procedures should be reviewed to address the risks associated with response aircraft all working from one forward operating base, including the need for a designated fire protection unit to be available in the event of an aircraftrelated fire or other emergency incident |
REC265-1102 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | SEMC Secretariat Community Emergency Management Officers should work with the Shire to document the Shire of Mundaring’s learnings from the Parkerville Stoneville Mt Helena fire with a view to sharing this with other local authorities particularly those facing similar situations in order to extend the range of tools available to assist local governments to understand their roles and responsibilities in future emergencies. |
REC265-1113 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The role of the Ground Controller should be reaffirmed in operational doctrine and reinforced in Incident Management Team training. During incidents involving aircraft the appointment of a Ground Controller should be confirmed by the Incident Controller |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC254-1581 | 16 - Training and behaviour | All agencies ensure fire managers are trained to correctly interpret the new Spot Fire Weather Forecast and to familiarise themselves with the entire format – ensuring consideration of the whole forecast - not just the tabular data containing the 12 hour forecast. |
REC254-1580 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Critical operational procedures such as ‘Red Flag Warnings’, on a common fireground need to be consistent across DFES, DEC and Local Government. In particular, the operational procedure of Red Flag Warnings needs to be adopted by all WA fire agencies. |
REC254-1589 | 12 - EM agency and authority | In due course, acts of bravery are considered and recommendations for awards are submitted, including commendations for the delivery of First Aid. |
REC254-1588 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | WA fire agencies adopt a common set of standing orders, operational procedures, training and competencies for rural firefighting that are produced in hard copy, leading to integrated multi-agency training, IMTs, Regional and State coordination/control centres. |
REC254-1584 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | DFES or DEC (depending on land tenure) is mandated to take over control of emergency incidents from Local Government once they have been declared Level 2 incidents. WESTPLAN BUSHFIRE and legislation to be amended accordingly. |
REC254-1583 | 16 - Training and behaviour | Once Recommendation 1 has been actioned, all agencies give greater priority to the promulgation of Red Flag warnings in order to enhance situational awareness on the fireground. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC252-2572 | 12 - EM agency and authority | St John Ambulance should explore opportunities for extending the community paramedic model to other areas of identified need |
REC252-2564 | 37 - Funding | Western Australia Health should collate and centrally monitor financial data including the cost to government of IHPT |
REC252-2570 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Western Australia Health should carry out targeted clinical audits in volunteer country sub-centres until longer term solutions are in place |
REC252-2563 | 37 - Funding | Western Australia Health should develop and agree with St John Ambulance a new funding model for emergency ambulance services focusing on standards, performance and allocation of risk |
REC252-2570 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Western Australia Health should carry out targeted clinical audits in volunteer country sub-centres until longer term solutions are in place |
REC252-2574 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | St John Ambulance should ensure the positive gains in clinical governance achieved since the Inquiry become embedded throughout the whole organisation. |
REC252-2569 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Western Australia Health should consider publishing information on St John Ambulance’s complaints processes to assist Western Australia Health staff. |
REC252-2568 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Western Australia Health should develop criteria with St John Ambulance for the allocation of paramedics across the state |
REC252-2573 | 12 - EM agency and authority | St John Ambulance should build on its regionalisation model and improve engagement with local services in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions |
REC252-2567 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Western Australia Health should re-engage with St John Ambulance at a senior level to address strategic and complex issues including long term solutions to ramping |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC227-2856 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that BPC establish an onshore presence as recommended by Lieutenant Commander Livingstone. |
REC227-2855 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | I recommend that arrangements be put in place which would remove the requirements for Masters of Volunteer Marine Rescue vessels to hold a commercial certificate of competency. Operators could then be qualified through the FESA Volunteer Marine Rescue Training pathway as skippers and crew. This would increase the number of available skippers in the event of a search and rescue incident and would make appropriate training easier to arrange. |
REC227-2854 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that the Christmas Island VMRS be given autonomy to maintain operational readiness for the VMRS rescue vessel(s) and an appropriate budget be provided to allow this to take place. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC226-0569 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Section 13 arrangements need to be clarified across key agencies. |
REC226-0559 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Early contact with the LG A is critical. |
