Inquiry Search
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC327-4347 | 36 - Volunteers | By December 2023, the Rural Fire Service should: develop a strategy to ensure that local brigade volunteers are adequate in numbers and appropriately trained to operate fleet appliances in the RFS Districts where they are required. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC325-4323 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The Inspector-General of Emergency Management recommends Queensland Fire and Emergency Services adopt measures to achieve a common operating picture between deployed Queensland Fire and Emergency Services assets in disaster management operations by 1 November 2023. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC324-4318 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Permanent SEOCON: That, to improve NSW’s ability to prepare and respond to floods and other disasters, Government establish a new Deputy Commissioner of NSW Police Force to take on permanently the SEOCON role. This role, in addition to current SEOCON functions, would be responsible for: |
REC324-4320 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Knowledge resources to support flood management: That, to provide more accurate and complete data for flood threat identification, warning and modelling systems, Government through the proposed new NSW Reconstruction Authority (NSWRA) work with the Australian Government to: |
REC324-4315 | 36 - Volunteers | The Community First Responders Program: That, to better coordinate community efforts to save life and property during a disaster, Government create a ‘Community First Responders Program’, funding appropriate community equipment and training, particularly in high-risk catchments along the east coast of NSW. This training would be delivered by combat and/or other appropriate government agencies. This program could support and empower community led initiatives such as disaster response, evacuation centres and the provision of services such as psychological first aid. |
REC324-4309 | 12 - EM agency and authority | SES and RFS back-office merger: That, to help protect life and property across NSW in storm and flood events, and to improve resourcing and NSW State Emergency Service (SES) frontline capability, Government implement, before the next storm season, a merger of the SES and NSW Rural Fire Services (RFS) back-office and corporate service functions, while maintaining their separate legislative identity, brand, uniform and volunteer membership. This ‘joined-up’ RFS/SES corporate support structure would be under the command of the RFS given its corporate and operational maturity and would be responsible for: |
REC324-4316 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Resilience NSW and recovery: That, in order to enhance NSW disaster preparedness, response and recovery, and meet the needs of the people of NSW prior to, during and after a disaster, and provide clarity on agency roles and responsibilities, Resilience NSW be reshaped to ‘Recovery NSW’. The new agency will be more streamlined and agile to drive recovery in the first 100 days post disaster. To achieve this, Resilience NSW’s functions should be reallocated as follows: |
REC324-4295 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Roads: That, to improve the planning and protection of road infrastructure and to ensure communities, freight movers, combat agencies and emergency services have appropriate access and egress during and following a flood event, Government, through TfNSW and NSWRA and working with combat agencies and local and federal governments as needed, should: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC323-4268 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That the NSW Government accelerate its caravan program and ensure it is made available as an option to all displaced residents from the February-March 2022 floods. |
REC323-4291 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the NSW Government consider abolishing Resilience NSW if it is unable to ensure: |
REC323-4274 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That the NSW Government establish a standing workforce from within the public service to staff evacuation and recovery centres, with this workforce to be trained ahead of time and mobilised as soon as a natural disaster occurs. |
REC323-4292 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the NSW Government consider a restructure of the NSW State Emergency Service with consideration to: realigning the focus of the organisation to harness local knowledge and networks; coordinating more closely with other rescue agencies to bolster its capacity to respond; and increasing salaried staff and resources, and driving volunteer recruitment. |
REC323-4278 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That the NSW Government ensure that the current review of evacuation centres considers the role, accreditation and support of community evacuation centres, with the outcomes of this review to be made public and incorporated into the update of state emergency plans. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC322-4232 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | The Inspector-General Emergency Management recommends the Maryborough District Disaster Management Group works with the Fraser Coast Local Disaster Management Group to plan for the evacuation of K’gari due to bushfire. Once developed, the plan should be exercised and regularly reviewed. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC319-4188 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recovery governance: The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that the Victorian Government establish a permanent and comprehensive entity dedicated to recovery management with the authority, capability, capacity and resourcing to coordinate the planning and delivery of recovery functions for all emergencies. |
REC319-4190 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Humanitarian relief: The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions work with the Municipal Association of Victoria and councils to build contingencies into emergency relief centre planning to ensure places of shelter are inclusive, recognise diversity and are better placed to support all displaced people in circumstances of: |
REC319-4191 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Relief governance: The Inspector General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria lead the development of relief arrangements to achieve greater clarity of roles, reporting and accountability in relief across state, regional and incident tiers. These arrangements should: |
REC319-4197 | 36 - Volunteers | Relief and recovery capability: The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria and the entity referred to in Recommendation 13, or otherwise responsible government department develop and resource an ongoing strategy to coordinate spontaneous volunteers that can be activated before, during or after emergencies. |
REC319-4192 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Relief governance: The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that the Emergency Management Commissioner strengthen the State Emergency Management Plan and supporting operational arrangements in accordance with his legislative obligations to ensure the roles and responsibilities of the State Emergency Relief Coordinator and the State Relief and Recovery Team are clear. These documents should enable: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC318-4180 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Victoria Police – in collaboration with the community and the emergency management sector – reflect on events of the 2019–20 fire season to review and enhance evacuation plans and processes with consideration of: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC317-4091 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | State and territory governments should provide further community education on the function and limitations of different sheltering facilities, including evacuation centres, Neighbourhood Safer Places, places of last resort and natural disaster shelters. This education should be nationally consistent. |
REC317-4090 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | State and territory governments should, as a priority, adopt nationally consistent terminology and functions for the different sheltering facilities, including evacuation centres, Neighbourhood Safer Places, places of last resort and natural disaster shelters. |
REC317-4076 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Australian, state and territory governments should develop an Australian-based and registered national aerial firefighting capability, to be tasked according to greatest national need. This capability should include: |
REC317-4089 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | State and territory governments should ensure that those responsible for evacuation planning periodically review those plans, and update them where appropriate, including in relation to: |
REC317-4093 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | State and territory governments should ensure those responsible for evacuation planning periodically review those plans, and update where appropriate, to provide for coordination between states and territories in cross border areas and to provide cross-border access to evacuation centres. |
REC317-4088 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | State and territory governments should ensure that those responsible for evacuation planning periodically review those plans, and update them where appropriate, including in relation to: |
REC317-4092 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | State and territory governments should ensure those responsible for evacuation planning periodically review these plans, and update them where appropriate, to account for the existence and standard of any evacuation centres and safer places (however described) in the community, including: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC316-4027 | 12 - EM agency and authority | All organisations who have a role in the ECC should review their existing arrangements to ensure there is a sufficient cohort of staff to maintain a presence in the ECC at a level and with an imprimatur sufficient to make decisions and allocate resources and have access to senior executive levels if needed. |
REC316-4044 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | A Relocation and Evacuation working group be established from stakeholder organisations to consider and develop an Evacuation and Relocations Sub- Plan. The Sub-Plan should consider the lessons learned this year and address principles, lead agency, WHoG coordination, trigger points etc. This could be the same working group formed for reviewing the Emergencies Act, Plan and sub-plans. |
REC316-4026 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The role, level, requirements and expectations of an ECC LO be clarified in the Emergency Plan and ECC Ops Sub-plan. |
REC316-4022 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That when determining their Management Executive, at a minimum the EC should consider appointing Director-General JACS and the PIC as standing members. |
REC316-4039 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Establish a Communications Working Group (CWG) with representatives from across key Directorates (CMTEDD, ESA, ACT Policing, Health, CHS, EPSDD for example) to review the CCIP and to further identify how the CCIP can be best implemented and utilised. The CWG should report its progress though SEMSOG and coordinate with other WG’s. Bringing together a small Taskforce of staff from across government for a set period would assist the working group in delivering the work needed to address these and other recommendations. |
REC316-4016 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Emergency Plan be amended to include considerations for declaring a State of Alert or Emergency (and also wind back from these) and guidance as to what actions and decisions at a minimum should be taken as a consequence of such a declaration. |
REC316-4036 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Government give consideration to investment in professional specialities such as fire behaviour analysts, airbase managers, aerial firefighting technical specialists etc for the RFS. |
REC316-4015 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The working group should report to SEMSOG on progress. |
REC316-4031 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The ESA hold bi-lateral executive level meetings with the utility providers on a regular basis in consultation with other relevant Government stakeholders. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC315-3866 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That, in order to ensure evacuation arrangements can be scaled up when needed, Resilience NSW: |
REC315-3834 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That, in order to ensure all firefighters understand how local situational awareness reflects (or may not reflect) the broader scale situation presented by a large/extreme bush fire and the implications this may have on asset protection and fire suppression strategies, the NSW RFS: |
REC315-3855 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That, in order to ensure all agencies have a clear understanding of cross-border communication channels during bush fires, all MoUs between state or territory agencies include an agreed protocol about how agencies will communicate across borders and that these are reflected in Incident Action Plans. |
REC315-3814 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That the NSW RFS identifies remote bush fire prone areas that do not already have an indoor Neighbourhood Safer Place (NSP) and upgrades the relevant NSW RFS Stations to meet NSP guidelines. These stations would require adequate Asset Protection Zones and active/passive protection systems to provide short-term protection. |
REC315-3872 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That, in order to improve support for people evacuating with animals, the Department of Primary Industries: |
REC315-3857 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That, in order to ensure timely payment and maintain positive ongoing supplier relationships during large-scale bush fires, the NSW RFS implements an automated logistics solution, informed by the outcomes of the Emergency Logistics Project. |
REC315-3854 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That, in order to ensure emergency response agencies can communicate across state and territory borders, the Commonwealth Government allocate 10 + 10 MHz as a dedicated spectrum for Public Safety Mobile Broadband (PSMB) at no cost to states and territories. |
REC315-3871 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That, in order to ensure equitable access to evacuation centres and associated support services for people in border communities, Resilience NSW ensure cross-border access arrangements are reflected in evacuation centre management guidelines. |
REC315-3846 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That, in order to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of heavy plant used in dry fire fighting techniques, the NSW RFS expand and introduce the following in respect to heavy plant: |
REC315-3853 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That, in order to ensure the State Emergency Operations Centre (SEOC) can maintain communications during emergencies, the Government provide the SEOC with independent Public Safety Network functionality. |
REC315-3870 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That, in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable people during an evacuation, Resilience NSW: |
REC315-3841 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That, in order to ensure suitably skilled and experienced personnel operate as Divisional Commanders during major fire incidents, Bush Fire Management Committees identify appropriate personnel as part of their plan of operations. |
REC315-3852 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That, in order to improve fireground communications between NSW agencies and interstate personnel: a) Government ensure all NSW fire authority personnel and vehicles can access and utilise the Public Safety Network (PSN). This should include access to NSW RFS Private Mobile Radio networks where PSN coverage is not yet available. |
REC315-3867 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That, in order to ensure evacuation centres are fit-for-purpose, Resilience NSW work with Local Emergency Management Committees (LEMCs) to: a) update the guidelines for LEMCs identifying evacuation centres to require a risk assessment of potential locations, which should include identifying alternate sources of power for use by evacuation centres and recording these appropriately |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC314-3268 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Incorporate Farm Firefighting Units (FFUs) into the Australasian Inter Service Incident Management System (AIIMS) so that IMTs are aware of their presence on the fireground and their welfare and risks are understood. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC309-2476 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Energy Queensland and local groups consider establishing formal arrangements that embed measures that assist evacuation plans to increase levels of safety. |