REC226-0597 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Given the prominent role played by the Shire in the management of welfare aspects in this emergency, there may be a need for state sponsored training for shire staff who are involved in implementing state emergency management policies and plans including how to deal with traumatised individuals. |
REC226-0545 | 26 - Research | Improved understanding of fire behaviour in coastal heathlands would support sound risk management through the southwest of W |
REC226-0593 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Good Local Government planning and management facilitates community resilience. |
REC226-0580 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The role of district and local emergency management committees should be reviewed to ensure they are appropriately engaged in the active management of emergencies across the PPR R continuum |
REC226-0579 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Legislative change may be needed to enable FES A to better manage fire- fighting resources across the state. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC225-0536 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | DFES and Local Government Bushfire Brigades ensure that only those with the required AIIMS competence have the authority to manage Level 1 incidents, noting they may not be Fire Control Officers. |
REC225-0534 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Once Recommendation 1 has been actioned, all agencies give greater priority to the promulgation of Red Flag warnings in order to enhance situational awareness on the fireground. |
REC225-0532 | 16 - Training and behaviour | All agencies ensure fire managers are trained to correctly interpret the new Spot Fire Weather Forecast and to familiarise themselves with the entire format – ensuring consideration of the whole forecast - not just the tabular data containing the 12 hour forecast. |
REC225-0531 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Critical operational procedures such as ‘Red Flag Warnings’, on a common fireground need to be consistent across DFES, DEC and Local Government. In particular, the operational procedure of Red Flag Warnings needs to be adopted by all WA fire agencies. |
REC225-0540 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | : In due course, acts of bravery are considered and recommendations for awards are submitted, including commendations for the delivery of First Aid. |
REC225-0539 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | WA fire agencies adopt a common set of standing orders, operational procedures, training and competencies for rural firefighting that are produced in hard copy, leading to integrated multi-agency training, IMTs, Regional and State coordination/control centres. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC223-0520 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Department of Environment and Conservation review the utility of its current regional model in terms of the capability of operational centres such as Kirup to service major fire activity on land proximate to the rural urban area (this recommendation should also be considered in the context of Recommendation 5). |
REC223-0518 | 16 - Training and behaviour | The Department of Environment and Conservation explore human resourcing models that: · make succession planning a priority; · look at options for the attraction and retention of staff; and · review how the salary levels of staff matches the decision making required in major activities such as prescribed burns. |
REC223-0517 | 26 - Research | The Department of Environment and Conservation be supported to conduct further research into the fuel management of coastal heath in the south west of Western Australia exploring alternatives to burning as well as best practice for burning. |
REC223-0516 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Department of Environment and Conservation review its implementation of the findings of the Ferguson Review conducted in 2010. |
REC223-0523 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Government consider enacting legislation to facilitate the review of all future major incidents, including but not limited to fire, earthquake, storm and marine inundation, and the emergency response to them. |
REC223-0522 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The response operation to the Margaret River bushfire in November 2011 be the subject of a review with independent oversight. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC222-1866 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The State’s emergency response agencies should offer exit interviews to all of their staff and volunteers and use the information they gather to improve their trauma management procedures. |
REC222-1851 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Ministers for Emergency Services, Environment and Police request their departments to place some of their staff and resources providing trauma-related services in regional Western Australia. |
REC222-1858 | 29 - Operational Health and Safety | The Ministers for Environment, Police, Child Protection and Emergency Services fund additional chaplaincy services, particularly for staff and volunteers based in rural and regional Western Australia. |
REC222-1865 | 16 - Training and behaviour | The Minister for Police immediately instigate processes to ensure that the psychological well-being of officers is at the forefront of the Western Australia Police’s staff planning. These processes should include all officers being trained in psychological first aid, with subsequent regular refresher courses. Senior officers should be the first priority for psychological first aid training. |
REC222-1850 | 29 - Operational Health and Safety | The Ministers for Emergency Services, Environment and Police ensure that their departments develop as a high priority a computer system for tracking their staff and the number of traumatic events they have attended over a particular period. |
REC222-1856 | 37 - Funding | The Ministers for Emergency Services, Environment and Police provide additional funds in the 2013-14 Budget so that the State’s emergency response agencies can implement a Psychological First Aid approach to preparing staff to deal with critical incidents and disasters, as is used in other Australian jurisdictions. |