REC309-2470 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Evacuation centre plans be revised to better manage vulnerable persons, including the safe storage of medications and providing alternate arrangements for evacuees with additional needs. (e.g. evacuation centre for aged persons). |
REC309-2469 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Entities with disaster management responsibilities need to integrate the eight priorities identified within the Emergency Management Sector Adaptation Plan for Climate Change into their disaster management planning cycle. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC308-2462 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Relevant authorities should work with the tourism sector to clarify future arrangements for evacuation. In particular they should look closely at differentiating voluntary and directed evacuations in their messaging, |
REC308-2460 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | The Queensland Chief Health Officer should work with the Office of the Inspector-General Emergency Management to raise, with the Commonwealth, the need for all aged care providers to plan and exercise for evacuation to a similar safe establishment. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC304-2410 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Authorise Bushfires NT to establish volunteer bushfire brigades and to give authority to volunteer firefighters to take part in fire suppression and mitigation operations. |
REC304-2414 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Clarify and streamline the allocation of powers to Bushfires NT staff and volunteers involved in bushfire management operations, using a system of delegation through a chain of command similar to the arrangements described in the NT Fire and Emergency Act. |
REC304-2406 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Retain the Regional Bushfires Committees as regional planning and consultative bodies tasked with monitoring, reviewing and making recommendations on fire management in a Fire Control Region. |
REC304-2414 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Clarify and streamline the allocation of powers to Bushfires NT staff and volunteers involved in bushfire management operations, using a system of delegation through a chain of command similar to the arrangements described in the NT Fire and Emergency Act. |
REC304-2413 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Authorise the Director of Bushfires NT to intervene in volunteer brigade affairs where necessary to maintain an effective fire management capacity in a brigade area. |
REC304-2412 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Maintain independence of volunteer brigades as community-based organisations and clarify the status and role of volunteers within the chain of command. |
REC304-2411 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Create new seasonal paid positions to coordinate and support groups of volunteer brigades. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC302-2403 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Take steps to ensure that both fire commissioners are seeking opportunities to engender a culture in their respective organisations that seeks to attract and foster the volunteer ethos and experience |
REC302-2401 | 12 - EM agency and authority | While the proposal to establish an integrated call and dispatch centre is being implemented, Fire and Rescue NSW should take steps to civilianise ComCen and maintain experienced senior officers from both agencies as supervisors similar to how the NSW Police Force and Ambulance Service of NSW operate |
REC302-2397 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Use the model and system in place at the Ambulance Service of NSW as a benchmark for call taking, dispatch and the provision of situational awareness when deploying resources. This will overcome the lack of a feedback loop in current bushfire operations |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC301-2391 | 12 - EM agency and authority | TFS, PWS and STT should jointly carry out work to identify acceptable shift lengths and patterns – including requirements for rest days – for all personnel working on emergency operations. Once these have been identified, systems should be put in place to ensure that HR rostering practices follow these fatigue management guidelines. And senior staff should lead by example and ensure that they, as well as the people working under them, take adequate rest breaks. |
REC301-2390 | 12 - EM agency and authority | TFS, PWS and STT should jointly reach a decision on whether a winch capable remote area firefighting capability should be maintained in Tasmania; which agency or agencies should be responsible for that program; and how a winch capable remote area firefighting capability can be safely trained and kept current, to include consideration of the availability of winching aircraft. If the decision is taken not to maintain this capability in the state, TFS, PWS and STT should identify how the gap in capability that this represents should be filled in future fire seasons. |
REC301-2389 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The proposed Tasmania State Air Desk should have a finance officer attached to its staff. |
REC301-2384 | 36 - Volunteers | TFS should pursue the creation of a cadre of volunteer remote area firefighters. In doing so the TFS should not consider itself limited to upskilling of current volunteer brigade members, but should carry out a cost benefit analysis of creating one or more remote area firefighting units based in urban areas, in order to tap into the potential of those members of the urban-based Tasmanian community who may have advanced knowledge and skills relating to navigation and survival in wilderness areas. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC002-4013 | 19 - Offences | Infringement of the regulations by either party should be followed by a summary form of justice, instituted before two Magistrates. |
REC002-4002 | 19 - Offences | Where safety-lamps are necessary - gas being present for (say) one month after being found in dangerous quantity - they should be securely locked by a man duly appointed, and tampering with them must be punishable by a simple and inexpensive process of law. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC299-1338 | 19 - Offences | The Government introduce an amendment to the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 or other instruments which imposes significant penalties and strengthens enforcement, including via infringement notices, for offences against Total Fire Ban requirements before the 2017‑2018 fire season. |
REC299-1337 | 19 - Offences | The Government should: |
REC299-1345 | 36 - Volunteers | That issues of animal welfare be given a higher practical priority in the planned burning process on the ground, including: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC295-1325 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Review and reinstate the State Emergency Management Training Officer and State Emergency Management Planning Officer (capability development) positions to operate with a broad, strategic and leadership focus. |
REC295-1322 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Consider opportunities to identify synergies between the incident management systems used in SA being the, Australasian Interservice Incident Management System (AIIMS) and ICCS Plus. This might include joint training and exercising in roles that are common across both systems. |
REC295-1298 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the State Emergency Service, in consultation with key stakeholders, identify and implement a robust system and procedures for prioritising, allocating and coordinating multiple tasks. |
REC295-1285 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Identify, document and communicate contingency arrangements and procedures for emergency services in the event SA Government Radio Network paging is turned off to conserve power, or other loss of paging capacity. |
REC295-1283 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Consider bringing other agencies onto the SA Government Radio Network, in particular, Department of Education and Child Development and local government, to support more effective coordination and provide a reliable communications contingency during emergencies. |
REC295-1335 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Explore alternative emergency management models including the alternative model proposed above to establish a South Australian Emergency Management Office and State Relief and Recovery Office within the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission, to ensure that all the objects and guiding principles of the Emergency Management Act 2004, and State Emergency Management Plan are addressed efficiently and effectively. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC292-2354 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that the New South Wales Police Force consider expanding the panel of psychological advisers it retains and the range of disciplines it consults. |
REC292-2349 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that the New South Wales Police Force review its personnel arrangements and structures for the monitoring of surveillance devices, including the number of officers allocated to a listening or viewing post for monitoring purposes, and the demarcation of roles, including primary monitor, scribe/log keeper, and disseminator. I also recommend that clear communication channels be established for reporting data captured during such surveillance, including via integrated electronic intelligence sharing platforms or applications. |
REC292-2346 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that the New South Wales Police Force investigate the development of an integrated intelligence system that allows selected officers secure access to all information platforms and to record and share operational decisions. |
REC292-2357 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that the New South Wales Police Force review its policy of requiring negotiators to relinquish that role when they are promoted to commissioned officer rank |
REC292-2345 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that the New South Wales Police Force establish procedures and the technical capability to ensure that phone calls from hostages in sieges or the victims of other ongoing high-risk situations are expeditiously transferred to officers involved in responding to the incident. |
REC292-2356 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that the New South Wales Police Force review the number, rank and function of the officers comprising the Negotiation Unit |
REC292-2339 | 19 - Offences | I recommend that the Law, Crime and Community Safety Council develop a mechanism to ensure that all information on criminal history (including bail) that is relevant to the investigation and prosecution of criminal offences is readily accessible to police and prosecutors across all Australian jurisdictions. |
REC292-2355 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that the New South Wales Police Force review its procedures to ensure that handovers between negotiation teams are staggered so that a fully briefed officer is always available to receive a call from the stronghold. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC291-1241 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The State Emergency Management Committee, in consultation with Western Australian Farmers Federation, the Association of Bush Fire Brigades, the Contractors Association of WA, and the Forest Industries Federation of WA, to establish systems for the voluntary registration of: · farmer firefighting units; · contractor firefighting resources; and · forestry industry brigades. |
REC291-1244 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | The Department of Fire and Emergency Services to work with the Department of Planning and Local Governments to adopt a policy which enables Local Governments to identify, register and communicate, ‘Places of Bushfire Last Resort’ in settlements and townsites where the life risk from bushfire is very high or greater. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC290-1217 | 12 - EM agency and authority | IAP formats and processes appropriate to the nature of the emergency response. |
REC290-1218 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Cross-agency resource management system |
REC290-1216 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Resolve reoccurring issues with systems and processes |
REC290-1212 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Resourcing models appropriate to local needs, including fire risk and remoteness |
REC290-1208 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A unified and integrated fire sector across the whole fire hazard |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC288-1199 | 36 - Volunteers | The Committee finds that on the evidence presented, that volunteer firefighters are at risk of being undervalued and underrated and that the Government should use best endeavours to ensure the full acknowledgement and recognition of these services. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC286-2026 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Identify facilities that can be used as cool spaces during heatwaves and establish linkages between operators and emergency management organisations |
REC286-2022 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Increase SES Capability and Capacity to respond to flood event. |
REC286-1472 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Develop flood evacuation plans for at risk communities. |
REC286-2018 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Review flood response sustainment capacity of organisations. |
REC286-2076 | 36 - Volunteers | Review volunteering arrangements to improve recruitment and retention. |
REC286-1454 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Review coastal inundation evacuation and response plans. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC285-2521 | 36 - Volunteers | The report recommends that Ambulance Tasmania investigate whether higher proportions of volunteers were impacting on mobilisation times in the North. |
REC285-2522 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The report recommends that Ambulance Tasmania reinforce the requirement to record factors contributing to response time outliers and the remedial action undertaken to address the contributing factors. |
REC285-2519 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The report recommends that Ambulance Tasmania develop strategies to improve response times to those of other jurisdictions and undertake cost benefit analysis of those strategies before deciding on implementation. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC280-1393 | 36 - Volunteers | That the NSW Rural Fire Service formally recognise the Volunteer Fire Fighters Association as a legitimate advocacy organisation representing volunteer bush fire fighters, and duly consult with it on policy and operational matters. |
REC280-1394 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Minister for Police and Emergency Services examine the feasibility of relocating the NSW Rural Fire Service headquarters to a rural or regional location. |
REC280-1392 | 36 - Volunteers | That the NSW Rural Fire Service, in order to ensure greater respect for volunteer fire fighters’ knowledge and experience in the management of fires: |
REC280-1387 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the NSW Rural Fire Service: |
REC280-1384 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service examine its staffing policy for periods of extreme and catastrophic weather conditions to ensure that sufficient staff are available on site on fire watch. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC279-1228 | 36 - Volunteers | Volunteer Workforce Plan: By December 2014, develop a volunteer workforce plan to focus resources for recruitment and retention on areas of greatest need. The plan should be based on regional capability plans that assess in a consistent way: a) how many volunteers they have and need b) the gaps and risks around volunteer numbers, skills and training |
REC279-1227 | 36 - Volunteers | Improve Analysis and Reporting: By December 2014, improve analysis and reporting on management information about volunteers, including: a) numbers, contribution, skills, profile, availability and turnover b) reasons for joining and leaving c) gaps in data completeness and quality This should enable SES to demonstrate an improvement in the completeness and accuracy of management information by April 2015 |
REC279-1230 | 36 - Volunteers | Volunteer Retention: By April 2015, develop strategies and resources to improve volunteer retention, including: a) induction and development of leaders b) health checks for units to identify and address areas for improvement c) pathways for volunteers to take on greater responsibility d) consultation and communication e) recognition for volunteers and their employers |