REC222-1864 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Chief Executive Officer of the Fire and Emergency Services Authority request the Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council to include a new module in the Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System to guide the provision of welfare services for emergency service workers during a disaster. |
REC222-1849 | 29 - Operational Health and Safety | Departmental chief executives of the Western Australia Police, Department of Environment and Conservation and the Fire and Emergency Services Authority should be made personally responsible for the psychological health (as a result of critical incident trauma) of their staff and volunteers. This obligation should be reflected in their performance agreements. |
REC222-1869 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Ministers for Emergency Services, Environment and Police ensure their departments include provisions for regular external audits of invoices for payment in their next round of Employee Assistance Program contract negotiations. |
REC222-1855 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Local government authorities incorporate into their Local Emergency Management Plans their procedures for dealing with any trauma experienced by bushfire brigade volunteers, having regard to best practice in managing trauma. |
REC222-1862 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Minister for Emergency Services request the State Emergency Management Committee to review by June 2013 the sharing of data between the State’s emergency response agencies using the WebEOC software and any further enhancements that can be made to this process. |
REC222-1848 | 29 - Operational Health and Safety | The Western Australian Government amend current State occupational health and safety legislation so that it includes a definition for ‘health’ that includes psychological health. |
REC222-1868 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority, Department of Environment and Conservation and Western Australia Police explore the usefulness of using retired staff as mentors or peer supporters, either directly employed or through a suitable nongovernment organisation. |
REC222-1854 | 36 - Volunteers | The Premier amend Clause 35 of the Public Sector Award 1992 so that State Government employees who volunteer to assist the Australian Red Cross during a disaster are not required to take personal or annual leave. |
REC222-1860 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Police provide additional resources so that the Fire and Emergency Services Authority and the Western Australia Police can at least double their number of peer support officers, with an aim to increase the number in regional areas of the State. |
REC222-1847 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Ministers for Emergency Services, Environment and Police ensure their departments undertake a formal review by 30 June 2013 of the welfare services addressing stress and trauma provided to both their career and volunteer members. |
REC222-1867 | 16 - Training and behaviour | The Minister for Emergency Services ensure that the Fire and Emergency Services Authority’s peer support program is rejuvenated as soon as possible with increased funding to provided added training for staff volunteering for this program |
REC222-1852 | 29 - Operational Health and Safety | The Minister for Health immediately establish the road trauma counselling service to be funded by the Road Trauma Trust Account. |
REC222-1859 | 29 - Operational Health and Safety | The Attorney General and the Ministers for Health and Mental Health fund their departments to establish a peer support program by the end of 2013 for their staff undertaking stressful tasks during a disaster or critical incident. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC204-1913 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Department of the Attorney General consider conducting a review of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (WA) in light of the 2011 Kimberley Ultramarathon. Such a review should consider issues such as the effectiveness given to competitor waivers under the Act and the potential difficulties of establishing proceedings and enforcing a judgement against foreign‐based providers of recreational activities. |
REC204-1907 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Department of Sport and Recreation facilitate the development of an Adventure Activity Standard for ultramarathons in order to determine a minimum safety standard for the sport. |
REC204-1921 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Coroner’s Act 1996 should be amended to give the Coroner jurisdiction to investigate fires that do not cause death, and that the Coroner should be suitably resourced to undertake investigations of the kind the subject of this Report. |
REC204-1917 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The review of the Health Act 1911 (WA) should include the following amendments: |
REC204-1916 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) processes should be reviewed to ensure that: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC203-0297 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The role of district and local emergency management committees should be reviewed to ensure they are appropriately engaged in the active management of emergencies across the PPR R continuum |
REC203-0296 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Legislative change may be needed to enable FES A to manage fire-fighting resources across the state. |
REC203-0295 | 12 - EM agency and authority | There would be benefit in progressively aligning the geographic boundaries of each of the agencies and seeking to co-locate their headquarters within those boundaries. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC202-0494 | 16 - Training and behaviour | The Minister for Emergency Services introduce by the 2012-13 bushfire season psychological testing of all FESA career staff and bushfire and rescue volunteers. |
REC202-0508 | 36 - Volunteers | The Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Local Government review and report to Parliament by May 2012 on ways in which the State’s volunteer firefighters and rescue workers can be more effectively managed and valued. |
REC202-0493 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Minister for Emergency Services report to Parliament every six months on the progress made in completing all of the outstanding Recommendations of the Keelty Report. |
REC202-0502 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Minister for Environment bring to Parliament by June 2012 amendments to the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 that reflect the use by the Department of Environment and Conservation of prescribed burns for both biodiversity conservation and community protection purposes. |
REC202-0499 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Minister for Emergency Services institute a thorough review by December 2012, including a comparison to other jurisdictions, of the risk analysis processes used by FESA, the Police and DEC to prepare them to protect the State from bushfires and other natural disasters. |
REC202-0497 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Minister for Local Government have urgent discussions with the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) as to why they are not supporting the full Recommendations addressed to local government in the Keelty Report. The Minister ensure that by May 2012 WALGA and its member councils have the resources to fully implement theimplementation of the Recommendations. |
REC202-0495 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | At the conclusion to the 2011-12 bushfire season, the Minister for Emergency Services institute a thorough review of the operations of FESA, the Police and DEC in protecting the State from bushfires and other natural disasters, with a primary focus on: · staffing levels; · equipment levels and coordination; and · training needs. The Minister report to Parliament by June 2012 on any changes that need to be made to the current departmental structures to optimise the State’s preparedness for the 2012-13 bushfire season. |
REC202-0509 | 36 - Volunteers | The Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Environment develop by December 2012 a Volunteer Charter that recognises the important work undertaken by the State’s volunteer bushfire and emergency services personnel. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC201-0257 | 29 - Operational Health and Safety | FESA needs to place greater priority on the appointment of Safety Advisors to Level 3 incidents as is reflected in WESTPLAN Bushfire. |
REC201-0256 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Noting existing legislative and policy arrangements, there is merit in considering options for the future management of Level 3 fires in Local Government areas. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC200-0354 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Local governments consider increasing the number of green waste collections carried out each year to encourage a more proactive approach to property (and vegetation) maintenance by residents. |
REC200-1695 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | The Western Australian Local Government Association explore the feasibility of local governments utilising aerial and satellite imagery to monitor firebreaks and fuel loads on private property. |
REC200-1732 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The State Government review implementation of the Special Inquiry's recommendations in two years. |
REC200-0367 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Main Roads Western Australia undertake more frequent examinations of its bridges located in areas prone to bushfire and ensure that the risk posed to loss of infrastructure in a fire is understood by local authorities. |
REC200-1703 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority develop formal procedures for mandating the completion of Incident Action Plans, ensuring the documents are detailed and that they record critical decision making. |
REC200-0384 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Emergency Management Western Australia develop mechanisms to calculate the estimated total cost of a fire to the community. |
REC200-1720 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The State Emergency Management Committee amend State Emergency Management Policy 4.1 (Operational Management) to: |
REC200-0353 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | The State Government give its full support to the Western Australian Local Government Association’s Send to Solve initiative. |
REC200-1683 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Local Government recognise the work of the Gas Technical Regulatory Council and ensure any amendments to the Australian Standard are enforced. |
REC200-1731 | 16 - Training and behaviour | The Interagency Bushfire Management Committee develop a consistent program of education, training (including media), testing and review of Level 3 Incident Controllers. |
REC200-0363 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority develop formal procedures for mandating the completion of Incident Action Plans, ensuring the documents are detailed and that they record critical decision making. |
REC200-1702 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority immediately comply with the provisions of WESTPLAN BUSHFIRE and formally declare incidents at their appropriate level and document and communicate those decisions in a similar way to the systems used by the Department of Environment and Conservation and the Western Australian Police. |
REC200-0383 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The State Government restructure the Fire and Emergency Services Authority as a Department. 22 As part of this restructure, Emergency Management Western Australia should either be: 1. clearly separated from the fire and emergency services response function (see figure 2); or 2. moved to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (see figures 3 and 4) or 3. moved to the Attorney-General’s department (see figures 3 and 5). |
REC200-1715 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Local governments institute a comprehensive program to assess fuel loads and bushfire preparedness on private properties. The program should give reference to the creation and maintenance of a Building Protection Zone, in line with FESA guidelines. |