REC279-1229 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recruitment Guidelines and Resources: By April 2015, update its recruitment guidelines and resources, and support units in better targeting recruitment |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC277-1166 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Develop an integrated inter-agency resource management system: Large and complex fire incidents require resources from multiple agencies. Developing an integrated inter-agency resource management system will have three main benefits: identifying potential resources will be more straightforward • the status and location of resource deployments can be tracked • planning of deployments can take into account all relevant information |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC276-1177 | 36 - Volunteers | Within 12 months, develop volunteer specific policies and procedures, including fatigue management, consistent with the Guidelines for Successful Partnerships between Public Sector Agencies and Volunteers. |
REC276-1176 | 36 - Volunteers | Within 12 months, improve its processes for collecting and maintaining volunteer membership, availability and training records. To do this it will need to work with local information. governments to improve the accuracy of LG volunteer membership |
REC276-1175 | 36 - Volunteers | Continue to implement the major change projects it has in place, including Professional Pathways, and review them to assess if they will address all the key findings in this report. In particular, within six months DFES should set priorities and Sustainability Strategy. begin implementing the Emergency Services Volunteer Workforce |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC275-1172 | 12 - EM agency and authority | IGEM recommends that fire agencies review their resource allocation recording mechanisms and systems to ensure that an accurate reflection of resources deployed to an incident at any given time can be ascertained |
REC275-1173 | 12 - EM agency and authority | IGEM recommends that fire agencies review their documentation systems and information recording processes to ensure that all operational activities are captured, and to maintain the accuracy and relevance of all developed products. This includes the need to ensure that all significant points of reference entered into mapping products are geo-coded to facilitate accurate transfer of information from one mapping product to another. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC274-1407 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Department of Health & Human Services' and the Department of Justice & Regulation's public reporting of response time measures clearly attribute accountability for each phase of emergency response, including call-taking time involving the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority. |
REC274-1406 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Department of Health & Human Services and Ambulance Victoria focus emergency response time reporting on highest priority cases. |
REC274-1413 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That Ambulance Victoria, Country Fire Authority, Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board and Victoria State Emergency Service improve the transparency of public reporting on response times by including regional performance, times, trends and analysis of the factors affecting performance. |
REC274-1411 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Country Fire Authority, Victoria State Emergency Service and Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board improve controls over response time data collection and reporting. |
REC274-1408 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That the Department of Health & Human Services uses Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority Computer Aided Dispatch data to report ambulance emergency response time performance. |
REC274-1410 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Department of Justice & Regulation applies a consistent approach to emergency response time measures including data capture, calculation and reporting. |
REC274-1409 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Department of Health & Human Services and Department of Justice & Regulation verify that response time data used in their reports on output performance measures is accurate and auditable. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC273-1137 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Review all current SACFS operational facilities (Group, ICC, RCC and SCC) to provide more effective communications, connectivity and resource management. |
REC273-1144 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That SACFS consider a review to develop an effective interagency messaging system and agency resource management system. |
REC273-1136 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Plan the establishment of one multi-agency Coordination Centre with sufficient capacity and capability to deal with all incidents in South Australia. |
REC273-1130 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Reviewing how Regional resources are managed and tracked and incorporate into COSO’s to ensure that there is complete situational awareness as to the location and tasking of CFS resources. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC272-1414 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Queensland Fire and Emergency Services coordinate the development of an integrated risk based approach to disaster management planning for Queensland that is consistent with the Standard and applicable at all levels of the arrangements. |
REC272-1418 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Queensland Fire and Emergency Services should consider examining regulatory provisions to improve disaster management and business continuity planning for aged care providers. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC270-1146 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Strengthens its oversight role as lead agency for mitigating Queensland's bushfire risk to acceptable levels by: · coordinating land managers' efforts to assess and mitigate bushfire risk · formalising the role of fire management groups to manage Queensland's fuel loads, including reporting planned and conducted hazard reduction burns and the effectiveness of hazard reduction burns · amending its bushfire mitigation planning to address prevention, preparedness, response and recovery and to manage Queensland's residual bushfire risk · developing and implementing a coordinated strategy to address arson, deterring would-be offenders and rehabilitating convicted offenders · working with local councils to develop and communicate local bushfire plans for communities located in high risk, bushfire-prone areas |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC267-1154 | 36 - Volunteers | Coordination of Volunteer Support |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC265-1104 | 12 - EM agency and authority | DFES should increase and maintain urban interface bushfire skills and expertise. Appointments to senior roles within the agency should include people with experience and credibility in bushfire firefighting and management. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC263-1091 | 36 - Volunteers | CFA and VICSES should: develop recruitment and retention strategies to guide these activities centrally, regionally and at the district, brigade and unit level, so that approaches are consistent with the organisations’ strategic goals |
REC263-1099 | 12 - EM agency and authority | VicSES should: align ERAS-e profiles with its planning cycle |
REC263-1090 | 36 - Volunteers | CFA and VICSES should: improve their central and regional oversight of volunteer workforce management by strategically using the available information, such as volunteer demographic data, Brigade Operational Skills Profiles and ERAS-e profiles, and developing new information, such as risk assessment, to increase their awareness of: x x actual and required volunteer numbers the gaps and risks around volunteer capability and capacity |
REC263-1098 | 36 - Volunteers | VicSES should: improve ERAS-e profiles to reflect volunteer activity and availability |
REC263-1096 | 36 - Volunteers | CFA should: develop exit surveys and associated management reports based on meaningful analysis as a way to better inform it about the reasons that volunteers leave |
REC263-1094 | 36 - Volunteers | CFA and VICSES should: evaluate volunteer support systems and processes |
REC263-1093 | 36 - Volunteers | VICSES should: review and improve data quality around volunteer numbers and skills |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC262-1485 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That Victoria Police implements the recommendations relating to protective services officers in the Service Demand and Dispatcher Capacity Analysis dated September 2013 and: |
REC262-1484 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That Ambulance Victoria: |
REC262-1483 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority includes Victoria State Emergency Service vehicle capability details in the Computer Aided Dispatch database. |
REC262-1491 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That Emergency Management Victoria expedites the expansion of the Rural Mobile Radio network to all emergency services organisations. |
REC262-1487 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority, assisted by the Inspector-General for Emergency Management and responder agencies, improves the process for changing call-taking and dispatch procedures by comprehensively appraising the costs, benefits and operational impacts of these changes and agreeing a plan for their implementation with all affected agencies. |
REC262-1486 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That Emergency Management Victoria novates the head contract for the StateNet Mobile Radio network to the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC261-1510 | 36 - Volunteers | That the NSW Rural Fire Service formally recognise the Volunteer Fire Fighters Association as a legitimate advocacy organisation representing volunteer bush fire fighters, and duly consult with it on policy and operational matters. |
REC261-1511 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Minister for Police and Emergency Services examine the feasibility of relocating the NSW Rural Fire Service headquarters to a rural or regional location. |
REC261-1504 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the NSW Rural Fire Service: |
REC261-1501 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service examine its staffing policy for periods of extreme and catastrophic weather conditions to ensure that sufficient staff are available on site on fire watch. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC260-1060 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That the Rural Fire Service and National Parks and Wildlife Service review the procedures for requesting aerial support in ‘severe’ or worse fire conditions to ensure that delays in providing it are reduced to the minimum time possible. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC258-2546 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Civil Aviation Safety Authority changes its organisational structure to a client-oriented output model. |
REC258-2545 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Australian Transport Safety Bureau transfers its safety education function to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. |
REC258-2532 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The next Director of Aviation Safety has leadership and management experience and capabilities in cultural change of large organisations. Aviation or other safety industry experience is highly desirable. |
REC258-2558 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Civil Aviation Safety Authority applies a project management approach to the completion of all Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Parts not yet in force, with drafting to be completed within one year and consultation completed one year later, with: |
REC258-2553 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Civil Aviation Safety Authority establishes a safety oversight risk management hierarchy based on a categorisation of operations. Rule making and surveillance priorities should be proportionate to the safety risk. |
REC258-2547 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Civil Aviation Safety Authority establishes small offices at specific industry centres to improve monitoring, service quality, communications and collaborative relationships. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC254-1589 | 12 - EM agency and authority | In due course, acts of bravery are considered and recommendations for awards are submitted, including commendations for the delivery of First Aid. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC252-2568 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Western Australia Health should develop criteria with St John Ambulance for the allocation of paramedics across the state |
REC252-2567 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Western Australia Health should re-engage with St John Ambulance at a senior level to address strategic and complex issues including long term solutions to ramping |
REC252-2573 | 12 - EM agency and authority | St John Ambulance should build on its regionalisation model and improve engagement with local services in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions |
REC252-2572 | 12 - EM agency and authority | St John Ambulance should explore opportunities for extending the community paramedic model to other areas of identified need |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC248-2581 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board should improve specialised human resources support to frontline managers |
REC248-2586 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Victoria Police should monitor the use of online tools for accessing unplanned leave data, to make sure that the tools are accessible and meet the needs of police managers |
REC248-2577 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Ambulance Victoria should closely monitor in rural regions the outcomes of its strategy to strengthen team management and adjust the strategy to address gaps or underperformance. |
REC248-2585 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Victoria Police should improve the management of police members undergoing performance and discipline procedures |
REC248-2576 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Ambulance Victoria should review processes for managing personal unplanned leave evidence to reduce the risk that personal unplanned leave is incorrectly recorded |
REC248-2584 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board should continue to strengthen human resource management processes and controls to reduce avoidable overtime costs. |
REC248-2575 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Ambulance Victoria should review support for team managers who also perform paramedic duties and implement improvements to maximise team managers’ ability to perform their roles |
REC248-2580 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board should provide operational commanders, senior station officers the personal unplanned leave of firefighters in their teams |
REC248-2583 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board should review and strengthen controls over staff fulfilling their evidence to support personal unplanned leave |
REC248-2579 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board should strengthen performance management of firefighter effectively manage personal unplanned leave |
REC248-2582 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board should provide one comprehensive source of information on leave |
REC248-2578 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board should review the impact of its enterprise agreements on the efficiency of frontline management, and on the implementation of audit recommendations, in preparation for enterprise agreement discussions in 2013 |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC247-0867 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That Tasmania Fire Service reviews the communication systems used for all emergency management operations, ensures operators are qualified, and ensures there is appropriate accountability. |
REC247-0890 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That decisions to open Community Fire Refuges and evacuation centres be coordinated with Tasmania Police. |
REC247-0859 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That police and other emergency services examine options for achieving radio interoperability between them in the absence of an integrated radio system. |
REC247-0889 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That Tasmania Police be identified as the lead agency on evacuations. |
REC247-0858 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That all agencies and the Government support moving to an integrated communications technology for police and the emergency services. |
REC247-0888 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That arrangements are made and appropriate pre-planning occurs to effectively implement the policy on evacuation. |
REC247-0887 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That qualifying the evacuation authority in section 47 of the Fire Service Act 1979 be considered — by exempting those people with a pecuniary interest in a property from a directed evacuation where it is reasonable for them to remain. |
REC247-0937 | 19 - Offences | That the legislation and enforcement arrangements are reviewed to ensure there are suitable offences and penalties, investigation and enforcement capabilities, and a rigorous approach is taken to breaches of the law. |