REC200-0345 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Local governments continue to include information on bushfire risk and preparedness with rates notices. |
REC200-0392 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The State Government review implementation of the Special Inquiry’s Recommendations in two years. |
REC200-1730 | 16 - Training and behaviour | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority and local governments examine the current competencies of Chief Bushfire Control Officers and Community Emergency Services Managers (or Community Fire Managers) and consider what further development is needed to ensure these staff are capable of: |
REC200-0362 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority immediately comply with the provisions of WESTPLAN BUSHFIRE and formally declare incidents at their appropriate level and document and communicate those decisions in a similar way to the systems used by the Department of Environment and Conservation and the Western Australian Police. |
REC200-1701 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority convene a facilitated debriefing session between the families who remained behind to protect their properties, and the incident controllers. |
REC200-0382 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Emergency Management Western Australia and the State Emergency Management Committee amend WESTPLAN-BUSHFIRE to require State Emergency Coordination Group meetings to be held at the State Coordination Centre in West Leederville. |
REC200-1709 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Western Australian Police and the Fire and Emergency Services Authority jointly examine the Traffic Management System developed in response to the 2009 Victorian bushfires and seek its adaptation to use in WA with additional attention to the access and egress by bona fide residents to areas that are evacuated. |
REC200-0342 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Local Government recognise the work of the Gas Technical Regulatory Council and ensure any amendments to the Australian Standard are enforced. Local Government provide information to residents on any changes to the Australian Standard relating to tethering gas tanks and encourage property owners to take action to comply with the Standard. |
REC200-0390 | 16 - Training and behaviour | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority and local governments examine the current competencies of Chief Bushfire Control Officers and Community Emergency Services Managers (or Community Fire Managers) and consider what further development is needed to ensure these staff are capable of: measuring and mapping fuel loads maintaining fuel load databases drawing up prescriptions for, and overseeing controlled burns building effective working relationships with all relevant stakeholders. |
REC200-1729 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority and local governments ensure that Community Emergency Service Managers are physically based in local government. |
REC200-0361 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority convene a facilitated debriefing session between the families who remained behind to protect their properties, and the incident controllers. This session should include open discussion and explain the decisions of all parties – including how the incident controllers determined priorities, and why residents chose not follow their advice to evacuate. The learning outcomes should be promulgated across all agencies and incorporated in future level 3 incident controller training programs. |
REC200-1697 | 26 - Research | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority, the Department of Environment and Conservation and local governments closely monitor the research and development of alternative fuel reduction techniques to ensure that the most efficient and effective programs are adopted. |
REC200-0380 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The State Emergency Management Committee amend State Emergency Management Policy 4.1 (Operational Management) to: give clear and explicit direction about when and how an incident should be declared clearly articulate the actions to be taken clearly define accountabilities provide detailed criteria for elevating issues and engaging other agencies. |
REC200-1705 | 29 - Operational Health and Safety | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) review its program to decommission vehicles and ensure that when such vehicles are offered during an incident that FESA staff adhere to FESA‟s own policy of „Use of Private Vehicles in Fires‟ |
REC200-0341 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The State Government give legislative effect to the Planning for Bush Fire Protection Guidelines. |
REC200-0389 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority and local governments ensure that Community Emergency Service Managers are physically based in local government. |
REC200-1725 | 37 - Funding | The State Government move the responsibility for the management and distribution of the Emergency Services Levy to the Department of Finance. |
REC200-0357 | 26 - Research | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority, the Department of Environment and Conservation and local governments closely monitor the research and development of alternative fuel reduction techniques to ensure that the most efficient and effective programs are adopted. |
REC200-1696 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The State Government reaffirm its 2009 decision to approve DEC exercising greater flexibility in managing smoke within national guidelines, in order to achieve its prescribed burn program. |
REC200-0375 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | Local governments institute a comprehensive program to assess fuel loads and bushfire preparedness on private properties. The program should give reference to the creation and maintenance of a Building Protection Zone, in line with FESA guidelines. This program should be implemented and managed under the Bush Fires Act 1954 in a manner similar to the fire break inspection program. |
REC200-1704 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority review its use of the Australian Interagency Incident Management System to ensure that the most appropriate resources (including aerial resources) are used to respond to an incident. If resources are rejected during an incident either through the decision making process or other grounds, the reason for the decision should be documented. |
REC200-0339 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Emergency Management Western Australia establish an inter-agency working group to continue the development of the new single emergency services Act. |
REC200-0385 | 37 - Funding | The State Government move the responsibility for the management and distribution of the Emergency Services Levy to the Department of Finance. |
REC200-1721 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The State Government amend section 50 of the Emergency Management Act 2005 to allow the Chair of the State Emergency Coordination Group to declare an emergency situation. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC183-0107 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The DEC Fire Management Policy should be reviewed and updated. |
REC183-0122 | 16 - Training and behaviour | A staff recognition and reward framework for service to fire management should be considered for DEC fire staff. |
REC183-0106 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The DEC corporate statement should affirm a strong commitment to fire management. |
REC183-0121 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A DEC fire management staff succession plan would minimise the loss of core fire management skills and experience in the future and provide a planned approach to development of prospective fire management staff. |
REC183-0115 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Hazard Management Agency for bushfire has not been defined. Defining the HMA for bushfire should be addressed. |
REC183-0110 | 16 - Training and behaviour | DEC should emphasise the principle of foresight by adopting an appreciation and decision making process and training staff in that process. |
REC183-0108 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | DEC should consider publishing a new reference document that describes policy, doctrine and key systems of work of the fire management system. This document would be a “brief case” or “back pack” reference and would be reviewed annually and issued to all senior staff and fire management personnel. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC182-0123 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | FESA implements measures that will ensure unity and clarity of command. |
REC182-0133 | 29 - Operational Health and Safety | FESA reviews its approach to safety and safety culture. |
REC182-0130 | 12 - EM agency and authority | FESA identifies and documents its information requirements for end-to-end information exchange and then assess the adequacy of current systems to meet these information requirements. |
REC182-0128 | 12 - EM agency and authority | FESA establishes a process (and associated systems and policies) to mobilise staff to an incident, incorporating pre-formed multi-agency Incident Management Teams. The development of Incident Management Teams should align with the principles of seamless and integrated escalation of command and control arrangements, and be based on a whole of capability approach (people, organisations, systems, training, procedures etc.). |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC173-0100 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The prioritising of the critical amendments to the Bush Fires Act 1954 recommended by the Community Development and Justice Standing Committee that relate to fire management, ie: a. Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA)‘s ability to assume control of a fire in specific circumstances b. Amendments to the definition of property c. Providing FESA with the authority to declare a total fire ban |
REC173-0102 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | That further amendments be made to the Bush Fires Act 1954 be drafted to provide fire response agencies with the necessary authorisation and statutory protection to respond to a fire on private property, or land that Local Government, Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) or FESA is responsible for, until such time as the responsible agency is able to attend and take control. The amendments to be drafted, in conjunction with the urgent progression of critical amendments as recommended by the Community Development and Justice Standing Committee. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC172-0041 | 16 - Training and behaviour | Media liaison personnel are needed to ‘ride’ shotgun’ on media personnel to facilitate them getting their stories without imposing on the effectiveness of operations. |
REC172-0003 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | All incidents where the HMA delegates the authority to manage suppression operations to another agency on its behalf, should be achieved via a written delegation setting out the scope, limitations and duration of the delegation. |
REC172-0024 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Transport plans for BFB resources should be prepared by the Ground Support Unit in close liaison with FESA who will liaise with the home jurisdictions of the brigades. Moving personnel whilst leaving the equipment at the fire ground staging areas is preferred to moving equipment in and out with every shift. |
REC172-0031 | 16 - Training and behaviour | Pre-season refresher training to include an emphasis on check in/out procedures |
REC172-0002 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Emergency Management Act 2005 is amended to provide a mechanism for one HMA to transfer responsibility to another HMA and ensure that both HMA’s are provided the powers and protection necessary under that Act. |
REC172-0023 | 16 - Training and behaviour | Pre-season multi- agency refresher training for Ground Controllers should be undertaken each year. |
REC172-0030 | 29 - Operational Health and Safety | A strategically located Staging Area serviced with check in/out personnel should be considered as early as possible at incidents involving an extended attack. |