REC247-0886 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That a state-level policy on evacuations be developed in the emergency management plans, including specific requirements for vulnerable people and guidelines for its implementation. |
REC247-0902 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That evacuation centres and other centres have a standard operating procedure for communications. |
REC247-0901 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That evacuation centres and other centres have plans and arrangements for electrical power redundancy. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC246-0782 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That TFS develop a strategy to manage the workloads on career staff to reduce the risk of single point failures through spreading workloads and capability to ensure a level of redundancy and resilience in a number of critical portfolios. This should include deploying volunteer and retained personnel to maximise both its operational and support capacity during major and/or protracted fires and incidents, both in operational centres and in the field in command roles. Other sources of expertise should also be identified in advance of incidents occurring and called upon if necessary. |
REC246-0781 | 12 - EM agency and authority | TFS continue to develop and publish RFOC policy and procedures, ensuring that all partners who perform roles within the RFOC are included in the consultation and training. |
REC246-0783 | 12 - EM agency and authority | TFS review the restriction on interstate personnel filling positions such as Incident Controller and obtain definitive advice on the legal reasons for this. If immunity legislation is unclear then legislative change could be sought to ensure that the immunities enjoyed by Tasmanian incident controllers apply equally to personnel from interstate performing incident controller roles. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC245-2589 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That TFS and Ambulance Tasmania work together to resolve problems around congestion, particularly during the fire season. |
REC245-2590 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That: |
REC245-2588 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That Tasmania Police, Tasmania Fire Service (TFS), Ambulance Tasmania and State Emergency Services (SES) investigate ways of providing secure and confidential radio communications. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC244-2621 | 36 - Volunteers | Greater attention needs to be given to the recruitment and retention of volunteers in alignment with the National Emergency Management Volunteer Action Plan. |
REC244-2634 | 12 - EM agency and authority | If possible the terms of election for CFS Health and Safety Representatives be aligned with group elections. |
REC244-2619 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Should the SES be given the power ‘to register suitable organisations’, then the ‘other person’ in Section 127 – Protection from liability, could be defined to include members of organisations affiliated to emergency service organisations. |
REC244-2618 | 12 - EM agency and authority | SES be given a power ‘to register, subject to any conditions the Chief Officer SES considers appropriate, suitable organisations (such as Volunteer Marine Rescue Associations) as affiliated organisations of the State Emergency Service’. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC243-0842 | 36 - Volunteers | That the Government work with the volunteer community safety and emergency service providers to organise a comprehensive advertising campaign to promote the community and personal benefits of volunteering in the sector. |
REC243-0841 | 36 - Volunteers | That the Government consult broadly upon and review impediments to volunteering in the community and establish a taskforce to assist in removing barriers to volunteering, particularly with respect to: i harmonising the regime for reimbursement to community safety and emergency services volunteers for their out-of-pocket expenses; and ii reviewing the impact of work health and safety laws on the community safety and emergency service sector, particularly on the volunteer organisation. |
REC243-0840 | 36 - Volunteers | That with regard to volunteer community safety and emergency service organisations that do not own land where their facilities exist: i. the Government audit all such land and consider gifting or providing at reduced or peppercorn rental Government-owned land to an organisation (and specifically the Select Committee recommends gifting the Adelaide Shores land to Surf Life Saving South Australia); and ii. the Government consider providing rebates to Councils that do not feel morally able to impose full commercial rent on community safety and emergency service volunteer occupied land. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC242-2644 | 36 - Volunteers | That the Government work with the volunteer community safety and emergency service providers to organise a comprehensive advertising campaign to promote the community and personal benefits of volunteering in the sector. |
REC242-2645 | 36 - Volunteers | That the Government work with the Local Government Association to resolve questions of liability by volunteers who work for Councils, as raised with the Select Committee. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC241-0955 | 36 - Volunteers | That corporate support, such as administration and finance, to volunteer services be shared to enable a closer working relationship between the services. |
REC241-0959 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That Rural Fire Service Queensland District offices report directly to the Deputy Chief Officer. |
REC241-1006 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That Brigades’ financial contributions to groups must be voluntary and approved by a recorded minute at a meeting of that brigade. |
REC241-0964 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the position of Regional Manager Rural Operations be re-designated to Regional Co-ordinator in the North, Central and South-East regions to emphasise the supporting role the position will take. |
REC241-1019 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That a local committee consisting of Elders and community leaders be formed in remote and Indigenous communities to determine Brigade membership applications. |
REC241-0987 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That to assist the Rural Fire Service Queensland and other agencies in managing wildfire risk, a planning system for wildfire management be established in legislation that complements the existing disaster management arrangements. |
REC241-0958 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Rural Operations division currently sitting within the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service become an autonomous unit called Rural Fire Service Queensland and be led by a Deputy Chief Officer. Structure and Leadership of the Rural Fire Service |
REC241-1005 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That fire groups can only be formed through the agreement of all brigades that will become a part of that group, and the management and operational procedures of the group must be approved by the contributing brigades. Local District Inspectors are to provide mentoring and support when brigades form a group. |
REC241-0963 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That there be three (3) RFSQ regions in Queensland - North, Central and South-East. |
REC241-1014 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Rural Fire Service Queensland should engage a private provider offsite and outside the Government firewall to establish an email address for each Brigade and Fire Warden. The email address would reflect the Brigade name and Fire Warden district. E.g.: |
REC241-0986 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the founding principle of the Rural Fire Service, that Brigades are formed on the principle of neighbour helping neighbour to collectively manage fire events, remains on of the foundation of Rural Fire Service Queensland. |
REC241-1038 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That District Inspectors retain the discretion to allocate gratuity to Fire Wardens for out of pocket expenses if required. |
REC241-0957 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That a strong emphasis be placed on the establishment and recruitment of PCYC emergency cadets. |
REC241-0993 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That wherever possible, for future appointments of Fire Wardens, where that Wardens’ district is totally covered a by Rural Fire Brigade, consideration should be given that the appointed Fire Warden is a Rural Brigade Member. |
REC241-1040 | 36 - Volunteers | That RFSQ review local SAP function and delegation to enable effective and timely support for volunteers. |
REC241-0962 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That Rural Fire Service Queensland consider service delivery needs with a view to establishing boundary/ staff/budget changes according to State standards. |
REC241-1010 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That where a Brigade supports another community and this involves the use of any brigade equipment it shall be the decision of that brigade in relation to the deployment and use of their equipment and resources. |
REC241-0975 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That employee selection panels for field staff positions only comprise three members and include a Rural Fire Service Queensland representative, a Rural Fire Brigades Association of Queensland representative and one representative from the District Fire Management Group. |
REC241-1037 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That Rural Fire Service Queensland and its staff be exempt from the Travel Management System. The Travel Management System does not work in the rural fire operation areas as it is not flexible in the rapid escalation of wild fire events or cater for volunteering timeframes. It has been proven to be inefficient and costly. |
REC241-0953 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That a separate area of responsibility be established to provide independent oversight and monitor disaster readiness across all hazards. |
REC241-0990 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Membership of the District Fire Management Group is at the discretion of the Chair of the District Fire Management Group, however members must have the necessary expertise and experience for the role and membership should include where applicable, the District Inspector - Rural Fire Service Queensland, a representative of relevant local governments and representatives of agencies responsible for parks and wildlife, transport and main roads, forestry and natural resources among other appropriate representatives. |
REC241-1017 | 36 - Volunteers | That each District office establish and maintain a register of suitably qualified Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System trained volunteers who are prepared to undertake the management of operations and provide these to the District Fire Management Group. |
REC241-0961 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That staffing at Rural Fire Service Queensland District offices remain at current levels within establishment and, if needed, base staffing levels be increased. |
REC241-1008 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the colour of Rural Fire Service Queensland Brigade operational vehicles remain yellow and that they retain the Rural Fire Service Queensland logo. |
REC241-0972 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That Rural Fire Service Queensland designate a position of Lands Procurement Officer to support volunteers by project managing the acquisition of land for Brigade sheds and their construction where required. |
REC241-1021 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That Brigades that do not have a truck and are currently classified as Rural conduct a self-determination to ascertain if they wish to be reclassified as a Primary Producer Brigade. |
REC241-0952 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That an operational organisation be established comprising of three streams – a. urban fire service; b. rural fire service; and c. the state emergency service. Each of the three organisations will be led by a Deputy Chief Officer, reporting to a Chief Officer. |
REC241-0989 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the first tier comprise at least one District Fire Management Group in each Rural Fire Service Queensland District. The District Fire Management Group will be chaired by a person with the necessary expertise and experience, nominated by the community and appointed by Government. Chairs will hold the deciding vote in matters related to fire management at the local level. |
REC241-0978 | 36 - Volunteers | That in recognition of their commitment to the community volunteers employed by the State Government should be released to assist as volunteers for up to five (5) days per year in appropriately identified emergency operations. |
REC241-0960 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That Rural Fire Service Queensland District offices remain at least at their current number of 14, with consideration given by the Rural Fire Service Queensland to expanding the number of District offices by opening an office in the South Burnett, considering a new office in the southern Central Highlands, and the option of part time offices on a risk/need/growth basis, particularly in north-west Queensland. |
REC241-1007 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Rural Fire Service Queensland consider a less formal uniform which volunteers can better identify with, and that National rank markings be retained. |
REC241-0966 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That District offices be located in areas that enhance ease of access for out of town volunteers and the general public and also provide suitable parking, onsite storage and be suitable for operational use. |
REC241-1020 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That members of Village and Izone classified Brigades only be required to conduct a criminal history check when they first join a Brigade. Criminal history checks will no longer be required when a Member who has already undergone a criminal history check takes an office bearing role within a Brigade or changes Brigades. Criminal history checks are to still be conducted on Rural Fire Service volunteers undertaking interstate deployments. Members of other voluntary organisations in Queensland (e.g. State Emergency Service, Volunteer Marine Rescue) who wish to join the Rural Fire Service Queensland will not be required to undertake an additional criminal history check with an internal check to be conducted by the Department of Community Safety. |
REC241-0988 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the planning system is to have a two tiered structure comprising District Fire Management Groups and linking to the State Disaster Management Group. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC239-2734 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That a new Deputy Commissioner position be created to manage volunteer emergency services including the Rural Fire Service and the State Emergency Service. |
REC239-2672 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That Queensland Corrective Service conduct business analysis and planning to clearly identify its customers and its contribution to the Government’s priorities |
REC239-2751 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That collaboration on new initiatives such as the co-responder model in Cairns continue and if successful, initiatives should be considered for state wide or service wide adoption. |
REC239-2707 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Inspector General Emergency Management ensures that improvement strategies identified are acted upon and improvement strategies embedded within agencies as standard practice. |
REC239-2766 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Recommendation: |
REC239-2746 | 36 - Volunteers | That volunteers should be engaged to assist in determining what constitutes ‘fit for task’ and how that should be implemented. |
REC239-2656 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Queensland Ambulance Service is maintained as a state-wide service into the future. |
REC239-2719 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the current Queensland Fire and Rescue Service model of functional management be expanded, shifting line management responsibility for community safety operations and professional development from Regional Assistant Commissioners to the State Commanders. Regional Assistant Commissioners become responsible for operations and coordination of departmental support within geographic locations and report to the Deputy Commissioner operations. |
REC239-2733 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service reduce the number of communication centres to two, with one being a primary site and the other site providing redundancy and business continuity functionality. |
REC239-2670 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That prisoner transport and non-managerial roles within watch-houses should be a priority for contestability. |
REC239-2745 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Emergency Service Cadet Program take a full spectrum approach to emergency services |