REC172-0021 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Unassigned resources arriving at incidents should be encouraged to make themselves known and to undertake alternate duties. |
REC172-0001 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Emergency Management Regulations 2006 be urgently amended to determine a HMA(s) for bushfire. |
REC172-0020 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The role of ‘BFB Task Force Liaison’ be defined and appropriately trained personnel be provided by the HMA (possibly from support brigades) to facilitate brigade movements on and off the fire ground. |
REC172-0018 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | The Interagency Guidelines need to be amended to reflect what is operationally possible with regard to risk management rather than what is required to achieve an absence of risk. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC171-0070 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | That a review be conducted of DEC’s ability to manage major fires and consideration be given to increased direct involvement by FESA in fire management role in the case of major fires on reserves or on unallocated Crown lands. |
REC171-0068 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | That if the Bushfires Amendment Bill 2009 is to be enacted, procedures be put in place which would ensure that in the event of an escalating fire, FESA would receive sufficient information to make an informed judgment as to whether or not to take control of all operations. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC170-0055 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | SEMC and EM WA should: monitor and take action to ensure local plans are in place and cover areas where the hazard could occur |
REC170-0063 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Agencies should: ensure their Westplans and support plans have supporting local arrangements in place |
REC170-0054 | 22 - Role of local Gvt | SEMC and EM WA should: work with local government to ensure up-to-date, comprehensive local arrangements are in place |
REC170-0062 | 25 - Inquiry, audit, lessons management and after action review | Agencies should: annually assess their capability to respond to emergencies and take measures to address any shortfalls |
REC170-0053 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | SEMC and EM WA should: submit outstanding legislative changes to Parliament as a matter of priority |
REC170-0061 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Agencies should: identify overlaps between Westplans and develop written procedures for these circumstances |
REC170-0052 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | SEMC and EM WA should: ensure agencies fulfil their obligations under the Act |
REC170-0060 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Agencies should: update out-of-date Westplans and support plans as a matter of urgency |
REC170-0065 | 16 - Training and behaviour | Agencies should: train their staff who will be involved in emergencies in incident management. |
REC170-0051 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | SEMC and EM WA should: review procedures for plan preparation and approval so that agencies can prepare their plans in a more timely way |
REC170-0056 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | SEMC and EM WA should: define key roles within the emergency management framework |
REC170-0064 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Agencies should: ensure their internal emergency management arrangements are up-to-date and regularly reviewed |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC143-3576 | 37 - Funding | That Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia and Main Roads Western Australia, in consultation with the Western Australian Local Government Association, investigate a more equitable means of calculating the local government contribution to road and infrastructure restoration costs. In particular consideration should be given to regulations applying in the eastern states i.e. Queensland. |
REC143-3584 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | That the guidelines of WANDRA be revised to provide for the inclusion of the cost of materials expended in the repair of boundary fences. |
REC143-3582 | 37 - Funding | That the Department of Treasury and Finance, in consultation with FESA, consider alternative funding arrangements to alleviate the need for FESA to ‘underwrite’ NDRA costs during the year. |
REC143-3581 | 37 - Funding | That, in tandem with their consideration of local government cost sharing arrangements under WANDRA (refer Recommendation 1), the Fire and Emergency Services Authority and Main Roads Western Australia also establish ‘exceptional circumstances’ criteria to provide for additional assistance to local government where it may be warranted in order to avoid undue financial pressure caused by delays to secure reimbursement. |
REC143-3589 | 37 - Funding | That consideration be given to the establishment of a ‘Heritage Reserve Fund’ that might underwrite urgent initial repairs to private heritage listed properties. |
REC143-3587 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The secondment of a resource person(s) to an affected local authority to support the work of that authority in its response to a natural disaster be effected. |
REC143-3578 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | That Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia (FESA), in consultation with local governments, develop and make broadly available Western Australian Natural Disaster Relief Arrangements (WANDRA) guidelines with a view to improving pre-disaster awareness of assistance measures and application processes. |
REC143-3586 | 37 - Funding | That the ‘opportunity cost’ for Local Authorities in meeting the 25% contribution to the restoration of eligible public assets damaged by a natural disaster event be considered when FESA and Main Roads Western Australia, in consultation with Western Australian Local Government Authority, investigate a more equitable means of calculating the local government contribution to road and infrastructure restoration costs as recommended in Recommendation 1. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC113-3905 | 16 - Training and behaviour | Firefighting organisations should: address their key training and development issues |
REC113-3903 | 32 - Doctrine, standards, and reform | Government should: establish emergency management legislation which clarifies State and local government responsibilities, and which rectifies the deficiencies in the State’s bushfire Emergency Management Plan, Westplan Wildfire. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC019-4151 | 26 - Research | The Forests Department carry out more research into both the technical and practical side of fire control as a necessary accompaniment to the expenditure of money on other forest works and that forest fire control officers be sent overseas at intervals to gain information regarding the latest developments in this work. |
REC019-4159 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The State Emergency Service be used to meet any additional needs but that as far as possible, requests for assistance be directed in the first instance to the Bush Fires Board or at least referred to that Board by the State Emergency Service for advice before action is taken. |
REC019-4140 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Local authorities select bush fire control officers for their knowledge and experience of bush fires and their qualities of leadership and that as far as practicable, they be captains of bush fire brigades so that the person issuing the permit to burn has the responsibility of extinguishing the fire if it escapes. |
REC019-4150 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Forests Department direct more staff to the planning and co-ordination of its bush fire control organisation so that emergency conditions can be met immediately by ample reserves of labour and equipment and that co-ordination between the Department, the local authority, sawmills and other sources of man-power and equipment in and around forestry districts is as complete as possible. This particularly includes co-operative protective burning around the boundaries of forest areas. |
REC019-4158 | 16 - Training and behaviour | That needs in the direction of a fire emergency service be met as far as practicable by the Bush Fires Board in its training programme and in the tactical organisation of existing brigades for use as reserves in districts other than their own. |
REC019-4138 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That care be exercised in recommending the application of emergency bush fire periods so that they will not be applied to districts where their application is unnecessary. |
REC019-4147 | 12 - EM agency and authority | All local authorities form advisory committees of persons from bush fire brigades and of bush fire control officers to plan co-operation in effort and co-ordination between brigades, to group brigades under brigade group officers and to advise the local authority upon all matters of fire control, including the planning of the district firebreak layout and prosecuting for breaches of the Bush Fires Act. |
REC019-4156 | 26 - Research | A fire control research advisory committee be formed to co-operate with the Forests Department in carrying out scientific research into fire control. |
REC019-4137 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Before the bush fire season starts, the Minister on the recommendation of the Board nominate a person and a deputy person who will be instructed to take charge of fire fighting operations in each district should a dangerous fire occur and render such an appointment advisable. |
REC019-4145 | 37 - Funding | A fund be established to subsidise the purchase of equipment for bush fire brigades but that the granting of subsidies depend upon a certificate being received from the Bush Fires Board that the brigade in question is of a standard that will be available at all times for effective use and that adequate facilities are available for its storage and maintenance at a centre suitable for the brigade. |
REC019-4155 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The management of all National Parks in the State be concentrated under one authority to ensure co-ordination in administration and protective measures. |
REC019-4135 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Bush Fires Board appoint a Standing Committee of about six of its members, all of whom are likely to be available at any time during the bush fire season to meet and take executive action as necessary. |
REC019-4144 | 16 - Training and behaviour | No opportunity be lost of encouraging the formation of bush fire brigades and the maintenance of enthusiasm and that the Bush Fires Board assist the brigades in any way possible to obtain adequate training and equipment. |
REC019-4154 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A committee be formed and provided with the finance necessary to enable it to supplement the activities of the local bush fire brigades in districts in the far south-west of the State where ratable values are particularly low and the proportion of Crown lands high, and that the Forests Department be authorised to give approval for control burning of Crown lands throughout the State by bushfire brigades within two miles of a State Forest and that outside this distance the Bush Fires Board through its wardens have similar authority. |
REC019-4134 | 12 - EM agency and authority | All members of the Board be selected for their interest in and experience and knowledge of matters directly associated with bush fire control and not merely as representatives of particular organisations, that the Chairman of the Board be appointed by the Governor instead of being an ex officio appointment of another forester, a member of the timber industry, a police officer and a person with a sound knowledge of weather and its effect upon fire behaviour. |
REC019-4141 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The relative seniority of bush fire control officers be determined with a view to appointing group leaders as chief bush fire control officers. The Shire Clerk should generally be a liaison bush fire control officer rather than a chief fire control officer. |