REC239-2706 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The establishment, management, support and education of the State Emergency Service (SES) become the responsibility of a Deputy Commissioner, Fire and Emergency Services and this person should also be responsible for Rural Fire Service Queensland. |
REC239-2765 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Chief Executive Officer Portfolio Business promote innovation and drive cultural change in terms of business practice. |
REC239-2739 | 36 - Volunteers | That the Queensland Police Service and the Department of Community Safety develop intuitive, easily accessible systems that reduce the administrative burden on volunteers and their time. Greater exploitation of technology to deliver intuitive, simple and practical systems is required. |
REC239-2716 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the remainder of the current Emergency Management structure transition to the Commissioner, Fire and Emergency Services for further consideration regarding the most appropriate reporting alignment giving due consideration to existing capacity. This should be done in consultation with the Commissioner, the Queensland Police Service to ensure proper collaboration with the Queensland Police Service Disaster Management Unit staff. |
REC239-2731 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the CEO Portfolio Business and the Commissioner Queensland Fire and Rescue Service find a more appropriate method of accounting for part time and volunteer staff when considering the support required to raise, train and sustain this very large part of the workforce. |
REC239-2669 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That specific business cases should be developed for contestability of correctional services in Queensland, including: |
REC239-2744 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the revitalised PCYC Emergency Service Cadet Program continue to be supported by government. |
REC239-2698 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Deputy Commissioner, Operations (of the proposed new Department of Fire and Emergency Services) should be responsible for ensuring the readiness of the disaster operations system, including the State Disaster Coordination Centre, enabling seamless transition to police control when required. |
REC239-2738 | 36 - Volunteers | That the current employer and family recognition practices be reviewed with a view to meet the needs of volunteers, their families and their employers. |
REC239-2715 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Disaster Management Standards Branch element of Standards Improvement, transition to the Inspector General Emergency Management. |
REC239-2665 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That planning, especially for infrastructure, must take into account the service delivery model (e.g. the fact that prisoners have high level health needs). |
REC239-2730 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service actively progress initiatives for flexible employment including: |
REC239-2743 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That where practicable, the consideration for new or enhanced facilities include an assessment of the viability of creating a Rural Fire Service /SES common user facility. |
REC239-2680 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the fire service takes a broader view of its role as an emergency management organisation. |
REC239-2760 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That a suitably qualified Chief Information Officer with whole of portfolio responsibility is appointed to oversight corporate support and capability development |
REC239-2736 | 36 - Volunteers | That training for volunteers be reviewed to determine which courses require national standardisation. Organisational training should then address the remaining training needs. The review should take into account the risk exposure to government agencies if changes are to be made. |
REC239-2714 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the following units of Emergency Management Queensland transition to the control of the position of Deputy Commissioner Rural Fire Service Queensland and State Emergency Services: |
REC239-2663 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Commissioner of Queensland Corrective Service report directly to the Director-General the Department of Justice and Attorney-General. |
REC239-2722 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service should introduce alternative means of response to automatic alarms such as small first response investigative crews e.g. two fire–fighters in a sedan (not responding under lights and siren). |
REC239-2742 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the recommendations of The Malone Review in relation to Criminal History checks, so far as supported, by the Review team in this report be progressed inclusive of SES issues. |
REC239-2677 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That biometric tools be leveraged for other demands (e.g. bail reporting). |
REC239-2754 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Chief Executive Officer Portfolio Business should overhaul portfolio information and communication technology and appoint a Chief Information Officer with appropriate qualifications and significant industry experience as a first priority. |
REC239-2713 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the following units of Emergency Management Queensland transition to the control of the Deputy Commissioner of Regional Operations (Department of Fire and Emergency Services): |
REC239-2658 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Queensland Ambulance Service maintains its own identity to: |
REC239-2720 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That a reduced regional model for fire and emergency services be generally aligned to that of the Queensland Police Service with a district structure that accords with disaster districts. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC236-2797 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The committee recommends that all meetings between the ATSB and CASA, whether formal or informal, where particulars of a given investigation are being discussed be appropriately minuted. |
REC236-2790 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The committee recommends that an expert aviation safety panel be established to ensure quality control of ATSB investigation and reporting processes along the lines set out by the committee. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC228-1627 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Emergency Services Agency (ACT Rural Fire Service headquarters) should implement a system to provide assurance to the Chief Officer of the ACT Rural Fire Service that personnel and equipment readiness meets requirements. |
REC228-1626 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Emergency Services Agency and the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate should clarify the timing of the requirement for meeting firefighter fitness requirements, as set out in ACT Rural Fire Service operating procedures and the Territory and Municipal Directorate’s Enterprise Agreement, and give priority to meeting that requirement. |
REC228-1624 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Emergency Services Agency should: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC227-2856 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that BPC establish an onshore presence as recommended by Lieutenant Commander Livingstone. |
REC227-2854 | 12 - EM agency and authority | I recommend that the Christmas Island VMRS be given autonomy to maintain operational readiness for the VMRS rescue vessel(s) and an appropriate budget be provided to allow this to take place. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC226-0577 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | A system of vehicle tracking should be fitted to all fire appliances and linked to the common operating picture. Good communications planning is essential for good command and control. |
REC226-0552 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Communications planning for geographic regions with recognised black spots and specific communications challenges should be prepared in advance of an emergency in order to support the IMT Communications Planning Officer |
REC226-0592 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Decisions on evacuations need to be made early enough for people to be fully informed, prepared and to move to a place of greater safety. Failure to conduct good planning can create situations where loss of life can occur |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC225-0537 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Future coordination/support/control of integrated emergency management across all agencies in Albany needs to be merged and located in a single joint facility. This issue needs to be reviewed statewide. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC223-0520 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Department of Environment and Conservation review the utility of its current regional model in terms of the capability of operational centres such as Kirup to service major fire activity on land proximate to the rural urban area (this recommendation should also be considered in the context of Recommendation 5). |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC222-1851 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Ministers for Emergency Services, Environment and Police request their departments to place some of their staff and resources providing trauma-related services in regional Western Australia. |
REC222-1868 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority, Department of Environment and Conservation and Western Australia Police explore the usefulness of using retired staff as mentors or peer supporters, either directly employed or through a suitable nongovernment organisation. |
REC222-1854 | 36 - Volunteers | The Premier amend Clause 35 of the Public Sector Award 1992 so that State Government employees who volunteer to assist the Australian Red Cross during a disaster are not required to take personal or annual leave. |
REC222-1866 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The State’s emergency response agencies should offer exit interviews to all of their staff and volunteers and use the information they gather to improve their trauma management procedures. |
REC222-1860 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Police provide additional resources so that the Fire and Emergency Services Authority and the Western Australia Police can at least double their number of peer support officers, with an aim to increase the number in regional areas of the State. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC221-2860 | 19 - Offences | Housing should ensure it has sound systems, processes and controls in place that minimise the opportunity for fraud and gives it the best chance of detecting it by: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC215-1870 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Fire services can improve outcomes by using a pre-planned response to provide appropriate resources |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC210-0728 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Emergency Management Queensland, in consultation with councils, should develop a directive that makes clear the authority of an officer of that agency to command a major SES operation. This could be expected to occur when a deployment of additional SES members is made to a region because the response needed is beyond the capacity of its local units. The directive should make clear the powers of the officer and his or her reporting responsibilities to disaster managers in these circumstances. Emergency Management Queensland must also ensure that any officer who assumes such a role has adequate training and skills in the conduct of disaster operations. |
REC210-0725 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The fire service should ensure that station officers are familiar with the procedure for contacting management when requesting the calling in of additional staff; and, in particular, that they have available to them the names and current telephone numbers of the officers to be contacted in the first instance, with alternative contact details in the event that those officers prove unavailable. |
REC210-0731 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Emergency Management Queensland should ensure its staff, SES members and disaster managers are familiar with the directives it develops in relation to these matters. |
REC210-0681 | 19 - Offences | Councils and distributor-retailers should agree to protocols for the exchange of information about suspected illegal connections, the steps being taken to investigate them or the basis for concluding that no investigation is required, and the results of any investigations or enforcement actions. |
REC210-0730 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Emergency Management Queensland, in consultation with councils, should develop clear directives about: • the communication and reporting that should take place between the SES and disaster managers, including in relation to task allocation and completion, once disaster management groups have been activated • the communication and reporting that should take place between the SES and disaster managers, including in relation to task allocation and completion, once disaster management groups have been activated • the process for dealing with requests for assistance that exceed an SES unit’s capacity to respond them • the process for seeking extra support for an SES unit that has been overwhelmed by a disaster (whether by way of Emergency Management Queensland or the disaster management arrangements or both) • the role of SES liaison officers in communications with disaster managers about SES disaster operations • the role of incident controllers, and their teams, relative to those SES (or Emergency Management Queensland) personnel charged with the command of SES operations. |
REC210-0729 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Emergency Management Queensland should ensure its staff, SES members and disaster managers are familiar with the directive when it is developed. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC209-1664 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Review Bushfires NT brigade boundaries to increase the catchment for possible volunteers and maximise the availability and allocation of equipment. |
REC209-1676 | 19 - Offences | Increase the emphasis on the issuing of infringement notices to reinforce the responsibilities of landholder’s in the management of bushfires in the Territory. |
REC209-1663 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Review Bushfires CRC initiatives as the basis for the implementation of a recruitment drive in the Territory. |
REC209-1649 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Regular rotation of staff across other regions of the Territory to increase knowledge, skills and expertise that can be called upon to increase response effectiveness. |
REC209-1668 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Maintain DNRETAS as the lead agency for all aspects of Bushfires NT’s role and maintain Bushfires NT as the lead organisation for both fire prevention and fire fighting operations in its specified districts and zones. |
REC209-1665 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Develop a long term forecast of volunteer requirements, by region, and then review the adequacy of volunteer operational grants, equipment and facilities to meet this forecast. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC208-0525 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That the Office of Environment and Heritage amend its operating procedures for the Environment Line to ensure that there are clear obligations to pass on information relevant to other agencies, to those agencies in a timely manner. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC203-0295 | 12 - EM agency and authority | There would be benefit in progressively aligning the geographic boundaries of each of the agencies and seeking to co-locate their headquarters within those boundaries. |
REC203-0307 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | When people are being moved away from their homes it’s important that they move to a place of greater safety and that their movement is relatively assured. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC202-0509 | 36 - Volunteers | The Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Environment develop by December 2012 a Volunteer Charter that recognises the important work undertaken by the State’s volunteer bushfire and emergency services personnel. |
REC202-0508 | 36 - Volunteers | The Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Local Government review and report to Parliament by May 2012 on ways in which the State’s volunteer firefighters and rescue workers can be more effectively managed and valued. |
REC202-0505 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The Minister for Emergency Services makes it a priority that the annual budgets of FESA and WA Police are sufficient to bring forward the completion dates of the current radio projects now underway. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC201-0259 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | FESA seek legal and policing advice regarding the policy to leave residents who chose not to evacuate in a declared ‗dangerous area‘ after a bushfire. |
REC201-0252 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | FESA must actively manage the transition to WAERN and provide alternative means for regional crews to communicate when in areas where WAERN is not operated. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC200-0383 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The State Government restructure the Fire and Emergency Services Authority as a Department. 22 As part of this restructure, Emergency Management Western Australia should either be: 1. clearly separated from the fire and emergency services response function (see figure 2); or 2. moved to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (see figures 3 and 4) or 3. moved to the Attorney-General’s department (see figures 3 and 5). |
REC200-1714 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Hazard Management Agencies overseeing the response to incidents on the urban fringe select evacuation centres that are well within the urban environment and unlikely to be impacted by the incident. |
REC200-1713 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The Department for Child Protection, the Western Australian Police and the Fire and Emergency Services Authority develop improved arrangements for communicating the loss of home and possessions to persons gathered at evacuation centres with a view to increasing privacy. |
REC200-0374 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Hazard Management Agencies overseeing the response to incidents on the urban fringe select evacuation centres that are well within the urban environment and unlikely to be impacted by the incident. |
REC200-0389 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Fire and Emergency Services Authority and local governments ensure that Community Emergency Service Managers are physically based in local government. |
REC200-0372 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | FESA and local governments jointly review radio communications capability prior to the 2011/12 bushfire season with a view to improving the current delivery of service to firefighters. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC199-0422 | 36 - Volunteers | the state establish a process for volunteer community member accreditation to allow volunteers to provide flood information to the control agency during a flood event. This process should establish a base competency standard and provide appropriate emergency management and Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System training to accredited community volunteers. |
REC199-0458 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | the state ensure: • a common, functional and accessible system be introduced to enable effective Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre and Incident Control Centre communications • a regime of regular Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre exercising is introduced with oversight by an appropriate independent body. Such exercising should include testing of systems utilised for Incident Control Centre and Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre communications • those required to perform Emergency Management Liaison Officer roles have undertaken appropriate training; and • resource requesting arrangements are clarified and documented so that control and coordination functions do not overlap. |
REC199-0449 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | the state ensure that interoperable information management practices are developed and implemented by emergency management agencies. Common systems should be utilised to the fullest extent possible. |
REC199-0447 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | the state ensure that common and interoperable resource management systems are developed and implemented by emergency management agencies. Common systems should be utilised to the fullest extent possible. |
REC199-0446 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | the state commit to securing effective multi-agency interoperable communications as a high level priority and that all future communications projects and upgrades incorporate compliance provisions mandating interoperability requirements. |
REC199-0418 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | the state develop an efficient process to ensure that, during flood events, temporary construction of flood mitigation works, such as levees, is controlled so as not to unacceptably impact on flood intelligence. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC198-2901 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Fire Services Commissioner ensures that policy, operational procedures, systems and training relating to information and warnings that have been applied to bushfires are now also applied to other emergencies. In particular: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC197-1773 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA continue, in consultation with volunteers, paid personnel and their representatives, its review of disciplinary arrangements and as part of that review consider the concept of the establishment of a Volunteer Ombudsman. |
REC197-1738 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A. The CFA, in consultation with its volunteers and employees, determine and adopt a statement of Vision, Mission and Values. |
REC197-1742 | 36 - Volunteers | The CFA, in consultation with the VFBV and volunteers, develop initiatives and strategies that will maximise the involvement of young people as volunteers and their retention as volunteers. |
REC197-1759 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA continue its consultations with the UFU to establish a satisfactory and workable process for the use of sessional instructors. |
REC197-1772 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA, in relation to developing any process for brigade support or career structure or position description for Brigade Administrative Support Officers, as referred to in Clause 8 of the 2010 Deed, consult with the VFBV and volunteers before reaching any decision on those matters. |
REC197-1737 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A. The CFA, in consultation with employers and volunteers, explore the establishment of employer consultation and support mechanisms along the lines of those developed by the Australian Defence Force. |
REC197-1740 | 36 - Volunteers | The CFA, in consultation with the VFBV and volunteers, develop and introduce an arrangement whereby a volunteer can transfer from one brigade to another and still remain a member of the CFA, without the need to resign. |
REC197-1758 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA revisit with the UFU the arrangements contained in industrial agreements relating to the engagement of instructors with a view to increasing the ability and flexibility of the CFA to fill instructor positions and thereby ensure maximum training capacity to the benefit of CFA members, both volunteer and paid. |
REC197-1771 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA, in consultation with the VFBV and volunteers, develop a comprehensive strategy for the administrative support of volunteer brigades to ensure that such brigades can operate efficiently and effectively. |
REC197-1736 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA and the Chief Officer continue to develop the initiatives outlined in relation to service delivery and standards, decision‐making and allocation of resources. |
REC197-1739 | 36 - Volunteers | The CFA, in consultation with the VFBV and volunteers, develop a systemic exit strategy, which ensures that relevant information is captured consistently across all brigades. |
REC197-1746 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA revisit with the UFU the arrangements relating to the employment of part‐time and casual employees. |
REC197-1769 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA, in consultation with the VFBV and volunteers, explore and develop initiatives whereby qualified volunteers may be more utilised in Incident Management Teams. |
REC197-1735 | 36 - Volunteers | A. The CFA continue to explore and develop initiatives with modern information and communication technologies to maximise the benefits that they may bring to volunteer involvement in the CFA. |
REC197-1744 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA revisit with the UFU the arrangements relating to lateral entry and secondment. |
REC197-1770 | 36 - Volunteers | The CFA, in consultation with the VFBV and volunteers, review the arrangements for the reimbursement of volunteer expenses. This review could be done in conjunction with the review of possible reimbursement of employers of CFA volunteers as recommended in Recommendation 5. |
REC197-1766 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA as part of any examination of the utilisation of the NBN give priority to the establishment of internet access for brigades. |
REC197-1734 | 36 - Volunteers | A. Consideration be given to the VFBV being funded directly by Government rather than by the CFA. |
REC197-1743 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA revisit with the UFU the arrangement relating to the recruitment of volunteer firefighters as an employee. |
REC197-1745 | 36 - Volunteers | The CFA revisit with the UFU the arrangements relating to Community Education Firefighters/Fire Officers and the use of volunteers in this role. |
REC197-1760 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The CFA continue with its initiatives to implement the Garnock Report, keeping volunteers and paid personnel fully informed of progress and consulting with them in relation to the implementation. This implementation should be given priority, having regard to its importance. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC196-0235 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Consider the ‘secondment’ of staff into Information Section roles during the fire season along the lines of the seasonal Project Fire Fighters model |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC195-0322 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The Fire Services investigate the reported technical communication issues for this fire |
REC195-0320 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Fire Services continue working towards a common and integrated information and communication platform to improve interoperability at state, regional and local levels. |
REC195-0321 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The Fire Services move towards a common and more disciplined approach to fireground communications. |
REC195-0319 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The Fire Services introduce systems, procedures and operational training that promote information sharing and consistent situational awareness at every level, including to and from the fireground. This should include agencies such as police members on duty at roadblocks |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC191-0270 | 12 - EM agency and authority | that QFRS implement procedures to ensure that rural fire brigades receive written confirmation of the Commissioner’s approval after office bearer elections in compliance with section 81 of the Fire and Rescue Service Act 1990. |
REC191-0269 | 12 - EM agency and authority | that QFRS implement procedures to provide a clear grievance process which is available to rural fire brigade volunteers. |
REC191-0264 | 12 - EM agency and authority | that QFRS update its website to include the Rural Fire Service as part of its web presence. |
REC191-0263 | 12 - EM agency and authority | that QFRS investigate and implement an internal email system for rural fire brigades. |
REC191-0272 | 12 - EM agency and authority | that QFRS establish the position of Assistant Commissioner, Rural Fire Service to lead the proposed Rural Fire Service division within QFRS. |
REC191-0262 | 12 - EM agency and authority | that QFRS include consultation with rural fire brigades as mandatory when boundary changes are proposed. |
REC191-0271 | 12 - EM agency and authority | that QFRS should establish a Rural Fire Service division within QFRS with the aim of integrating and strengthening the relationship between the urban and rural fire services. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC183-0121 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A DEC fire management staff succession plan would minimise the loss of core fire management skills and experience in the future and provide a planned approach to development of prospective fire management staff. |
REC183-0106 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The DEC corporate statement should affirm a strong commitment to fire management. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC182-0130 | 12 - EM agency and authority | FESA identifies and documents its information requirements for end-to-end information exchange and then assess the adequacy of current systems to meet these information requirements. |
REC182-0128 | 12 - EM agency and authority | FESA establishes a process (and associated systems and policies) to mobilise staff to an incident, incorporating pre-formed multi-agency Incident Management Teams. The development of Incident Management Teams should align with the principles of seamless and integrated escalation of command and control arrangements, and be based on a whole of capability approach (people, organisations, systems, training, procedures etc.). |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC181-0151 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | The State revise its bushfire safety policy. While adopting the national Prepare. Act. Survive. framework in Victoria, the policy should do the following: ■ enhance the role of warnings—including providing for timely and informative advice about the predicted passage of a fire and the actions to be taken by people in areas potentially in its path; ■ emphasise that all fires are different in ways that require an awareness of fire conditions, local circumstances and personal capacity; ■ recognise that the heightened risk on the worst days demands a different response; ■ retain those elements of the existing bushfire policy that have proved effective; ■ strengthen the range of options available in the face of fire, including community refuges, bushfire shelters and evacuation; ■ ensure that local solutions are tailored and known to communities through local bushfire planning; ■ improve advice on the nature of fire and house defendability, taking account of broader landscape risks. |
REC181-0173 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The Country Fire Authority review and improve its communications strategy as a matter of priority and develop a program for identifying and responding to black spots in radio coverage. |
REC181-0154 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | The State introduce a comprehensive approach to shelter options that includes the following: ■ developing standards for community refuges as a matter of priority and replacing the 2005 Fire Refuges in Victoria: Policy and Practice; ■ designating community refuges—particularly in areas of very high risk—where other bushfire safety options are limited; ■ working with municipal councils to ensure that appropriate criteria are used for bushfire shelters, so that people are not discouraged from using a bushfire shelter if there is no better option available; ■ acknowledging personal shelters around their homes as a fallback option for individuals. |
REC181-0155 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | The State introduce a comprehensive approach to evacuation, so that this option is planned, considered and implemented when it is likely to offer a higher level of protection than other contingency options. The approach should: ■ encourage individuals—especially vulnerable people—to relocate early; ■ include consideration of plans for assisted evacuation of vulnerable people; ■ include consideration of plans for assisted evacuation of vulnerable people. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC179-2982 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Department of Human Services should base targets for staff in emergency roles on regional needs and develop a staff deployment strategy. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC177-3336 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Achievement and maintenance of well control should be written into the job responsibilities of key personnel, at every level up to and including CEOs. That is, a functional line of accountability for well control must exist up to, and including, CEOs. |
REC177-3338 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Licensees and rig operators should be astute in ensuring that corporate systems and culture encourage rather than discourage raising of well control issues. For instance, do performance bonuses or rewards actually encourage or discourage reporting of issues? Is there a system in place to enable anonymous reporting of well control concerns? What whistleblower protections are in place? |
REC177-3337 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Supervision/oversight of well control operations (within licensees, rig operators and by regulators) must occur without assuming adherence to good oilfield practice. The opposite assumption should prevail: namely adherence to good oilfield practice may well be compromised by the pursuit of time and cost savings. |
REC177-3336 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Achievement and maintenance of well control should be written into the job responsibilities of key personnel, at every level up to and including CEOs. That is, a functional line of accountability for well control must exist up to, and including, CEOs. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC173-0105 | 19 - Offences | That the Department of the Attorney General, in consultation with FESA and Western Australia Police (WAPOL), consider options for legislative amendments to extend criminal liability to all damage, injury or death directly caused by arson. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC172-0043 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | There needs to be a system that allows laptop computers brought to an incident to be configured at the start of the season and allow them to be easily activated to the correct configuration when they arrive at the incident. |
REC172-0020 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The role of ‘BFB Task Force Liaison’ be defined and appropriately trained personnel be provided by the HMA (possibly from support brigades) to facilitate brigade movements on and off the fire ground. |
REC172-0024 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Transport plans for BFB resources should be prepared by the Ground Support Unit in close liaison with FESA who will liaise with the home jurisdictions of the brigades. Moving personnel whilst leaving the equipment at the fire ground staging areas is preferred to moving equipment in and out with every shift. |
REC172-0042 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | Portable, reliable mobile repeaters are required to provide radio communications into areas not covered by existing repeater networks. These repeaters need the capacity to be linked. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC170-0057 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | SEMC and EM WA should: ensure that agencies have a common or compatible crisis information management system in place |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC166-3003 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Tasmania Fire Service provide additional training in power disconnection and improvements in communication between Tasmania Fire Service and Aurora: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC165-0090 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The SDMG lead an initiative to integrate and/or inter-connect all of the control centres involved at all levels of the Disaster Management system in Queensland as part of the project to integrate State communications. |
REC165-0095 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | Planning and consultation be undertaken by EMQ with all levels of the Disaster Management system to ensure that necessary risk-based disaster evacuation plans are prepared at Local, District and State levels, supported by necessary community education and preparedness programs. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC163-1934 | 19 - Offences | The prescribed penalty notice penalty amount for section 100(2) of the Rural Fires Act 1997 be increased to $1,100. |
REC163-1941 | 19 - Offences | A working group be established to consider methods of preventing criminal firestarting. |
REC163-1938 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That appropriate officers of the Rural Fire Service be granted the same powers as granted to officers of NSW Fire Brigades under section 19 of the Fire Brigades Act 1989. |
REC163-1940 | 19 - Offences | That legislation be prepared by the Criminal Law Review Division of the Attorney General’s Department allowing designated officers of the Rural Fire Service to apply for a warrant in certain circumstances. |
REC163-1937 | 19 - Offences | That the Attorney General’s Department’s Crime Prevention Division consider the causes of, and any solution to, the high number of juveniles involved in causing bushfires. |
REC163-1936 | 19 - Offences | The prescribed penalty notice penalty amount for section 66(7) of the Rural Fires Act 1997 be increased to $1,100. |
REC163-1935 | 19 - Offences | The prescribed penalty notice penalty amount for section 99(6) of the Rural Fires Act 1997 be increased to $1,100. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC161-3034 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority critically review its regulatory manning levels based on its current workload and the recommendations for additional areas of focus and increased auditing presented in this Report. To meet these requirements, we estimate that National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority requires up to 50 inspectors in total plus associated support staff to bring overall staffing from about 55 to 75. RET should help facilitate the necessary ongoing levy funding in consultation with industry. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC159-3048 | 12 - EM agency and authority | ACTAS should enhance its approach to risk management by: |
REC159-3046 | 12 - EM agency and authority | ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) should revise its Business Plan to address key priorities and activities for each key service delivery function. This would include clearer expected outputs to be delivered annually and their prioritisation. |
REC159-3054 | 12 - EM agency and authority | ACTAS should improve systems to manage its non-emergency transport services, provide training and guidance to staff on use of these systems, and implement a quality assurance process. |
REC159-3052 | 12 - EM agency and authority | ACTAS should develop and implement as a matter of priority, appropriate strategies to address declining response times. |
REC159-3049 | 12 - EM agency and authority | ACTAS should enhance its approach to demand modelling in order to better guide current and future ambulance resourcing by: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC158-3443 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That emergency services increase their capability/capacity to respond to marine emergencies by undertaking the necessary training, increasing their awareness of port and ship operations and ensuring knowledge of the roles/responsibilities of the relevant authorities and stakeholders. |
REC158-3442 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That emergency services continue to take the lead role in marine emergencies and operate under their respective legislation, the Emergency Management Act and the State’s emergency management arrangements. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC156-3512 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Emergency Services Organisations and relevant agencies ensure that the operation of the Emergency Management Joint Public Information Committee is included in their resourcing and operational planning. |
REC156-3488 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Department of Primary Industries should establish a senior emergency management position to strengthen the Department’s role in emergency management. This position should be the interface between private sector energy providers and whole of government response entities, with the objectives of better coordination of data and information, including the flow through to CGRC and clearer media management functions. The transition of roles from previous arrangements at the Department of Infrastructure to the Department of Primary Industries, be reinforced to all staff and the sector. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC153-1802 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the South Australian Country Fire Service create as part of a Level 2 and 3 Incident Management Team Logistics Division an Officer whose function it is to seek out, locate and identify sources of water, be they on land or provided by carrier. |
REC153-1801 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the South Australian Country Fire Service identify and impart minimum skills and competencies to members who fulfil the roles of the four core AIIMS functionaries of a Level 2 Incident Management Team. |
REC153-1800 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the South Australian Country Fire Service utilise wherever possible the skills of paid, professional staff to perform the roles of Incident Controller and/or Planning Officer in Level 2 Incident Management Teams. |
REC153-1783 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That South Australian Country Fire Service create and develop the role of a Regional Public Warnings Officer as a member of the paid staff of the SACFS whose role it would be to identify the need for, and to deliver, timely bushfire warnings to the public during the course of a bushfire incident. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC152-3402 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Paid administrative support at the Brigade/Local level |
REC152-3406 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Engendering strong working relationships between volunteers and paid staff within the Emergency Services Sector |
REC152-3404 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Reduce the number of hours per month attending meetings |
REC152-3403 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The development of a more efficient, user-friendly website |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC151-3099 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The selection procedures in the Regulations for SACFS officer positions be reviewed in terms of ensuring that appropriate skills and experience are considered. |
REC151-3067 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Fresh consideration be given to the title of Commissioner of Fire and Emergencies so as to ensure it does not give the impression that it is operationally superior to the Chief Officers of the emergency service agencies. |
REC151-3098 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Nominations for candidates for SACFS group elections be received both by written nomination and by oral nomination. |
REC151-3066 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Accountability for matters of policy, strategy and resource allocation for the emergency services sector, currently the province of the Board, be given to the position created in Recommendation 3 above. |
REC151-3083 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Provisions remain in the FES Act relating to the emergency service organisations being separate legal entities. |
REC151-3092 | 19 - Offences | Expiation fees be reviewed so as to be consistent with the seriousness of the offences. |
REC151-3080 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The United Firefighters Union of Australia – SA Branch (UFU) be given full voting rights on the Advisory Board. |
REC151-3078 | 12 - EM agency and authority | All members of the proposed reconstituted SAFECOM Board be given full voting rights. |
REC151-3109 | 36 - Volunteers | As a matter of priority, SAFECOM examine what further measures can be taken to provide support and protection for volunteers as potential witnesses in public enquiries. |
REC151-3077 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The presiding member of the Advisory Board appointed under Section 18(4) be also appointed as a member of the SAFECOM Board. |
REC151-3108 | 36 - Volunteers | Liability and immunity as these provisions apply in Section 127 be reassessed in terms of burden of proof so as to ensure the best protection for volunteers. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC150-3117 | 12 - EM agency and authority | QFRS ensure compliance with the brigade accountability requirements for funding received by rural fire brigades as specified in the Rural Fire Brigade Manual |
REC150-3123 | 12 - EM agency and authority | QFRS determine the performance information needed to support effective decision making . |
REC150-3116 | 12 - EM agency and authority | QFRS implement a brigade issues management process to capture, manage and report specific brigade issues. |
REC150-3121 | 12 - EM agency and authority | QFRS utilise performance information on brigade activity as a factor in determining brigade resource and funding needs. |
REC150-3114 | 12 - EM agency and authority | QFRS implement a process to review brigade plans and incorporate specific issues identified into forward planning at the area and regional levels. |
REC150-3120 | 12 - EM agency and authority | QFRS provide assistance to brigades in determining and budgeting for their resource needs. |
REC150-3113 | 12 - EM agency and authority | QFRS provide guidance and support to rural fire brigades in the development of their one year operational plan and three year management plan. |
REC150-3119 | 12 - EM agency and authority | QFRS implement a system to collate and analyse brigade funding information. |
REC150-3112 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) implement a forward planning process specific to rural fire management as part of the QFRS strategic planning process, which involves regional and area offices and incorporates: |
REC150-3118 | 12 - EM agency and authority | QFRS review the financial accountability and audit requirements of the rural fire brigades to reflect their status as part of QFRS. |
REC150-3124 | 12 - EM agency and authority | QFRS establish a suitable process to reliably capture that information. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC149-3142 | 19 - Offences | NOPSA should use encouragement as the primary tool of enforcing compliance provided willingness to improve is exhibited by the players. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC148-3177 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the officer responsible for the importation of horses ensure that: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC147-3188 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The ANAO recommends that EMA maintain the Internet site to ensure that material is appropriate, current and readily accessible for users. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC144-3400 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that each element of the Emergency Services Agency publish organisation charts showing names, positions and contact details on the individual webpages. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC143-3587 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The secondment of a resource person(s) to an affected local authority to support the work of that authority in its response to a natural disaster be effected. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC140-3566 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Launceston General and Burnie Hospital’s Emergency Departments require sufficient equipment, monitors and human resources to provide occasional safe local retrieval in their region. |
REC140-3562 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A rapidly responsive helicopter and road retrieval capability to be developed out of RHH. |
REC140-3557 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Royal Flying Doctor Service fixed wing to remain in Launceston for the duration of the current contract. |
REC140-3571 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A senior, experienced, clinically trained ambulance officer to be based in TAS Communications in Hobart for at least 14 hours a day. |
REC140-3570 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The fragmentation and duplication of fixed wing and helicopter clinical coordination should be eliminated through centralisation to TAS Communications. |
REC140-3569 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A senior Tasmanian NETS representative be confirmed on the Tasmanian Medical Retrieval Services Committee. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC132-3596 | 12 - EM agency and authority | CSC investigating possible change of location when contract for current location at Wendouree expires in 2008. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC128-3611 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Department of Primary Industries should endeavour to improve its knowledge and skills base in the pig industry by recruiting a specialist pig industry liaison officer. |
REC128-3612 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Department of Primary Industries should ensure that it retains the services of a specialist poultry industry liaison officer in the future. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC126-1961 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That the Emergency Services Agency review the communications systems used by the four services (the ACT Ambulance Service, the ACT Rural Fire Service, the ACT State Emergency Service and the ACT Fire Brigade), by the Australian Federal Police, by NSW emergency services and by aircraft and ensure the systems are compatible |
REC126-1995 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Emergency Services Agency staff the Media Unit within its planning Section with profesisonal, experienced information officers skilled in dissemination of information and media management and liaison |
REC126-1963 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That priority be given to ensuring that the ACT has an adequate resource of remote area firefighting teams consisting of personnel with high levels of fitness and training in remote fire suppression |
REC126-1987 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That measures be taken to ensure that ACT and NSW Rural Fire Service radio communications systems are integrated, so that ACT and NSW firefighting units can communicate with each other |
REC126-1949 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Emergency Services Agency be relocated into accommodation that is purpose-built and more sited to the agency’s operations than the current facility at Curtin |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC125-3900 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That agencies integrate condition information into their asset management decision-making practices and use it as the basis for validating asset valuations and depreciation calculations. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC121-3700 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The RailCorp defects unit should be combined with the passenger fleet maintenance division of RailCorp. |
REC121-3689 | 12 - EM agency and authority | All RMC communications related staff should be selected upon the basis of the ability to convey information clearly, accurately and concisely and to follow strict communications protocols. |
REC121-3658 | 12 - EM agency and authority | All emergency services stations should be provided with access keys to, and maps showing, all gates providing access to RailCorp tracks within their geographic area of responsibility. |
REC121-3766 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Staffing arrangements for ITSRR should be reviewed by it to ensure that adequate staff are employed in field positions, actively monitoring the safety of rail operations and compliance with conditions of accreditation. |
REC121-3752 | 12 - EM agency and authority | RailCorp should establish clear safety accountability statements and reporting lines for all management positions. |
REC121-3708 | 12 - EM agency and authority | RailCorp should employ a Chief Safety Information Officer to manage the collection, collation, and dissemination of safety information within RailCorp. |
REC121-3742 | 19 - Offences | The risk of abuse of internal passenger emergency door releases should be further reduced by introducing significant penalties for any improper use of such an emergency facility. It should be a criminal offence for anyone to use or tamper improperly with an emergency escape facility in a train. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC112-3923 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That DPI negotiates access, as and when required, to an AQIS PC4- accredited laboratory. |
REC112-3917 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That DPI improves monitoring and surveillance of high priority threats and improves the quality of information provided to the Commonwealth. |
REC112-3915 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That DPI makes arrangements to use contract labour for fruit fly trap monitoring and surveillance before the predicted fruit fly outbreak season. |
REC112-3914 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That DPI develops a consistent approach to recording and enforcing breaches of the certification and verification system. |
REC112-3909 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That PSB’s enforcement procedures are consistent with those of the rest of the department. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC104-2326 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That, as a matter of urgency, CFA and DSE: |
REC104-2274 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | That when Incident Management Teams implement significant changes to objectives and strategies, these are effectively communicated to firefighters, fire ground supervisors and affected communities, and are incorporated into the broader organisational planning. |
REC104-2248 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That Incident Control Centres and Municipal Emergency Co-ordination Centres be collocated, wherever practicable. |
REC104-2251 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That Victoria Police ensure all police members understand the Victorian legislation in relation to evacuation, and that any decision to recommend evacuation remains with the Incident Controller. |
REC104-2237 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That CFA continues to work with its Brigades to complete the integration of AIIMS-ICS with the Group Structure for full implementation by the 2004-2005 fire season. |
REC104-2203 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | That CFA further develops the information supporting the decision to stay or go, to incorporate a better understanding of both the likely consequences of leaving home at inappropriate times, and the conditions and |
REC104-2234 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the fire agencies develop contingency plans in relation to access to water for firefighting, including where appropriate, the use of static, large volume water tanks. |
REC104-2328 | 36 - Volunteers | That CFA, VICSES and other volunteer-based emergency service organisations develop proposals in support of the strategies for sustainable volunteerism, and that the State Government advocate these initiatives to the Federal Government. |
REC104-2334 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That the Fire Management Branch of DSE be prescribed as an ‘emergency service agency’ for the purposes of s21C (1)(a) of the Emergency Management Act 1986. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC098-2140 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth seeks to ensure that the Council of Australian Governments implements arrangements in which greater flexibility is devolved to local brigade captains in the |
REC098-2173 | 36 - Volunteers | The Committee suggests that registered volunteer fire fighters be exempt from paying Fire Levy tax to help offset some of the expense they incur during active duty. The exemption could be for a period of 12 months |
REC098-2156 | 36 - Volunteers | The Committee recommends that: |
REC098-2165 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The Committee recommends that Emergency Management Australia and the Australian Communications Authority work with state and territory bush fire authorities to ensure that that district communication plans |
REC098-2164 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The Committee recommends that: |
REC098-2153 | 7 - Inter-agency communication | The Committee recommends that the state and territory bushfire agencies ensure that, on a district basis, communications are addressed within the district operations plans and that the plans are capable of easy adoption to incident action plans. |
REC098-2181 | 11 - Evacuation and shelters | The Committee recommends that the Australasian Fire Authorities Council’s suggested evacuation protocol be adopted by all of the Australian States and Territories. |
REC098-2150 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth seeks to ensure that the proposed Council of Australian Governments review of the bushfire management initiate with the states, as a priority, a review of the |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC061-3245 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that collocation shall occur unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Minister that it is inappropriate. |
REC061-3411 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that collocation shall occur unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Minister that it is inappropriate. |
REC061-3243 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that one standard model of fire cover be developed for Victoria as a matter of urgency. |
REC061-3409 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that one standard model of fire cover be developed for Victoria as a matter of urgency. |
REC061-3241 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that the Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board continue to exist. |
REC061-3407 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that the Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board continue to exist. |
REC061-3256 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that a new Board be appointed, consisting of nine members nominated by the Minister for Police and Emergency Services and including the Chief Executive Officer who shall not be Chairman. |
REC061-3421 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that a new Board be appointed, consisting of nine members nominated by the Minister for Police and Emergency Services and including the Chief Executive Officer who shall not be Chairman. |
REC061-3255 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that the Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board remain a statutory authority. |
REC061-3420 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that the Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board remain a statutory authority. |
REC061-3254 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that: |
REC061-3419 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Committee recommends that: |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC037-4162 | 12 - EM agency and authority | There be a close integration of the responsibilities of the Minister under the State Disasters Act and the State Disaster Plan, thereby strengthening overall counter—disaster management, direction and control. To this end, the organisational arrangements shown in Annexures “J” and “K” should be adopted. The main features of these are: |
REC037-4163 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Effective planning, organisational and training capability be maintained at regional level and developed, as appropriate, for the future. [Reference paragraphs: 260 to 261] |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC019-4147 | 12 - EM agency and authority | All local authorities form advisory committees of persons from bush fire brigades and of bush fire control officers to plan co-operation in effort and co-ordination between brigades, to group brigades under brigade group officers and to advise the local authority upon all matters of fire control, including the planning of the district firebreak layout and prosecuting for breaches of the Bush Fires Act. |
REC019-4134 | 12 - EM agency and authority | All members of the Board be selected for their interest in and experience and knowledge of matters directly associated with bush fire control and not merely as representatives of particular organisations, that the Chairman of the Board be appointed by the Governor instead of being an ex officio appointment of another forester, a member of the timber industry, a police officer and a person with a sound knowledge of weather and its effect upon fire behaviour. |
REC019-4141 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The relative seniority of bush fire control officers be determined with a view to appointing group leaders as chief bush fire control officers. The Shire Clerk should generally be a liaison bush fire control officer rather than a chief fire control officer. |
REC019-4159 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The State Emergency Service be used to meet any additional needs but that as far as possible, requests for assistance be directed in the first instance to the Bush Fires Board or at least referred to that Board by the State Emergency Service for advice before action is taken. |
REC019-4140 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Local authorities select bush fire control officers for their knowledge and experience of bush fires and their qualities of leadership and that as far as practicable, they be captains of bush fire brigades so that the person issuing the permit to burn has the responsibility of extinguishing the fire if it escapes. |
REC019-4155 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The management of all National Parks in the State be concentrated under one authority to ensure co-ordination in administration and protective measures. |
REC019-4138 | 12 - EM agency and authority | That care be exercised in recommending the application of emergency bush fire periods so that they will not be applied to districts where their application is unnecessary. |
REC019-4154 | 12 - EM agency and authority | A committee be formed and provided with the finance necessary to enable it to supplement the activities of the local bush fire brigades in districts in the far south-west of the State where ratable values are particularly low and the proportion of Crown lands high, and that the Forests Department be authorised to give approval for control burning of Crown lands throughout the State by bushfire brigades within two miles of a State Forest and that outside this distance the Bush Fires Board through its wardens have similar authority. |
REC019-4137 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Before the bush fire season starts, the Minister on the recommendation of the Board nominate a person and a deputy person who will be instructed to take charge of fire fighting operations in each district should a dangerous fire occur and render such an appointment advisable. |
REC019-4139 | 19 - Offences | Local authorities prosecute in all cases of deliberate breaches of the provisions of the Bush Fires Act and thay failing this the Bush Fires Board take appropriate action to initiate such prosecutions. |
REC019-4150 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Forests Department direct more staff to the planning and co-ordination of its bush fire control organisation so that emergency conditions can be met immediately by ample reserves of labour and equipment and that co-ordination between the Department, the local authority, sawmills and other sources of man-power and equipment in and around forestry districts is as complete as possible. This particularly includes co-operative protective burning around the boundaries of forest areas. |
REC019-4135 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Bush Fires Board appoint a Standing Committee of about six of its members, all of whom are likely to be available at any time during the bush fire season to meet and take executive action as necessary. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC016_3946 | 12 - EM agency and authority | It is recommended that it [The Fire Brigade] endeavour and be encouraged to add to its reserve of members, and that the reserves be fully and efficiently trained. Should fire on a wide, unbroken front attack the town, the brigade, if limited to its present numbers, could not be expected to be able to save the town. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC015_3961 | 12 - EM agency and authority | It is recommended that each forestry officer should be stationed in one district for as long a time as is practicable consistent with justice to the officer. |
REC015_3958 | 12 - EM agency and authority | It is recommended that all members of the police force, members of brigades, municipal engineers and forest officers should be appointed as wardens. |
REC015_3957 | 12 - EM agency and authority | It is recommended that the functions of this authority should be primarily those of defining a general policy of prevention and suppression of bush fires and protection of life and property; of organizing and recruiting local brigades; of maintaining discipline of local brigades and over local fire authorities; and of acting independently, with or without such advice as it may care to take. |
REC015_3955 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The institution of a State Fire Authority is recommended. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC013_3971 | 12 - EM agency and authority | To elect necessary officers. |
REC013_3970 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Board may, at any time, require the Bush Fire Committees to report on the condition of their fire-fighting equipment, and on any other matter, which in their opinion, will tend to greater efficiency in their operations. |
REC013_3966 | 12 - EM agency and authority | Each member of the Board to act in an honorary capacity. |
REC013_3983 | 19 - Offences | To prohibit persons throwing lighted cigarettes, cigars and tobacco among any straw, stubble, grass or herbage during the months of September to March in any Bush Fire area, under a penalty not exceeding $10. |
REC013_3965 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Minister to have power to make regulations for the purpose of all proceedings of the Board, including the summoning and attendance of members, and the enforcement of orders of the Board. |
REC013_3982 | 19 - Offences | To prohibit persons taking into a harvest field or through any grass or bush lands any motor, tractor, harvester, &c., which is not supplied with an approved fire extinguisher or without the exhaust being properly fitted and protected, under a penalty not exceeding $50. |
REC013_3964 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The Board shall consist of a Chairman and four other members, one member to be nominated each by the Graziers', Farmers and Settlers' and Agricultural Bureau Associations, one by the Fire Underwriters' Association, and one by the Government. |
REC013_3963 | 12 - EM agency and authority | The establishment of a Board, to be called "The Bush Fires Control Board" which shall operate in conjunction with the shire councils in connection with the prevention of bush fires and control of bush-fire organisations. |
Rec-ID | Code | Recommendation |
REC004-3998 | 19 - Offences | That a by-law be made forbidding, under a heavy penalty, any persons travelling in such trains to throw lighted tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, pipe ashes, matches, or other inflammable matter on the railway line or right-of-way, or in any part of a railway carriage except the receptacles duly provided for the purpose. |